How many of you have updated to SU 2013?
nope. A purely budgetary decision. Why would I pay for something I already have. I see no improvement whatsoever in what I use SU for.
I'm not going to update until all the questions and problems associated with 2013 here on the forums subside. And, really, maybe not even then, as I haven't heard about anything new in it that I need. Still don't understand why Trimble laid this on us when it wasn't really worth the effort. A really big missed opportunity on their part, IMHO.
Agree with hellnback
- why upgrade to an environment that'll take me ages to acclimatise to. There are no advantages to being an early adopter, especially in one-man shops like mine.
When Trimble make some real changes (e.g. bring back .shp import, introduce real arcs, fix plane clipping, open api or whatever to enable real-time Excel/.xls work, oh and how about a simple built-in spreadsheet too) then I would change.
I wonder if Jason Maranto decided to upgrade or just leave it...
no improvements >>> no update!
Why should i update it? To get a Trimble folder instead of the Google one? Or for the ugly icons? To feel good by paying a subscription fee? No... thanks!
I'm a daily user and came here for info on whether to upgrade or not. It seems, based on the reviews here that I makes no sense. The upgrade price is not a factor. If there was some major improvement. Speed, 64bit, new tools etc. I do not use LO. I guess I'll wait a while.
Tried 2013 for a few minutes. Tried to uninstall . .it screwed up my registry with SU8 (See "Issues" thread)
I am thinking of going back to SU 5.
I haven't gotten around to any serious use of LO and have seen to many issues with the conversion so I have little interest and too much apprehension. I will stick around in the V8 playground for a while longer.
@unknownuser said:
I am thinking of going back to SU 5.
5? nah, 8 is where it's at.. it has the speed bump of 7.1 plus the solid tools
I think he was just kidding
I haven't found any need to open SketchUp 8 or LayOut 3 for quite awhile. SU/LO2013 work fine for me. I like the speed increase in LO and the auto-hyphenated dimensions which speeds up my work in LO a great deal. I don't see any real differences with SU2013 in day to day operation except that I never have the scrambled toolbars any more.
Hi Guys,
We had a go with SU2013.
The only one improvement which we could see (and pay for) is the speed in LO or do I missed something?
I know that there is few other changes but... we are still using 8.0 PRO.Don't like the new icons in SU and I'm surprised that LO still has the same and the most ugly icons I have ever seen in a 'PRO' software.
PS. If I would be SketchUp/Trimble, I will run some small competition IMMEDIATELY to design the LO icons
+1 @ Dave R
LO Rendering Speed Increase & Hyphen @ Dims worth it alone.I am however still not used to the new Tool Icons in SU....this will pass though.
Charlie -
@unknownuser said:
@hellnbak said:
I think he was just kidding
I was kidding.. .I meant 3.1
Ah. Now that makes more sense
@unknownuser said:
@hellnbak said:
I think he was just kidding
I was kidding.. .I meant 3.1
nah.. 5 is where it's at.. it has ruby (or is that 6?)
@frederik said:
I wonder if Jason Maranto decided to upgrade or just leave it...
I haven't changed my POV -- I still have 8 Pro and use it occasionally, but I will not pay for any more SketchUp until there is something released which is worth paying for. That said, since nothing is new with me, and I've already said my bit on the SketchUp 9 subject, I've refrained from posting until such a time as new news is forthcoming from Trimble.
In the meantime I've been focusing on other software.