[Plugin] Compo Spray 1.4.2 Updated
@thomthom said:
@rv1974 said:
1/ work with preselected set of components;
+1 from me too.
This would help save a lot of time trawling through a list of components in a complex model.
- I would love to use this tool to spray a pre selected bunch of components and groups, but ONLY once. Good for spraying people.
i don't know if it is about updating to su 2014 but i'm getting this error when startup. this is a very useful plugin in modeling, i hope it will be updated. thanks.
Error; #<SyntaxError; c;/documents and settings/xxx/application data/sketchup/sketchup 2014/sketchup/plugins/compospray/compoutils.rbs;511; Invalid break c;/documents and settings/xxx/application data/sketchup/sketchup 2014/sketchup/plugins/compospray/compoutils.rbs;520; Invalid break> c;/documents and settings/xxx/application data/sketchup/sketchup 2014/sketchup/plugins/compospray/compoutils.rbs Error Loading File compoSprayToolbar.rb Error; #<NoMethodError; undefined method `compSpray_env' for main;Object> C;/Documents and Settings/xxx/Application Data/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/compoSprayToolbar.rb;7;in `<top (required)>'
Didier needs to recode several of his Plugins to be v2014 compatible - usually it's some minor coding tweak or simple save_as UTF8-without-BOM encoding.
But since this tool uses rbs encrypted files we can't see what needs fixing... -
So we need to wish Didier find time to do this update or to go on with SU2013.
I'm in the same boat here... WTF 2014
I've got an issue similar to others.
I am on 2013. Windows 7.
I had an older version of Compo Spray.
The small toolbar with the to spray can icons did nothing.
Under the Draw menu, I had Component Spray and also Component**s** Spray (note the plural)
ComponentsSpray did the same as the toolbar; nothing.
Component Spray gave me the full dialog box with all parameters. I tried many combinations of parameters and combinations of components...to no avail. I got the message something like "1000 tries...Try Again?" Nothing I would do could get the plugin to create any components.So I figured I'd just delete the old files in my Plugins folder. And reinstall 1.4.2.
Now, I get the toolbar with the "Top Down" and "Vertical" options that does nothing.
And the Components Spray menu item under Draw that does the same thing as the toolbar; nothing. I do not get the dialog box with all the options.This is such an awesome plugin that I'd really like to figure out what's wrong and start using this!
My CompoSpray folder has full access permissions for me/OWNER.
Any thoughts? -
I know others have mentioned this, but here's the error dialogue box that pops up after Installing Compo Spray in SU2014.
It appears every time I open SU2014...
Hope this helps!
Dave Coop.
Nag Didier Bur - he needs to fix it...
still waiting for su2014 !!! Hurry Didier it's my best plugin (actualy after 1001bits)
Folks, the best tool in in this field (scattering) so far is Chris Fulmer's Repeat Copy (on Smustard.com). Works way better than compospray (will work with preselected set, will paint
upon the stacked balconies, has 'no repeat' function.. etc)
I really recommend to burn the giant sum of $10 and get it. -
I like the wonderful plugin, waiting for update
2014 SketchUp compo Spray Ruby Install error
Error: #<SyntaxError: c:/users/user/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2014/sketchup/plugins/compospray/compoutils.rbs:511: Invalid break
c:/users/user/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2014/sketchup/plugins/compospray/compoutils.rbs:520: Invalid break>
c:/users/user/appdata/roaming/sketchup/sketchup 2014/sketchup/plugins/compospray/compoutils.rbs
compoSprayToolbar.rb ํ์ผ ๋ก๋ ์ค๋ฅ
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined methodcompSpray_env' for main:Object> C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/compoSprayToolbar.rb:7:in
<top (required)>'Please make it possible in the 2014 version.
I have installed the plugin in /Applications/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp.app/Contents/Resources/Content/Tools and the plugins works fine now on Mac 10.9.4 & SU2014.
Thanks you very much for the info!! -
you are welcome my friend, iam just looking for pro coder to help me with sketchyphisics to work on 2014 cuz im noob, if any one can help plz.
It would be great to run Sketchyphisics on SU2014 but I haven't idea about ruby code or programming, sometimes I help to translate the plugins or I test the plugins on Mac.
Thanks for figuring out how to get Compo Spray to work in SU 2014
This is really a GOTTA HAVE tool from the past.
Just to make clear the fix as I understood it.
Here is what I did to make it work
1-I copied compoSprayToolbar.rb and the folder CompoSpray to Program Files(x86)/Sketchup/SketchUp 2014/Tools
2-I also copied them both to xxx/Roaming/SketchUp/Sketchup2014/SketchUp/Tools
To get it to work.
Open SU 2014
goto View/Toolbars and select select the [X]Components Spray option box.
There it was and in working order too.This might also be a fix for other Didier plugins as well
Thanks again Mtriple the Great.dtr
I did what dtrarch said(I am not getting an error message when launching anymore) but..
Wwhen I go to View/Toolbars and try to select the [X]Components Spray option box it is not there. I have other extensions installed but Components Spray is not listed. I can also pull up the tool bar for CompS but it does nothing when I try to use it.
On step #2 I could not locate the tools folder. I tried to find xxx/Roaming/SketchUp/Sketchup2014/SketchUp/Tools
but my file structure is set up like this xxxx/Roaming/Sketchup/Sketchup2014/Sketchup/ -- and there is only a plugins and classifications folder.
Am I looking in the wrong spot? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
now it will work fine on 2014,
after updating some files, the problem solved, it was ::: in 2014 plugins folder named as "Tools", in older versions it was "plugins" .
prove -
up up ^^^