SketchUp 2013 ;)
no... not for spelling in SU - I want to be able to check the annotations I add to my plans in LO
Mods need to RENAME this topic: "Everything BUT SketchUp 2013
.. and then start a NEW topic: "[talk] SketchUp 2013 ONLY
you are free to go and start using some other app.
Edson, i'm from such type of people. But technology of active surfaces (surface and push&pull) return me back to skipy -
@frederik said:
To some extend I - surprisingly - do understand your argument here...
However... If I felt that something I represented was moving in the opposite direction as to where my passion is, I'd need to take my clothes and step away...
(in other words, I'd return my badge...)I've never said I think SketchUcation is going in the wrong direction -- quite the contrary. I point people towards SketchUcation whenever possible, and make sure to point out that this is the best asset SketchUp has going for it. If you are a power user of SketchUp you should be at SketchUcation... period.
The only reason I would want to leave is if I felt I was being an undue bad influence -- which I do not believe. If anything I am attempting to add focus and clarity to the displeasure many are feeling about these last few "updates". I want the faults to be clearly understood, the options to be thoroughly (and openly) discussed, and the blame to be placed where I think it should.
Not much has changed between the mismanagement of SketchUp under Google and the mismanagement of SketchUp under Trimble -- what has been constant is the leadership of "darling". So I think it should be obvious that the problem is/was neither Google or Trimble but "darling". It could be that he lacks conviction to stand up to the higher-ups -- but based on the things he has said, I tend to think the problem lies within his actual viewpoints themselves.
Jason. -
In Jason's defense .. a LOT of what he says makes sense, is also felt by many, but lacks tact (to the "cringe level".)
I will however disagree with starting personal feuds against certain Trimble employees.
As customers we should think of them as a business entity that is competing for your business.
So I DO enjoy reading Jason's views. I think he should stay, but be a bit more tactful.
(And start your OWN topic next time you want to take the convo off topic, please.) -
@emerald15 said:
no... not for spelling in SU - I want to be able to check the annotations I add to my plans in LO
Good idea. I've not used Layout much so I rarely need to deal with much text. But spell-checker is always welcome.
@thomthom said:
@emerald15 said:
no... not for spelling in SU - I want to be able to check the annotations I add to my plans in LO
Good idea. I've not used Layout much so I rarely need to deal with much text. But spell-checker is always welcome.
I agree what a fine addition that would make... BTW I've said it elsewhere I'm a a big fan of Layout, and I will give "darling" full credit for that.
As for tact, my wife had always said "it's not what you say, but how you say it that turns people off" -- however she has recently amended that to "it's what you say". Somehow I feel more gratified by that... I would rather be clearly understood and hated, rather than misunderstood and loved.
Jason. -
@edson said:
I hope this will not have a ton of abusive replies heaped up on me. if it does I shall ignore it gracefully.
experience has shown that people do not change opinions on the basis of other people's diatribes. thus in my opinion if you like using Sketchup you stay with it and try to contribute positively to its development. if you do not like it, is fed up with it, does not agree with the way its developing, etc, you are free to go and start using some other app.
Hopefully you won't take this as abusive but your comments are terribly inconsiderate. I can't just 'move on' from AutoCAD, I have a whole history of files and projects and tied into their system and my client requirements are that I work within that environment. If they act in ways that are not in my interest, it's in my interest to say so.
SketchUp 2013 is a game changer. I use that term because a programmer I know used it in conversation last night. I quote her (loosely) from memory: "We're all heads up about this right now. Development cycles are brutal for us - you have to have new features, you rarely have the budget but you have to develop your project if you don't want your customers to move over to another program. This is a game changer for us. We call it The Trimble New World Order - give your customers zilch and tighten the upgrade window down to one year. We're all waiting to see how this sorts itself out."
When I bought my first AutoCAD license you could upgrade forever. Now it's (I think) only back to 2008 or 2010. The upgrade used to be about 30% of full license cost. Now it's closer to 70%. I didn't buy the upgrade from modo 601 to 701 because most of the new features focused on character and animation which aren't important to me but that's okay because I can upgrade the next time around or the next time.
