Photomatching problem...
hi Gaieus,
thanks for valuable tips, very nice indeed.
i can´t believe it, i missed 4-sided polygon, you hit the jackpot
Make Unique Texture ++ is truly amazing plugin, i´m sure it comes handy.
by the way, don´t you remember plugin, which helps you to get rid off textures and materials ,
which aren´t used in the model /see below
hi pbacot,
well, the photo doesn´t mach exactly, because i got some fixed distances i have to use it for basic construction.
best of luck!
hi guys,
i´ve encountered the same problem as before ( pic on the right side)
is this deformated effect created by an agle of shooting or camera intself, so that i can´t properly put green and red lines?
well, usually i get just 1 shot from someone to make model into it.
i dont have another one, and this is uncropped, only reduced copy.
the original has 6MB.
any idea which side is wrong and how to fix photoshop?
thanks -
are you sure these photos are not cropped? I was curious and they looked to me to be different aspect ratios.
Wait, that looks a lot like two photos stuck side by side. Different light etc. Yes it works better if you cut out just the right photo. You should only Match Photo with one shot unchanged as it comes from your camera, without cropping, borders, or distortion.
See my edit above.
thanks , but the another photo has nothing to do with it.
i just uploaded them together, so i can use it as texture in SU for another model.
unfortunately, neither of them are cropped.
cheers -
Something is different with that photo. I can't put my finger on it but it isn't something you're doing wrong with Match Photo. Are you in need of the materials off that thing? If not, I think it would be easier to draw it by hand without the photo.
hi dave,
there´s uploaded skp file with photo.
well, often i use original file, beause they wanted me to do like that
i´ve redraw it, but i´m still waiting for tip how to do successful photomaching with any kind of shot i get.
cheers! -
Just for the heck of it, trim the photo to get rid of the left half. Does that change anything for setting up Photo Match?
I believe Match Photo needs the shape (aspect ratio) of the photo to be correct, because it is often shown that an altered photo will not work. I took off the left side and the right side seemed to work more normally. In my experience you should be able to make the blue line vertical and place it where you like.
In an image editor you select the right side as best you can, with a rectangle selection, and "crop" it. Re-save image. Then begin again in SU with a new Match Photo.
You need to get them to let you take your own photo. Match Photo obviously uses calculations about photographs to simulate its perspective view. The only information SU gets, besides you outlining the perspective lines, is the shape and size of the photograph.
George, this one turned out to line up nicely, didn't it? Very good. I think the problem with your original image in this thread is that you are missing a needed vanishing point. Well, it is there but it is so far away that the lines appear parallel. With those lines being parallel, it is impossible to determine the field of view of the lens in SketchUp. That's a large part of what you are doing with Photomatch.
thanks for your valuable advices, but i´ve been wondering why i didn´t succeed with the pic at the start of this thread
best of luck!
hi dave,
nice words, i am always very happy to finish my drawing correctly.
and i´m especially pleased when my work makes another people happy too.
photomaching is a great technique,have to learn a lot of your tricks too
cheers -
hi dave,
nice shot, congratulations !you´re right, the left part of photo caused some troubles to my image.
i never thought of that.
thanks for a new experience, been a pleasure to learn here
Hi Tibet,
Aside (but not against
) Gaieus choice here are mine.. (I have to watch Aerilius_Make Unique Texture ++
thx Gai)
@tibet said:
- is there any plugin to help to save only used textures and colors in particular model please?( the rest´ll be deleted )
Didier Bur + Takesh H + bentleykfrog Very fast texture writer v0.41 said:
- any hotkey to draw rectangular from middle point like circle?
How about a 4 sided polygon? (it will always be the special "square" case of a rectangle though)[/quote]
Fredi6 [url=]Tools On Surface[/url:56nlxhnt] make their duty also very well on regualar planes
hi simon,
thanks for another interesting pictorial tuts.
it gives new ideas to make my work more interesting, and become a greater sketchup fan!
it´s a pleasure to learn the tricks from another talented SU users.
cheers! -
Use Gimp or PhotoShop to change the image's proportions to suit what PhotoMatch is expecting == a photo's aspect-ratio...
Either stretch it [then its pretty much useless for 'real' matching] or [much better] add extra blank pixels to the sides that are needed to give the w x h ratio as expected... -
i have a small photo maching problem, and i don´t want to make a new thread.
the source image for PM isn´t proportionally right to fit into my model,
so i´d like to ask you guys please, if there is any way to distort the imported image
inside the sketchup ( eg. the same way as we do with textures )
i´d be very grateful for any tips, because this issue has been troublling me for quite some time.
thanks for a quick reply and valuable help!
i distorted image in PS/Coreldr*w but it wasn´t good for PM, because it didn´t change
i don´t understand why such an important feature isn´t in SU PM ( or at least ruby)?
it ´d be very helpful for everyone
anyway, your excellent tip works best !!!
i´ve added just a rectangle to the side of source image of PM.
how is it possible to fix it with such a small thing?
that´s cool! -
George, if you were manually trying to create a proper perspective view by tracing over a photo that was distorted, you would have the same problem that Photo Match has. Fortunately in SketchUp, you can apply the image as a material after you've drawn the shape correctly and then distort it to fit.
A friend sent me an image yesterday. He wants to use it for Photo Match but it doesn't work very well. Here's the result of projecting the image as a material after I set up the best fit I could get.
After tweaking the projected texture, it looks better. Still not perfect but at least it's closer.
You have to untick 'Fixed pins' in the Texture context menu to stretch out the material.