Is it possible to replace a Photo Match source?
Here's a guess, assuming you are on windows. Check either on desktop or My Documents. But I think you can also check Window> Preferences> Files to see what the default filepath is for images? Maybe not. Is it png or jpg? Do a system search for filename.png for example.
Edited to correct to "Preferences" in the text above. -
thanks for the suggestions, but there is nothing stored...
I don't get it, why such an easy but essential option is missing?!?
when i work with photomatch i have to adjust/manipulate my image according to the new situation, so it should be possible to update the background image without having to make the whole photo match adjustments again!?! shoudn't be that hard to implement a simple replacement dialog, or do i miss something?!?
Numerobis, what do you want to replace it with? More exactly what is the reason you want to replace it for?
i need to replace the background/construction image of the photo match with newer, photoshoped version of the same image
Hm. I guess what you could do (or try at least) is to import the new/modified photo again.
First go to your PM scene then import the photo as the previous one. If everything goes right, the camera will stay there. Then right click on the old scene and delete it. You should end up with a PM scene where your edited texture is used (hopefully).
When you import a 'Photo' I think it's inserted as an 'Image'.
You'll need to have my SKMtools installed to change it's contents - get them here
There are additional Image processing tools in it...Select just the photo's Image, and then type/copy+paste this in the Ruby Console
It should return a reference to an image.
To find out its current 'image-file' [as shown in Entity Info window] type/copy+paste this
It should return something like 'Photo1.jpg'...
To reset its current 'image-file' type this
With the full path to the new photo image file [adjust that part to suit where you replacement photo actually is!] - note the double \s in the path.
It should be the same w x h as the original to avoid distortion etc.The image should update to the new photo...
EDIT: Ignore this and see the next post...
This only works on 'Images' and a photo-match image is a 'background' image and isn't accessible to this type of editing... -
- a photo-match image is added as a background which isn't accessible to change as it would be as a 'plain image'.
BUTall is not lost... you cango to the current photo-matched scene-tab, change nothing, and then import another updated photo-match image [with another-name] - needs same perspective/size etc - and it should then 'overlay' the existing one, and make a new scene-tab with that photo, and keep the same perspective settings etc...As Gai said already
OK, so it seems I was a clever boy then.
@gaieus said:
Hm. I guess what you could do (or try at least) is to import the new/modified photo again.
First go to your PM scene then import the photo as the previous one. If everything goes right, the camera will stay there. Then right click on the old scene and delete it. You should end up with a PM scene where your edited texture is used (hopefully).
WOW! Thanks Gaieus! it works
i thought, i had tested this before and i didn't work... maybe i did something wrong - took the wrong image or something like this...
so once again, Thank You!
And thank you too for your efford TIG!
OK, glad it works (I was too lazy to try and have never really used PM just know the "basics")
That doesn't work for me. the origins are different between the original matched photo and the new matched photo. moving the origin doesn't work. i think you just have to comp the final image in photoshop.
though, it seems really odd that you can't update a photo reference in sketchup. if the matched photo showed up in the materials, one could update the image file reference there...
this worked for me. You guys are alright
Bob -
Hadn't even thought to do that - but will do next time.
I recently had to visualize an exhibit in some very decorative hotel rooms. As I wasn't about to model all the architecture I started with photo match, but as things progressed I was asked to change the room images... so I started again with the amended images & copied my models into them. This would have been a quicker option.
Thanks for the tip. -
Why change the background in SU? Better change SU in Photoshop.
I have had many cases where i use a photo for photomatch, get geometry placed during the design process and realize that some of the photo needs to be changed in photoshop to look proper in SU.
So, for example, photoshopping out a line of trees and making it look like new grass in that area would be a change that i would want to re-import into SU. The method above works in this case for me.
I'd really love to see an option for updating the MP image in SU! I use it a ton and, despite it sounding like some folks have successfully changed the image, I have yet to make it work for me.
Odd. It must "reside" somewhere. Some place where that image is saved, to see and swap out the file. If it were in the materials browser like all other imported images, you could use the image editor to that.
Gaius' approach works, but the confusion is because although the image is replaced, and is correct for your model, the "match photo" setup lines (green and red vanishing lines and axes) in the new Photo Match are no longer where they should be (although the origin, vanishing points and horizon line are correct). That's unsettling, but doesn't really matter because your model should already be set up properly. Just DON'T EDIT the setup lines in the new Photo Match!
Some time before I made a little video about it. Perhaps it is useful for someone...