Sometimes we are concerned with major questions of existence,
is crucial...
What do you think it is,
and which,
if we can not answer/respond,
Sometimes we are concerned with major questions of existence,
is crucial...
What do you think it is,
and which,
if we can not answer/respond,
'TomDC', I'm sorry for your affliction!
It is well known that many artists die young !
Counting me among them, I put in advance my soul to a ‘secure shelter’…
The Death tried to pick me up in evident and multiple times,
but I was saved miraculously…
Especially CHILDREN, they recognize not only the FACE of someone,
but also the ‘state of the SOUL’
and ‘state of the SPIRIT’ of a person...!
For example, a bad man smiles almost in vain to a child,
because a baby can not be easy tricked.
Thanks Mike for that link!
I was a bit confused, because in a visit trough U.S.A., I saw written over a cashiers, this text:
“In God we trust; all others pay cash!”
Apropos of previous images presented by 'Alan F.':
Pals, is the case to give up U.S. dollars,
because you will become very TIRED,
reading always on them the sentence ”In God we trust!”…!
Is that an U.S.A. motto, just a slogan, a falsehood, or what else?!
I used a lot "Camtasia Studio". It is powerful, intuitive, friendly…, and convenient regarding price.
@ Mike L.
I have not expressed that some'form of faith' do not be RESPECTED, but to be CHECKED/tested...
@andybot said:
hmmm, TIG, logical enough. So why was the title of the thread changed to "and Gods"? With multiple Gods, it seems that some of them can be personal, kind of like the ancient Greek gods.
God exists, because His work is perceptible, and tells us greatly...! Each of us believes that his/her own God is the true one (is That Who created and controls everything), but, because there can be Only One (others are false gods, idols...), means that each of us must check the veracity of respective faith.
If your faith do not provide your salvation, and not changed your life, you have to change that useless faith!
@michaliszissiou said:
The Ten Commandments state GOD is a jealous god
zygmunt freud's quotes? An egoist then?
OK then, to call a god 'egoist', any god, it's somehow...
It's another kind of JEALOUSY...(a divine one)! See for example James 4:5(TNIV):
“Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us?”()
"Footnotes: () Or that the spirit he caused to dwell in us envies intensely; or that the Spirit he caused to dwell in us longs jealously"
@daniel said:
The Ten Commandments state GOD is a jealous god. And, there are instances of HIM being angry and vengeful. Yet, HE must have love, too, for HE "gave his only begotten son" for us. How can you claim he doesn't have playful or comic emotions when he has displayed a range of other emotions?
Daniel, do you judge God as a man?!?!
"The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Corinthians 2:14)