Update for SketchUp 2015 Released.
SketchUp Pro 2015 and SketchUp Make 2015 - Maintenance Release 2
@unknownuser said:
Released: December 18, 2014
15.2.685 - Windows 64-bit
15.2.687 - Windows 32-bit
15.2.686 - OS X 64-bitSketchUp Release Notes
Fixed a crash that occurred at program startup on some computers. Fixed a crash that could occur while exporting certain complex models. Fixed a crash that could occur when changing the number of segments in a circle or polygon. Fixed an issue that caused SketchUp Make to launch with a “SketchUp Pro is expired” dialog on some computers. Fixed an issue where escaping from the Classifier tool resulted in no tool being active. Added all currently supported IFC export Types to the IFC exporter Options dialog. Fixed an issue where certain labels on the Welcome dialog could temporarily be blank after entering a license. Mac: fixed an issue where SketchUp could lag when switching from a document that has lots of scenes to a different document with few or no scenes.
LayOut Release Notes
Windows: fixed an issue where the gray text could go missing in the label attribute picker. Fixed the issue that was causing the left align button icon to include the tool text when dragged to a toolbar (customizing toolbars). Windows: fixed a rare crash in LayOut that would occur during the close process. Fixed a rare crash due to a problem within the text inspector when LayOut launches.
Will this update turn my installation into an "out of the box" install? Forcing me to redo all my toolbars and reload plugins?
windows 7 pro , su 2015 pro -
Provided you install it as an update your set up, plugins, toolbars etc should be safe.
Obviously if you were to uninstall and then reinstall, it will be brand-new... -
Just to be clear, Upon starting sketchup this morning the new version available box popped up.
I said go ahead update.
Brought me to download page.
downloaded .exe file
If I launch that downloaded execute file will it overwrite my installation or update it?
It will go through the whole installation process like new, and when you open SU it will open the same template you last used your toolbars and everything will be as they were.
It updates. -
Thank you...I will hold breath and pull the trigger...
exhaaaaaaallllle ...Worked great, thanks.
OK, Sketchup indicates there is an update. However, I can't seem to find where to get this update.
From Sketchup, I choose, download now, Sketchup closes, and nothing else happens.
I go to the site, it shows the new release, however, there is no download available.
So what's happening?
When you click update it should close Sketchup and open your browser at the download page.
There you select the download you need. Pro or Make mac or pc french or martian etc etcThe download page is here
and it should look like this.
Yep, that what I remember from other updates. However, it did not happen. Note, your link works. So thanks for the help.
Yikes Ken!
That is disturbing that you are not being sent to the download all page when you click on Download Now. When you do that, SketchUp should be popping up the download all page in your default web browser. What is your OS and browser?
Is anyone else seeing this behavior?
Tyler -
Attached is my widows version. My default browser is Chrome. Note, this combination has worked for the last couple of years.
Another note: I had this version of windows for a couple of years, and 5 days ago, I started getting the pop-up, that I am not running Genuine Windows. Trying to figure out what this is all about, as I did register my Window 7 upgrade when I upgraded a couple of years ago. And my computer indicates that my Window software is activated. So right now, I may have other problems
However, thanks for the quick reply.
I have now upgrade Sketchup, so back to work I am.
For those of you looking for it, This release doesn't fix the windows crashing thumbnail problem.
I missed Maintenance 1. Should I download that first or can I just get M2?
Just go straight to M2.
Please fix Windows Explorer crashes!
Gah. Thought this would fix the explorer preview crash bug. Hopefully it won't be too long before a fix for that.
So they want me to pay $145 to upgrade from 2014 to 2015 when all they've done is fix bugs! pretty uncool IMO.
@john sayers said:
So they want me to pay $145 to upgrade from 2014 to 2015 when all they've done is fix bugs! pretty uncool IMO.
SU 2015 may not have many new features but it is 64 bit which is a big thing for stability when working with heavy models.
I've imported a whole Revit model of a hospital without issues. Something that wouldn't have been possible with previous versions. -
Thanks for that INFO.