Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
Got this off Wikipedia: "Can God create a rock so big that he cannot lift it?"
I've edited the original title to now read 'Did a God or Gods create the universe?' This thread is going around in circles debating whether the bible it true or not and getting nowhere.
@ Mike L.
Word "Gods" is nonsense. There can be only One true God, because He is ABSOLUTE! -
Maybe answering another question might shed some light on this conundrum..."Which came first: the chicken or the egg?"
'Solo', describe "Zeus", that you have proposed, so that I can give your answer!
@ Cornel
In Abrahamic religions there is only one God but surely there are some other religions which have more than one God. I suggest that tolerance is the answer. -
‘Tomsdesk’, your question (re. the chicken or the egg) eliminate the Creator. Are you aware of this fact?!
@ ‘Sepo’. In any religion, there can be only One TRUE God. There is no room for tolerance... We are not talking now about false gods, idols etc.
@unknownuser said:
@ ‘Sepo’. In any religion, there can be only One TRUE God. There is no room for tolerance... We are not talking now about false gods, idols etc.
By Shiva, you're one resourceful troll, C-man! Props to ya!
@unknownuser said:
@ ‘Sepo’. In any religion, there can be only One TRUE God. There is no room for tolerance... We are not talking now about false gods, idols etc.
Actually you are wrong. There are religions with pantheon of Gods.... Seems to me your religious view is exclusive and dogmatic. Historically that kind of non tolerant view has been cause of lot evil such as wars, license to pillage and kill etc...
I've a friend from Srii Lanka who is a Tamil and worships several gods. His gods are different from his wife's gods who's also Tamil.
So I feel your pinion is skewed somewhat.
Go on boys, never give up!
@unknownuser said:
My brother kneels, so saith Kabir,
To stone and brass in heathen-wise,
But in my brother’s voice I hear
My own unanswered agonies.
His God is as his fates assign.
His prayer is all the world’s—and mine.Kabir / Kipling
Guys, only true God can say so to the other gods?!:
“[“Present your case,” says the LORD.
“Set forth your arguments,” says Jacob’s King.
“Tell us, you idols,
what is going to happen.
Tell us what the former things were,
so that we may consider them
and know their final outcome.
Or declare to us the things to come,
tell us what the future holds,
so we may know that you are gods.
Do something, whether good or bad,
so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear.
But you are less than nothing
and you can do nothing;
those who choose you are detestable.]”
(See Isaiah 41:21-24 TNIV) -
A bonus:
“[“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come, the Almighty.”]” (Revelation 1:8)
Guys, please note that the exposure is in the singular!‘Solo’, “Elohim” is not a ‘real plural’; it is a Thrinity (huge difference…)
@solo said:
Cornel, the bible refers to the Deity as "Elohim," which is a plural, thus the literal translation, "the Gods."
Not really. It depends on how it is used in the grammatical context. You might check this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elohim
@unknownuser said:
I've a friend from Srii Lanka who is a Tamil and worships several gods. His gods are different from his wife's gods who's also Tamil.
Ah! Same here. My god's Beer, whereas my girlfriend's called Shoes.
My god gives. Hers only takes.
Cornel it makes only sense if you believe that Bible is the only holy book and it is the only source of all truth.
You say you are an architect. I would really like to see your designs. I am intrigued now. -
There's some in the gallery, Sid.
aha... need to see that...
interesting ... I would never connect this two personalities.