Imagine if modo said buy an upgrade to 701 or you get charged full price next time around. Where would that leave me? I'm an independent contractor but one of my clients has 20 seats of SketchUp and a whole company history centered around this program. They've just been slapped in the face and aren't sure what to do about it. They've just been told: either pay $1900 now (for what? curved leaders?) or get charged $11,800 in a year. And how does this play out going forward for Autodesk? Adobe? Trimble has single handedly lowered the bar of license / upgrade expectations.
Your comments, which I will paraphrase as: "Love it or leave it." might make sense to a hobbyist but out here, in the field, for a company with 20 seats of SketchUp (and the same number of AutoCAD LT, Adobe Cretive and several others) they're pretty wide of the mark.
@d12dozr said:
I simply don't get the hostility in this thread.
The big features in this release are Layout improvements and the Extension Warehouse. Do you negative nancys really not see what a BIG FREAKING DEAL the Extensions warehouse is?? And just because you don't personally use Layout doesn't mean countless other folks don't appreciate the update.
When was the last time you got really excited about something Sketchup related? Likely is was some kind of plugin - Thea, Maxwell, Fredo's TopoShaper, Sketchucation's Plugin Store. The Extensions Warehouse (EW) is just going to make these kind of things more visible and more frequent. Ever since the last Basecamp, Trimble made it clear that they're committed to enabling plugin authors.
Think of the Apple App store or Google Play and the thousands of options available on your bring that same environment, energy, and excitement to create the next big thing to Sketchup. Sketchup becomes a platform for plugin devs to launch apps that allow the rest of us to make awesome stuff.
I'm all for letting the team know what we want...we've been demanding a better plugin system for years, and now we have it. I'm delighted! Sure there's room for improvement - SCF's Plugin Store is better in some ways. So lets tell the team what we want and let them do their job.
If Sketchup isn't working for you, move on! I for one am sick of the endless whining of a few grouches.
And I'm sick of people being sick of people that have real gripes.
This is not a cult!
People have a opinons. Don't like it? Move on yourself!
I mentioned SU printing is like being back on an IBM PC in the 80's and got jumped on also.
This "update sucks"
IMO! -
What happens if I decide to skip a year in this program?
SketchUp Pro commercial licenses never expire, so skipping a year of the program doesn’t affect your use of SketchUp Pro at all. However, if you do decide to skip a year, you can expect a modest reinstatement fee should you choose to renew your upgrade, maintenance, and support program.
@chrisc said:
What happens if I decide to skip a year in this program?
SketchUp Pro commercial licenses never expire, so skipping a year of the program doesn’t affect your use of SketchUp Pro at all. However, if you do decide to skip a year, you can expect a modest reinstatement fee should you choose to renew your upgrade, maintenance, and support program.
Do away with the "reinstatement fee" and I think you'd find a lot of people less resistant to the changes (not me, but many others).
Why should such a fee even be necessary in the first place? It is nothing more than a negative "incentive" -- meaning, "since I can't entice you with this crappy carrot, I'll kick you with these spurs to force you to move".
Make a better carrot and we could be going somewhere. Then such negative "incentives" would be redundant.
Jason. -
@bbrown said:
@marvins_dad said:
For the "Make" version (thinking home) will .stl be available?...mainly doing 3d printing at the house these days.
SketchUp Extension Warehouse
Your library of custom third-party extensions created to optimize your SketchUp workflow.
@chrisc said:
What happens if I decide to skip a year in this program?
SketchUp Pro commercial licenses never expire, so skipping a year of the program doesn’t affect your use of SketchUp Pro at all. However, if you do decide to skip a year, you can expect a modest reinstatement fee should you choose to renew your upgrade, maintenance, and support program.
