SU crash notice?
Is this new, is this just on my machine due to something I installed? I got this notice today when SU crashed, it floated from bottom of screen.
I actually like it.
Well, now isn't that curious? I've never seen that before either.
It seems your version of SU was raptured.
Haven't you got some funky version that thinks it's networked?
I think this is Solo's way to flaunt that he got his hands on SketchUp 10.
Solo: I think it's your anti-frustration software: Soluto -
Anti-frustration software
That's a new one to me! I love it.
@marvins_dad said:
Anti-frustration software
No, seriously. That's what it's called. Soluto Anti-Frustration Software.
Actually, it's been nothing but "anti-frustration" for me. Can't get it to install since finding it a few days ago. E-mailing back and forth with a customer support person hasn't helped much.
@unknownuser said:
No, seriously. That's what it's called. Soluto Anti-Frustration Software.
Well, it seems to work:
@solo said:
I actually like it.
Ya, Soluto is quite nice. They came out with an update recently and added some new features. Originally the idea was to speed up your boot time by helping you chose programs that didn't need to start up at boot time.
Now they've added a new feature which keeps track of your program crashes and eventually as it develops, may help you to fix them. The hope is that it will be what the normal windows crash reports should be (something that helps you fix the issue, rather than just a log that gets sent off somewhere).
It also has a new feature to help speed up your browser but I haven't had a chance to test it out yet.
At any rate, it's a great software. One of those rare ones like dropbox, that just does what it does, but does it very well.