SketchUp 2014 Wishlist
To handle all my components on different places, I'm using dropbox. It works perfect.
- Undo (or at least cancel) Match Photo modifications.
Undo scene changes/creations (especially to make plugin actions fully undoable).
my wish would be layout version of autocad sheets sets hopefully better solution of that sort
Basic constraints in order to build moving parts and jointed assemblies.
- Allow Welcome box to be hidden at start up.
- Unlock Solid Tools for SketchUp Make.
- Unlock Dynamic Components for SketchUp Make.
Some easy native way to check commutative volume of nested component with solid parts in it.
@dod3r said:
Some easy native way to check commutative volume of nested component with solid parts in it.
Do you mean cumulative?
If you do mean cumulative, that would be a fairly simple and fun ruby plugin to write
yes i did meant cumulative.
I would like to see cumulative volume in entity info panel, that is the reason why i am posting it in sketch up 2014 wishes. But Chris if you can do that by some ruby script that would be cool. Maybe the information doesn't have to by in entity info tab it also can be in measurements box or information line next to it. -
I would like to be able to input a length and angle for a line and have THAT as the result rather than a loose aproximation. Is it too much to ask for? Is it too much that making a group or component should be a result of intersecting lines and arcs or are we stuck with a system that would have been innacurate when making cart wheels with an adze and by eye measurement?
Deleted, not a good day. I will start again monday after a day to reflect on what I am using this tool for.
Hi Dave, I made the mirror copy by copy and paste in place then flip along axes. Nothing wildly technical about it. I have noticed a problem in the placement of markers and drawing lines or moving lines to an angle. Sometimes the line or angle looks right but problems are emphasised when mirroed objects are placed in the group or component. The number of times I have found this is beyond my count. Essentially put, when you put the double doors into the frame the discrepency is writ large and while it may be my little bit of autism, I cannot abide a model I spent hours on at times being out of true.
Me neither... :s
Got a sample model?
This is how modeling in sketchup should work in the year 2013...
this is really awesome... groboto inside modo!
If they only would implement a sketchup-like snapping system, i would immediately make the switch! (from SU and max) -
Wow, that's innovative. I've heard a lot of good things about Modo. If there was a plugin to get SU snapping and such I guess a lot of SU users would make the switch.
In LO its about time when rotating an object that the angle can be set by snapping to other geometry. I was trying to align a rotated scene on a site plan the other day and ended up having to approximate it.
My wishlist is:
1). Preventing my textures from exploding along with the group (which happens to me on many occasions!) Not sure if it does this just on smoothed surfaces, but if that's the case, then I want it to stop! lol
2). To be able to export the animation scenes along with the mesh in collada (dae) data! Why is that not possible anyways? Is there a plugin for that? I've sampled RegularPolygons Keyframe Animation Plugin, and it works like a charm, but without being able to export that animation data to collada, it's pretty much useless to me. If we did have the ability to export that data, I'd buy this plugin in a heart beat!
3). I also agree that Sketchup needs some sort of UV mapping. I do use Dales SketchUV. It's a brilliant plugin and I love it, but it's not perfect. I still, sometimes, get some stretching / warping with it, and each and every face gets exported instead of just one unified "map", so instead of one map, I get a gazillion different "pieces" of the one texture. (did I explain that right? O.o)
4). For Trimble to realize that Sketchup isn't just for architects anymore!
(No offense intended to all you brilliant architects)
I have been using Sketchup since @last owned it for creating content for Virtual Worlds.
Ok, so maybe they don't have to do this one. I'll settle for the other 3!If I could just see those 3 little, teeny weeny things implemented, I'd be one happy camper AND buy the latest version of Sketchup!
Got a sample model of that #1 issue there?