[Plugin] Layers Panel 1.2.1
@derei said:
Or at least, if you are not willing to, maybe someone else would take it to continue, if you will agree on that. Is so bad that an advanced layers manager goes to die.
The source is on GitHub, anyone can fork the project and push updates. I'd be glad to release them.
GitHub - thomas-hauchecorne/Layers-Panel
Contribute to thomas-hauchecorne/Layers-Panel development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub (github.com)
I have a suspicion that Layers Panel is messing up with Scene settings. It won't keep the hidden/visible layers as set and something (couldn't figure what) makes certain scenes (the activated one) to update with the setting on that particular moment.
Eg: - i set some hidden/visible layers to a scene, then I update it. If I change something after that (add layer, hide layers, show more layers, etc), I will end up with a messed-up scene that won't keep the settings that i did to it in the first time.
This just renders the plugin mostly unusable.
Did this happened to others?
Have just dealt with this exact issue although I wouldn't say that it renders the plugin unuseable.
I simply scan through the scenes (50+ in current model) selecting/deselcting appropriate layers and updating the scenes as I go - takes a few minutes to overcome
You've done a pretty impressive job IMO
The ruby-side of the whole layers system is just a mess. It's really difficult, if not impossible, to keep track of everything. What the user does, what he expects to happen, what Layers Panel should do, and how. Some stuff is not even possible, for other stuff I had to use really dirty workaround.
You just ran into one of these. Nothing in the ruby API is planned to keep track of when a scene is updated.I'm aware of this issue, but I never found a better way to do it.
I know Layers Panel has problems, but the reason why I stopped pushing it forward is because the ruby API is not meant for this.
Frankly, if I knew in what I was diving into, I probably would never have started this project.
And that's why working on Skatter is so rewarding : It's a whole new tool, it's not built on some existing Sketchup system, I don't have to keep track of user actions outside the tool, etc. So it's much more stable and easy to develop.EDIT : You can see the original strugle on this : http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=180%26amp;t=54473
I would like to use this plugin but it tells me I have the wrong SU version (SU 2015). Is there anything I can do to make it like my version?
Layers panel is not maintained anymore.
It is now open-source, anyone can contribute and update it, or even make it better and sell it if you want.
Here is the repo : https://github.com/jiminy-billy-bob/Layers-PanelAs a result, I'm not responding to bug or feature requests anymore. You can still post them, in case another developer might want to fix/add them.
@derei said:
I have a suspicion that Layers Panel is messing up with Scene settings. It won't keep the hidden/visible layers as set and something (couldn't figure what) makes certain scenes (the activated one) to update with the setting on that particular moment.
Eg: - i set some hidden/visible layers to a scene, then I update it. If I change something after that (add layer, hide layers, show more layers, etc), I will end up with a messed-up scene that won't keep the settings that i did to it in the first time.
This just renders the plugin mostly unusable.
Did this happened to others?
You have to go to settings and untick the "update active scene" button.
Actually if you go to the first posts on the topic you'll see it was a feature that Jiminy fixed and removed, but I complained that it was very handy so we could adjust scenes layers...
Thank you jiminy-billy-bob for this genius plug-in, i wonder if there is possibilty to add mitsuba renderer engine to existing render engines
sorry Im new in sketch up . I have a question ,when i install Layers Panel 1.2.1 in sketch up 2016 and got problem like this it not show true panel how to solve it ,Please help me
I have always used Layers Panel without much trouble. Until now. Perhaps it has to do with some incompatibility to SU 2016. the fact is: icannot seem to get the main panel to appear on my screen. the layer states panel shows up but the main one does not. I have reinstalled it twice but the behavior is the same.
any ideas? thanks.
@edson said:
I have always used Layers Panel without much trouble. Until now. Perhaps it has to do with some incompatibility to SU 2016. the fact is: icannot seem to get the main panel to appear on my screen. the layer states panel shows up but the main one does not. I have reinstalled it twice but the behavior is the same.
any ideas? thanks.
It looks like it is something local to your machine, working here. (Win 8.1, SU 2016 x64)
have you had more monitors connected recently?
hi juju,
no, the setup is the same as before. but I am on mac so the fact that it is working for you does not mean much in this case.
I am also having this problem and am also on a Mac. The main panel simply will not show on my computer screen. This plugin worked well for several months before the main panel disappeared. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin. Near as I can tell, the panel "thinks" it is showing properly. The Mac version of Sketchup doesn't have any kind of "show all panels onscreen" sort of command.
Layers Panel was a very useful plug-in while it worked. If anyone has a suggestion for fixing this problem, pleas post it.
I am afraid our complaints will reach a dead end as the author of this extension is no longer developing nor mantaining it. pity. it showed great promise.
perhaps someone would take it up and fix it.
Amazing plugin mate, great work.
SU should implement it by default.
I have a request, cna you add Octane Render support?
I use Octane to render my work, and would be a charme if i had the Octane layer option.
You can find more information in here.
resmasall the best to you, and one mote time a big thanks
When i push "R" on layer Panel, error: "Vray is not installed jn this system? or is disabled"
what am I doing wrong?((
SU pro2017 17.2.2555 64bit + V-Ray 3.60.03 Trial. -
Layers Panel is quite old, I don't think it works with V-Ray 3, sorry.
I know this is an old thread and no one has posted any changes to the open source code. Sure would be nice if someone would take up the task of updating this to SU 19 and adding support for line types. Sure heat to give up this tool but without line type support it's pretty much useless now, Quite the shame sense this layer manager is so much better than the SU layer tool
There is a new plugin based on Layers Panel: https://extensions.sketchup.com/sv/content/layers-organizer