I think you're being disingenuous. Continual use of the existing license isn't the question here. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I read in your license agreement - if I don't pay for the upgrade now, when a new upgrade is offered, say in 2014, I will no longer be eligible for the upgrade price, I will have to pay full price. In other words, a one year upgrade cycle.
If this is incorrect you should get on these boards and clarify because that seems to be the common interpretation.
Maybe this faq is clearer: I skip upgrading to 2013 and upgrade to 2014 instead, will I have to purchase a brand new, full price license?
No, worst case scenario would be upgrade cost of $95, plus nominal support reinstatement fee (TBD, but will be some percent less than $95). We will update this FAQ as soon as we know more about specific costs.
@arail1 said:
@chrisc said:
What happens if I decide to skip a year in this program?
SketchUp Pro commercial licenses never expire, so skipping a year of the program doesn’t affect your use of SketchUp Pro at all. However, if you do decide to skip a year, you can expect a modest reinstatement fee should you choose to renew your upgrade, maintenance, and support program.
I think you're being disingenuous. Continual use of the existing license isn't the question here. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I read in your license agreement - if I don't pay for the upgrade now, when a new upgrade is offered, say in 2014, I will no longer be eligible for the upgrade price, I will have to pay full price. In other words, a one year upgrade cycle.
If this is incorrect you should get on these boards and clarify because that seems to be the common interpretation.
It's his or her first post and you call it disingenuous? They said if you don't upgrade there will be a modest fee and I've heard like 3 SU employees say it on these boards in the last 24 hours.
P.S. if you want the ear of the company don't be rude.
@chrisc said:
Maybe this faq is clearer: I skip upgrading to 2013 and upgrade to 2014 instead, will I have to purchase a brand new, full price license?
No, worst case scenario would be upgrade cost of $95, plus nominal support reinstatement fee (TBD, but will be some percent less than $95). We will update this FAQ as soon as we know more about specific costs.
Look Chris, I don't know you so this isn't personal -- but how can you say this with a straight face?
I mean really, somehow it is supposed to be OK that you are going to partial bill for an "update" and "support plan" that the user doesn't even get to use? Meaning if you opt to skip, you are still on the hook for part of that money you would have spent had you upgraded now.
Let's be honest here -- where is your (a general shout to Trimble here) pride in your craftsmanship? You create software, if your software is not worth upgrading that is your fault, not the fault of the consumer. You should bear the financial burden of that failure, not the consumer.
[rant] I'll tell you these software companies are really getting quite full of themselves -- do they not notice the open source revolution? All they are doing is pushing people away with these heavy handed tactics to try to compensate for their own lack of quality craftsmanship. [/rant]
Jason. -
@jpalm32 said:
And I'm sick of people being sick of people that have real gripes.
This is not a cult!
People have a opinons. Don't like it? Move on yourself!
I mentioned SU printing is like being back on an IBM PC in the 80's and got jumped on also.
This "update sucks"
IMO!So why don't you voice your 'real gripes' in a constructive manner? How is your or anybody else's whining helping the situation?
It feels like hanging with toddlers on a plane in here. Grow up already.
@chrisc said:
Maybe this faq is clearer: I skip upgrading to 2013 and upgrade to 2014 instead, will I have to purchase a brand new, full price license?
No, worst case scenario would be upgrade cost of $95, plus nominal support reinstatement fee (TBD, but will be some percent less than $95). We will update this FAQ as soon as we know more about specific costs.
Yes, you should clarify your FAQ about this. Kridious's comments notwithstanding, the previous posts are confusing two issues - continual use of a license once purchased vs upgrade cycle. I can use my existing AutoCAD license forever but I have to upgrade periodically to meet client expectations. I expect a reasonable amount of time before I'm expected to pay for a full license if I have not previously upgraded - which I take to be about 3 to 5 years in the current software environment. The FAQ you linked to clarifies that I can use my existing license continually without interruption but does not address the issue of upgrade cycle.
@d12dozr said:
It feels like hanging with toddlers on a plane in here. Grow up already.
'Toddler's on a Plane' I don't see that on IMDB....was it good?