[plugin] Rotated Box [updated 30-Mar-2014]
I never want you to code for ME .... this is a plugin for all users .. and please don't think that all of your works is for me ...
when somebody used this plugin for making a box inside a group , it makes it out of active group
... and I thought it's better to tell you " it's better to add this in feature ... "
.. I think you hear : " do it , outher wise I will fire you !!!! " ... ok ..it's better to say : " sorry , I beleve that it should be fixed ,but I haven't enought time , tell your request to some one else " ... instead of " how to Cut and paste " .. isn't it ?
but ... if you to update it in the future please fix it to makes the box in current group ( for outher users not me )
OK, any other users think this is problem or desired feature?
@sdmitch said:
OK, any other users think this is problem or desired feature?
I haven't used the tool, but common convention for tools is to create the entities they create within
instead ofmodel.entities
. It also allows for the best flexibility. Since it is the convention with the native tools and pretty much all custom tools it is confusing if the geometry is created in a different context. -
@sdmitch said:
OK, any other users think this is problem or desired feature?
From the peanut gallery, if the choice is to create within or outside of the current group, I'd say within would be preferable for me.
Thanks for asking.
wow .... thanks thomas .. thanks ... I did it ... hey smitch , Idid it ... I'm not stupid ...
I'm not a ruby master , all I know is to know how to change UI parts of o code .... but thanks thomthom ...
thanks for key knowledge (active_entities)
I changed the " @ent = @mod.active_entities " parametr of this code in the "def initialize " part of it
and it works ... now it creates the box inside active groups ...
thanks ..dear sdmitch ... I think It could much easier for you ( as a ruby master ) to do that little changes ( just a few charecters : active ) easeir than teaching me how to "cut and paste " ...
... and tou could make us happy with this little change ...
but ... dear sdmitch ,thanks for all of coding you done.. all 282 line . and thanks a lot for making this great plugin and Fulfilling a request from a user ... thanks for all Sam
.. thanks for the time that you spent for me
download my edited version ...
Rotated Box.rb
thanks agane thomthom ...
please delet this post if there is any copyright issue ... -
I have updated this loader plugin with lastest versions of sdmitch's plugins
plus my little tweaks : the box now creates the group inside the current active group
download the last version here :
the.pjt or sdmitch.
This change does not work in my pc. I use sketchup 8 and windows xp sp3.
You can correct this error? really very useful tool -
@jorge2011 said:
the.pjt or sdmitch.
This change does not work in my pc. I use sketchup 8 and windows xp sp3.
You can correct this error? really very useful toolCan you explain what "doesn't work" please? Do you get error messages or just unexpected results?
does not work, create the geometry inside a group. Or create a group inside another group
@jorge2011 said:
the.pjt or sdmitch.
This change does not work in my pc. I use sketchup 8 and windows xp sp3.
You can correct this error? really very useful toolmaybe becouse of I'm not a programmer ,I am just a newbie ... It works well on my ms win 8 ,SU 8 M3 .... I don't have any apple device ..
... so maybe it doesn't work on mac , I don't know
and ... It could be better if the author have modified it , not me ... I think he dislikes me..
dear ThomThom .. Or MR sdmitch .... is it posible to check my editings ? ? I will welcome ...
thanks a lot ...all of thing that I have done is : just changing line 32 (notepad++)
old :class RotatedBox def initialize @mod = Sketchup.active_model @ent = @mod.entities
class RotatedBox def initialize @mod = Sketchup.active_model @ent = @mod.active_entities
and then it creates every thing in active group ... am I wrong ?
Can you respond to the PM I sent regards this in-post plugin uploading?
@jorge2011 said:
does not work, create the geometry inside a group. Or create a group inside another group
The change the.pjt made will only add the current box to a group if you have the group open for edit it does not open the group automatically. It should have no effect on whether or not the current box is created as a group or not. That will still depend on grouping being On or Off.
sdmitch, sorry, I do not understand your explanation. my English is not good.
You can create a group inside another group, or a grometria within a group or component?
You can add this feature?thank you very much for your kindness and your time
If I might interject.
All native and most 3rd-party tools add new geometry etc into the "current context" [model.active_entities
] - even if the added 'object' itself is a group of new geometry.
To always force new stuff intomodel.entities
as its context will be very confusing, unless the two entities' contexts are not the sample.
So if you are editing a component or a group and you use this tool to add a 'box' then the newly made object will currently then be added outside of the current context... which is not what you'd expect at all - e.g. if you draw a 'line' it's added inside the context, not outside in the model.entities
It IS a very simple adjustment to the code to make these tools intuitive in the way it adds its geometry like the native tools...
For all of you who have been anxiously awaiting the change of mod.entities to mod.active_entities, your wait is over and Version 1.2.1 is for you.
I'm all over it. Thank you, Sam.
Updated to be SU2014 compatible.
I have added it to the PluginStore.
http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=Rotated_Box -
See the video.
Video_2014-03-29_033416.wmv -
Very interesting. I'll try to solve the mystery.