[Plugin] ToolbarBuilder
ToolbarBuilderDemo is now available at Smustard.com . Build custom toolbars for your Ruby plugins!
The pro version (NOW AVAILABLE!) has the ability to save and load custom toolbars with planned updates to include other features.
Thank you very much for this plugin.
I installed this plugin and generates the following error:ToolbarBuilder callback: build
Error: wrong argument type # <TypeError: (expected Sketchup::Command)>
CProgram Files (x86) / Google / Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/ToolbarBuilderFree.rb: 251: in
add_item ' C :/ Program Files (x86) / Google / Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/ToolbarBuilderFree.rb: 251: in
create_html '
CProgram Files (x86) / Google / Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/ToolbarBuilderFree.rb: 251: in
each ' C :/ Program Files (x86) / Google / Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/ToolbarBuilderFree.rb: 251: in
create_html 'You can fix it?
thank you very much -
what will happen with icons? if a plugin does not have icons can we make them?
nice! i expected this one for ages!! so i immediatey purcased and tested it.. it works perfectly!
the only downside to it is that it doesn't let the user arrange the buttons.. that would be cool indeed. plus it arranges icons the opposite way than they were in their "native toolbar" wich is quite confusing to me..
so.. is it possible to have some "arrange buttons" functionality?
thank you! -
mmm.. another huge downside i didn't notice.. is that when you close and reopen sketchup the custom toolbars aren't loaded at all! i also saved the toolbar position and tried to restore, but nothing happens.. one have to load each saved toolbars every time? that's quite annoying..
mmm.. going on with testing and it only loaded the first toolbar i saved.. now it refuses to load others.. moreover it refuses to load the toolbar editor..
@krisidious said:
what will happen with icons? if a plugin does not have icons can we make them?
Assigning custom icons is a planned update, but it can be done manually by editing the .toolbar file and adding the path to the icons (large & small).
@panixia said:
so.. is it possible to have some "arrange buttons" functionality?
thank you!That is a planned update, but you can do this manually by editing the .toolbar file.
@panixia said:
mmm.. another huge downside i didn't notice.. is that when you close and reopen sketchup the custom toolbars aren't loaded at all! i also saved the toolbar position and tried to restore, but nothing happens.. one have to load each saved toolbars every time? that's quite annoying..
It is noted in the description that in this initial release, toolbars must be manually loaded, but the first planned (free) update is to include an autoloader.
@jorge2011 said:
Thank you very much for this plugin.
I installed this plugin and generates the following error:ToolbarBuilder callback: build
Error: wrong argument type # <TypeError: (expected Sketchup::Command)>
CProgram Files (x86) / Google / Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/ToolbarBuilderFree.rb: 251: in
add_item ' C :/ Program Files (x86) / Google / Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/ToolbarBuilderFree.rb: 251: in
create_html '
CProgram Files (x86) / Google / Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/ToolbarBuilderFree.rb: 251: in
each ' C :/ Program Files (x86) / Google / Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/ToolbarBuilderFree.rb: 251: in
create_html 'You can fix it?
thank you very much@panixia said:
mmm.. going on with testing and it only loaded the first toolbar i saved.. now it refuses to load others.. moreover it refuses to load the toolbar editor..
It seems these are related. I'm looking into it and will issue a fix ASAP.
The issue has been resolved and the file uploaded. Your previous download link will now pull down the updated file.
this is great, i've had so many problems with skp 'remembering' my tool positions. the toolbar nightmare is over! looking forward to the updates - maybe consider an "add spacer" so tools can be grouped visually. thanks rick
The current problem with autoloading the custom toolbars is that they depend on commands created by other plugins, and there's no guarantee that those commands will have been created when ToolbarBuilder is loaded by SketchUp and tries to build its toolbars. The benefit is having the toolbar position remembered, the drawback is missing buttons.
One solution is to have a button for a 1-click loader that will load all custom toolbars after SketchUp is fully launched and all .rb/s files are loaded. The benefit is all buttons load into the toolbar, the drawback is toolbar positions are not remembered.
The other solution (and I think the final answer for now) is a hybrid - autoload at launch creates empty toolbars (with the saved positioning), and a single button on the Smustard toolbar loads all custom toolbars after launch is complete.
Any input on this solution?
I have an input on that solution... Where is my invoice? I can't find it.
i don't know how it works, i've been using this for quite a while and it works fine, and the toolbars keep the saved position.. but it loads only native tools..
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10041 -
Jim's custom toolbars create "clones" of the native tools. Immediately after they have been created, he adds them to toolbars.
The problem with custom toolbars from other plugins is not to add them too early (when commands are missing) and not too late (when SketchUp doesn't remember the toolbar's last position). -
pressing the save button does nothing for me
If you have SketchUp Free Version you might need to do this...
Open your default Plugin Folder.
Make New Folder with name "Toolbars"
Try Plugin Again.
ah that did it! thanks
Check you have FULL read/write security permissions to the Plugins folder, the manual creation of the subfolder might have fixed it for now but without FULL rights you will get problems with some scripts...