Angaston pavilion
Really cool, can you post a Thea wire? as I'd like to see the vegetation instancing.
Very nice! Especially the grass...
Thanks guys.
Here are some Thea's wires. Well pretty an heavy instancing...
Thanks a bunch, nice to see the Thea wires as it explains the scene so well and shows the incredible amount of poly's used for a true full 3D vegetation filled scene.
Yes. Nice render: structure, setting, vegetation, lighting; nice work itself, the architecture. Somewhat reminiscent of current starchitect Kundig work, and that is a weightless observation.
Your rendering looks like it sits near wetland... and makes it look nicer than it is, perhaps (the immediate scene).
Yes, absolutely great job.
Inspiring work. Love it.
Thank you very much guys.
Cool adaptation!
Outstanding work, Massimo.
thanks Pilou and Daniel.
Excellent work.
OUTSTANDING, great feel in yor renders.
Definitely Murcuttesque with the rust metal lattice feel, very successful !
Thank you.
nice style , love it
looks nice
so the grass is only a rectangle with an alpha texture and copied all over the place?
Where can I learn the work flow involved in the instancing? Is that one 3D plant" Are any of the parameters of the plant randomized in each instance? Is the placement of the plants done on SU or in Thea?