Cannot open big file 340Mb
I have a skp file of 340Mb (version 8), which sketchup cannot open - it says 'failed to open document' everytime...
my system is a quadcore, 4gb ram, >1gb NV GT220 graphic board.
the file displays the site for a competition, and i really need to open it... should i download it again (could be a problem related to the download) or a 340Mb file should be open on a faster/more Ram machine?
diogo -
Could be the download so you might try again but that's about the biggest sketchup file I think I've ever heard of. Perhaps you could post it here via dropbox or something and one of us with more RAM could try it. I'm sure there's some optimization we could do and get it down to something more reasonable.
340MB really!? This is Sketchup, not 3DMax.
i work with skup for several years and my biggest file was way less 50mb...
i do think there must be something unusual with this file, but if it exists, someone saved it, so it should be openned...
i'm downloading it again, then i'll send a link to it if someone wants to try...
regards -
Sounds good. You may have a record holding SU file there. Be sure and save it for posterity sake. Maybe you can take it to carnivals and charge people to come see it
Will be interesting to see if it opens firstly and secondly how much it can be reduced once opened without losing any detail.
the link is here: guess the big size is due to excessive use of textures in the model, if there was a way to open partly a file (like in autocad)...
Hmmm, opened easy enough.
A clogged up database but it could be purged...
humm maybe is this computer after all...
i'll open on another pc...
thnk you for helping
regards -
Maybe give this a shot. Just ran a cleanup script on it real quick and saved it. You're opening in SU 8 right?
(it's still uploading so if it doesn't work try again in a bit)
thanks brodie, but when i got home i tried to open it on another (slower) computer and it opened just fine...
so i made a purge and saved it again, ti work on it next week!
maybe i'll reinstall sketchup on work, as it didn't open there...
tnks a lot for everyone who helped,
regards and nice weekend -
@solo said:
Hmmm, opened easy enough.
Are you using 64 bit version of W 7 or 32 and how much RAM. I have XP( 4GB RAM) and of course SU 32 bit and playing with paging file to see If I can sneak buy and open. Have not tried the 3GT option of XP yet.
Setting PF at max the commit charge (PF) in task manager hits the 2G limit an throws an error message of cannot open file. The reason for this is the windows memory manager takes the 32 bit addressable space ( 4GB) and allocates 1/2 for processes and the other for the kernel thus the 2GB limit. The W7 64 version ,SU using 32 bits still, allows the use of 4GB of your memmory for processes and the reason you can open.
Thanks for any info -
I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, on an i7 with 12GB ram.
@solo said:
I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, on an i7 with 12GB ram.
Thanks. If I understand correctly this means SU can address 4Gb ( 2^23) and the memory manager allocates all of this to the SU process where as us poor folks with the 32 bit systen only get 2GB.
BTW FYI & what it is worth I get a difference if I drag and drop the file on SU8. Drag it kicks out at a commit charge of 2.14 GB but if I open within SU 8 in drops at 3.14GB
Humm>= the 3G tunning allows the process to use an extra 1GB of RAM so it looks like SU 8 operates differently vs how you start the program??
Wonder what John B says about that?? -
Although Sketchup is a 32bit program it can use up to 4Mb of the available RAM on a 64-bit system [version 8 has a large-address-aware option - see here for discussion ].
On a 32-bit system the maximum RAM that is ever used is ~3.35Mb even if 4Mb is available.
Since the OS itself and other programs that you might have running from startup will use a good chunk of that you're luck if Sketchup has 2Mb available.
I opened this mega-SKP o a 32-bit 4Mb RAM PC - it took a while to display and it was as slow as a snail but it opened. Sketchup was using all available RAN ~2Mb [I had closed all non-essential apps beforehand]...
So whilst Sketchup is not [yet] a 64-bit program it can use considerably more RAM on a 64-bit system if it's available -
@tig said:
Although Sketchup is a 32bit program it can use up to 4Mb of the available RAM on a 64-bit system [version 8 has a large-address-aware option - see here for discussion ].
On a 32-bit system the maximum RAM that is ever used is ~3.35Mb even if 4Mb is available.
Since the OS itself and other programs that you might have running from startup will use a good chunk of that you're luck if Sketchup has 2Mb available.
I opened this mega-SKP o a 32-bit 4Mb RAM PC - it took a while to display and it was as slow as a snail but it opened. Sketchup was using all available RAN ~2Mb [I had closed all non-essential apps beforehand]...
So whilst Sketchup is not [yet] a 64-bit program it can use considerably more RAM on a 64-bit system if it's availableAgree but for 32 bit system and 4GB ram SU does not get to use all that RAM. The memory manager allocates 1/2 to the process and the other half goes to the kernel. Programs do not get direct access to the RAM but instead virtual memory is used to map into ram
FYI this is a virtual memory map of my system of Su8 free opened with no modelHere is a link you will find interesting
Intel p4 3.2GHZ, Intel PERL 865 Mother board, 4GB RAM, Win XP Pro sp3
File opened by by changing the Boot.ini to include the /3GB switch that allows SU 8 to use 3GB RAM vs 2GB as normally or what is called "Large Block Address Aware" WIN XP Pro is an "opt in"to enable and this is not automatic unless you manually make this change. This is not available in the WIN XP OEM version. Max RAM usage peaked at about 2.8GB and of course the orbits etc will be slow. Have not done any work on file size reduction but it appears the background is a large photo texture and if that is deleted file size will reduce drastically. This would allow work on the model without all the slowness and model size?? -
Texture image question.
To reduce file size one would would to attack the large contributors first. This means for the image texture I would like to find the skm files because it will have size noted.
I cannot not find the file. Does one have to make a collection first??
Stepping texture by texture through the material editor is too time consuming -
Export the model to collada. Textures will be exported in a separate folder where you can immediately spot the culprit. With Pro, fbx or similar is even better as it will not rename image files.