A new home for SketchUp
As far as I know Google seem to have retained their 'Building Maker' - which was a simplified Sketchup tailored for 'Google Earth' ? So maybe they felt that they don't need Sketchup at all now ?
http://sketchup.google.com/3dwh/buildingmaker.html -
That would be my understanding TIG. The app I mentioned...Canoma...was a very early; and incredibly easy to use photogrammetry program. It comprised a set of solid, deformable shapes (think Platonic but with a few twists) that could be cobbled together over a superimposed photo, which would then be automatically mapped. Almost exactly what BM does.
It was bought by Apple and killed off. I think I still have a copy somewhere. Here's a page showing some animations of the result. -
I pointed out that Google likely didn't want/need SketchUp anymore because of Building Maker a while ago in this thread: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=43693 -- At the time it seemed like most other people thought that was a foolish POV... not so much anymore.
In the long-term Building Maker is a doomed product too -- as it is only a useful item for the near-term goals... but sooner or later manual model creation for GE will be redundant.
I'm very glad SketchUp was sold -- because Google never really knew what it potentially had.
As far as the warehouse is concerned: I've always seen the strength of 3D as being infinitely re-usable assets... I think the warehouse quality would self-sort if it could be monetized (selling the assets, instead of giving them away), although I'm sure that idea is abhorrent to most users.
Jason. -
@jason_maranto said:
In the long-term Building Maker is a doomed product too -- as it is only a useful item for the near-term goals... but sooner or later manual model creation for GE will be redundant.
Isn't SU a doomed product as well then?
@unknownuser said:
I'm very glad SketchUp was sold -- because Google never really knew what it potentially had.
What is SU's potential? The users of SU rightly love it, but most of the 3D industry gets by pretty well without it.
@unknownuser said:
As far as the warehouse is concerned: I've always seen the strength of 3D as being infinitely re-usable assets... I think the warehouse quality would self-sort if it could be monetized (selling the assets, instead of giving them away), although I'm sure that idea is abhorrent to most users.
The 3DW helps Google populate Google Earth for very little cost.
If the 3DW was monetized, then surely the question would be quickly asked why anyone would model for GE for free when they could sell their models so quickly and easily on the 3DW?
Hello mates, I've been reading this article http://sketchup.google.com/intl/en/usernotice.html
and I started being worried about my geolocated 3D models from Google Earth 3D-Buildings Layer.
The fragment of text which really bothers me is:
Google will provide Trimble with a license right to use these models in Trimble’s products (including continued use in SketchUp and in any future 3D model repository which Trimble may create).
Does that mean that Trimble will be able to incorporate my models into their comercial products and sell them as a part of the software or as an addition, download access for paying users? Does that mean that Trimble will get profit from my models just because Google will license them to use these models? Can I opt out for this to happen? I want my models to be part of only Google Earth 3D-buildings Layer. Can the models be deleted from Google Earth and erased completly from 3D W H or will it remain a copy that Google will keep?Thank you for your attention.
Trimble are taking over Google's agreement with you as a poster on that site.
Trimble can do no more with your content than Google could have.
Once posted it is in the public domain, but its use is limited by the mutual agreement, as it is by anyone who might download your stuff otherwise... -
@luckyfox said:
@tig said:
Trimble are taking over Google's agreement with you as a poster on that site.
Trimble can do no more with your content than Google could have.
Once posted it is in the public domain, but its use is limited by the mutual agreement, as it is by anyone who might download your stuff otherwise...my stuff has locked download access on 3DWH, so nobody can download it now. I am worried about the future of my models, as I invested time and creativity into doing real quality stuff for GE. I am affraid of the models becoming downloadable under Trimble. I had problems in the past as of others using my models for comercial purpose, before google introduced the access function in 3DWH where you are able to lock the download. That's why I consider deleting my content from 3DWH.
What is your agreement with Google?
You will have the same agreement with Trimble when it's transferred.
If, under the agreement, Google were able to change the accessibility of your files without your consent, or use them for their own purposes; then Trimble could do the same.
If not then Trimble are similarly limited. -
@tig said:
Trimble are taking over Google's agreement with you as a poster on that site.
Trimble can do no more with your content than Google could have.
