Animation and the DR Spawner
I tested an animation this weekend using DR, but only using it on my local to utilize the 64 bit spawner and it did the same thing. Only renders frame 1 and stops.
Hi Valero,
Is this a bug in vray 1.6 or has it never worked? bit frustrating as I'm looking at a 2.5 day render which could presumably cut in half if I could get all spawners to contribute
Honestly, I don't know. 1.49.01 had issues with DR and issues with saving light maps so animation and DR was just territory you didn't tread on back then. It could be a bug. Hopefully Devin will chime in on this one.
I just tested and animation seems to work fine in 1.6 with DR. I used saved maps.
if you haven't done so already, please submit a bug report. Animation is a rather large feature, and we want it working properly, so this should get high priority in our bug tracker. I know there have been some changes to how DR works with animation. Fernando told me yesterday that LC now works properly in animation, but I don't think he was using DR for those tests. He is out of the office today, but if you send in a bug report to our bug tracker, we will be sure to get to it at some point in the near future.
Hi I used DR and saved light cache files as per the tutorial, how do you submit a bug report dkendig?
andybot, did you let it render past the first scene? Mine worked ok with saved maps up until the first scene and then the slaves dropped off. When starting and restarting the DR spawner the host would send over the info but the slaves wouldnt render
Ok as an update, I have tried the following two variations still with no improvement
after precalculating the LC, this time I loaded the LC from file and left the irradiance map to 'incrementally add'
no precalculations - straight render
still the slaves drop off after the first frame, I get the impession that the machine is receiving the data but is waiting for something to activate it.
That sounds like a trouble that was happening with the older betas. Are you sure you have updated to the latest released beta? Yes, I tried all the frames, not just the first.
n3v - <-- How to submit a bug report. Essentially, you just send an email to, but the forum post outlines the kind of information we need to help track this issue down.
andybot I am using 1.60.23 jun 11 that is the latest right? is there any chance you could somehow share your settings so I can see whether I have set up the scene wrong as I wouldn't want to report a false bug.
Dkendig, I will follow Andy's advice first to make sure that its the software and not me and then if not I will submit.
thanks both
new candidate build doesnt appear to have fixed this. beginning to wonder whether its my setup or the software. Also now appears that patch render in animation no longer wants to work?
@n3v said:
andybot I am using 1.60.23 jun 11 that is the latest right? is there any chance you could somehow share your settings so I can see whether I have set up the scene wrong as I wouldn't want to report a false bug.
Here is my model if you want to take a look. Nothing fancy.
Hi Andy bot, thanks for sharing I will check out your model when I get a chance and let you know how it goes. My model is around 61mb and I didnt use any proxies to avoid them not being sent across the network.
asset collection should no longer be something to fear, it's automatic, and behind the scenes.
If you found the Fix please post it. I am having the same problem, it uses all cores / slaves for first images and after that only main cores.
Sephiro - nothing as yet, will let you know when I know more