Once posted it is in the public domain, but its use is limited by the mutual agreement, as it is by anyone who might download your stuff otherwise...my stuff has locked download access on 3DWH, so nobody can download it now. I am worried about the future of my models, as I invested time and creativity into doing real quality stuff for GE. I am affraid of the models becoming downloadable under Trimble. I had problems in the past as of others using my models for comercial purpose, before google introduced the access function in 3DWH where you are able to lock the download. That's why I consider deleting my content from 3DWH.
@johnsenior1973 said:
@jason_maranto said:
In the long-term Building Maker is a doomed product too -- as it is only a useful item for the near-term goals... but sooner or later manual model creation for GE will be redundant.
Isn't SU a doomed product as well then?
What do you mean? To me SU (plus rubies) is a powerful 3D design tool. It's a powerful competitor in the field of 3D modeling. Building Maker is a different animal altogether - not a design tool at all but a documentation tool. (which may soon be supplanted by better automation methods, as Jason indicates.)
Will this whole transfer halt all developments of paid plugins like Vray, Podium? I've been anticipating Vray for so long, now looks like its gonna freeze...
@andybot said:
@johnsenior1973 said:
@jason_maranto said:
In the long-term Building Maker is a doomed product too -- as it is only a useful item for the near-term goals... but sooner or later manual model creation for GE will be redundant.
Isn't SU a doomed product as well then?
What do you mean? To me SU (plus rubies) is a powerful 3D design tool. It's a powerful competitor in the field of 3D modeling. Building Maker is a different animal altogether - not a design tool at all but a documentation tool. (which may soon be supplanted by better automation methods, as Jason indicates.)
So automated model generation is going to kill Building Maker, but it isn't going to affect SketchUp at all?
SketchUp is an awesome program. It's my favourite program and I love it, but its strength isn't in its power, it is in its speed and simplicity. But in the future if models are going to be easily created automatically, one must question whether some other 3D program won't include these automated methods, and mean that SketchUp is as redundant as Jason thinks BM will be.
..... 'some other 3D program' What other program? Maybe SketchUp will in some way evolve into that 'other 3D program'!
I'm talking about new "content". I use Sketchup day in and day out to work on new building designs. How is "automated model generation" going to do that? For my part, I don't see anything better and more flexible than Sketchup for design.
@johnsenior1973 said:
SketchUp is an awesome program. It's my favourite program and I love it, but its strength isn't in its power, it is in its speed and simplicity. But in the future if models are going to be easily created automatically, one must question whether some other 3D program won't include these automated methods, and mean that SketchUp is as redundant as Jason thinks BM will be.
umm ... I don't think so. How some one could do that for new building?
I'm a bit worried about 3D Warehouse now. If there's any rushed attempt to sell something that equal to current free contents on that updated website, I think it will make a big negative feedbacks and fear enough for a lot of people. That would affected a lot to SketchUp free users and even pros. I really feel like to hear some words from authorities before the deal closed. -
I highly (highly!) doubt Trimble is going to just start selling 3dwh models (as in, everything stays the same except downloading now costs $).. can you imagine the backlash that would create?
it might be neat if they come up with a way to have premium models which are for sale and $ is split between the author and the host.. I don't really see that happening though. at least not immediately
[well, if I'm considering formFonts, then the idea might not be so neat after all
Takes a lot to get premium models (professional editing like FF does). I don't do a lot from 3D WH, but here are some collections of plants and small entourage etc that are useful, but it can be painful trying to find something on the fly. So much is wrong with many models. When you get a really nice and NOT bloated model, you wonder where it was stolen from
right.. basically what I was saying was that with a premium service, they could (should?) also have decently strict guidelines for acceptance along with mods to review each model etc.
All those supposition are not really constructive...why don't we start a thread with a wishlist for this new beginning and we wish good luck to Trimble and the SU Team !!? Just my thoughts...
@panga said:
All those supposition are not really constructive...why don't we start a thread with a wishlist for this new beginning and we wish good luck to Trimble and the SU Team !!? Just my thoughts...
hmm.. aside from a couple of facts to be found here and there (i.e.- google is selling sketchup to trimble), i though this whole thread was speculation
Yes...speculation is the right word !