Bonzai3d Interview with The Daily CatchUp
Wow. Wasn't expecting these interview here...
In Bonzai3D, if they can cut down the number of clicks for doing one thing, like the merge/create faces (could be always turned on or have the option to create/merge when we want), that could help users jumping back and forth/migrating to Bonzai.
"In fact they are only useful to users who generate really large models. A 64 bit application allows for much larger models, but at the expense of being a bit slower(...)"
What a shocker...Anyway, congratulations Sketchucation.
Good interview and keep up the good work. -
@unknownuser said:
Wow. Wasn't expecting these interview here...
yeah, it's cool of both them and scf to do this.
i can tell they (autodessys) are probably pretty sick of bonzai being looked at as a sketchup clone because the app does seem very formZ like and formZ has been around twice as long as sketchup.@unknownuser said:
"In fact they are only useful to users who generate really large models. A 64 bit application allows for much larger models, but at the expense of being a bit slower(...)"
What a shocker...not really trying to start this 64bit thing up again but i have a recent experience that states otherwise.. rhino v5 beta has recently been released for mac and it's 64 bit.. it actually feels faster than v4 (32bit) even on small models.. i'm sure some other code has been enhanced which is giving the performance bump and it's not necessarily due to going 64bit but the point is, the updated version is faster than before and not slower as the SU team and this bonzai interview has said would happen if going to 64bit.
I really believe that 64 bits can be slower in certain circumstances but the truth is will anyone notice the slowdown?
Anyone that uses 3Ds max/Photoshop notice the slowdown when jumping between 32 and 64bits? I don't (but I'm not a super max user, and in photoshop i really don't notice a slowdown), but in big stuff I notice 32 bits either getting slower or simply not getting at all...Sometimes the question is not "how fast will it run", but rather "will it run?"
@unknownuser said:
I really believe that 64 bits can be slower in certain circumstances but the truth is will anyone notice the slowdown?maybe you would notice a slow down if all that was done to the app was making it 64bit instead of 32.
the thing my previous post was hinting at is the fact that i doubt the developers would do only that..
more like "hey, we're digging around in the core of our product so let's also change the way that part works and we might as well tackle that other thing we've been neglecting for a few years"..
performance will likely improve because they are also fixing other things but switching to 64bit is the reason they're rewriting so much code to begin with.. so maybe the app goes one step back (64bit slowing things down in certain cases) -but- it's two steps forward due to the other changes.. plus, at then end of it all, the areas where 64bit will actually help performance/productivity are now seeing a major boost as well..this scenario is seemingly what has happened between rhino 4 and v5 but of course, i could totally be wrong
I think there's just the two of us here now Jeff lol. We're the work "Owls" (but I could be wrong since I don't know what time it in where you are lol)
Wanna go for a beer and keep discussing this (and the other topic) at the bar?
haha.. i'm just finishing some drawings for a job starting in the morning but i guess i'm sidetracked at the moment..
(actually, i've finished it and i'm just winding down a little before falling asleep)re: the bar
you live in new york? -
Unfortunate we're not close or we would be having a drink while you explain me rhino
(can't get my head around nurbs). I'm in Europe, Portugal to be more precise.
I'm still up because I've finished some 3D illustrations yesterday that made me (as always) work long hours in the nigh so now my "internal clock" it's switched, but I really should try to fall a sleep...
Will keep the conversation tomorrow he he he
@unknownuser said:
not really trying to start this 64bit thing up again but i have a recent experience that states otherwise.. rhino v5 beta has recently been released for mac and it's 64 bit.. it actually feels faster than v4 (32bit) even on small models.. i'm sure some other code has been enhanced which is giving the performance bump and it's not necessarily due to going 64bit but the point is, the updated version is faster than before and not slower as the SU team and this bonzai interview has said would happen if going to 64bit.
Yes - lots of work has been put into Rhino's performance. And it's not due to 64bit. Going from 32bit to 64bit means you shift double the amount of data around.
64bit and multi-core support is the thing that more users of software request from the developers - but it is a request that's mostly a stand-in request for better performance. There are many way to gain better performance in software - but it'd be techniques that's usually not known to users. It all depends on the given application's code structure.
@unknownuser said:
( )":gnhkphe6]BonZ… led to bonzai which is a small, elegant, but strong little tree… Just like our 3D application. But enough said.
Not enough said.
bonsai and banzai are two diferent words, with completely different meanings.
bonsai [bon-sahy] means tray plant(ing)
banzai [bahn-dzah] means 10,000 years (of age); a patriotic shout basically "may Japan last 10,000 years."
There are many World War II veterans and their families that find the word offensive. Two of the most famous newreels from the war show, the crews of the Japanese carriers shouting "Banzai!" as their aircraft returned from striking Pearl Harbor; the other shows Japanese soldiers stting upon the captured guns of Corregidor, shouting "Banzai!" as their fellow soldiers marched US prisoners up the infamous death march thru the Bataan peninsula.
I find the choice of name for the application to be a very poor one.
Good point Dan and fair comment.
@dan rathbun said:
@unknownuser said:
( )":15ik9skp]BonZ… led to bonzai which is a small, elegant, but strong little tree… Just like our 3D application. But enough said.
Not enough said.
bonsai and banzai are two diferent words, with completely different meanings.
bonsai [bon-sahy] means tray plant(ing)
banzai [bahn-dzah] means 10,000 years (of age); a patriotic shout basically "may Japan last 10,000 years."
There are many World War II veterans and their families that find the word offensive. Two of the most famous newreels from the war show, the crews of the Japanese carriers shouting "Banzai!" as their aircraft returned from striking Pearl Harbor; the other shows Japanese soldiers stting upon the captured guns of Corregidor, shouting "Banzai!" as their fellow soldiers marched US prisoners up the infamous death march thru the Bataan peninsula.
I find the choice of name for the application to be a very poor one.
I don't see the name as any issue. It's pronounced like Bonsai - just with a typographical twist to follow their Z profiling.
I don't see the name as being an issue as well. I think it only offends those going out of their way to be offended.
There is Simmetry3D as well. "Misspelt" but this is frequent in software naming. So what?
Mr myagi (sp?) gets drunk in karate kid and shouts bonzai a few times.. Can't be that offensive
I think you Euro guys would feel different about a product being named "HeilHilter" or "Blitzkreig" ...
(The naming has nothing to do with how good the application is... it looks like a well made product. Add a good Ruby API and I may ditch Sketchup.)
@dan rathbun said:
I think you Euro guys would feel different about a product being named "HeilHilter" or "Blitzkreig" ...
It's a play on "bonsai" - a very innocent word. That it's similar to "banzai" and comparing that to "HeilHilter" or "Blitzkreig" is stretching things too far.
And Godwin's law just got invoked...
@dan rathbun said:
I think you Euro guys would feel different about a product being named "HeilHilter" or "Blitzkreig" ...
lol.. yeah, good analogy..
In the UK you 'blitz' something... quite innocently... usually meaning to reduce to a 'pulp' [ignoring that it actually means 'lightning' as in blitzkrieg = lightning-war - but the London-Blitz did tend to 'obliterate' everything!].
'Banzai' is a 'US word' from the Japanese 'war-cry' - that is watered down in the UK to a weak and ineffective war-cry - one full of bravado but will few teeth...
'HeilHilter' is a different league - it's so specific that it's use in the UK is reserved to a particularly sarcastic response when given orders or direction by someone who you don't respect and who you consider to be 'getting above their station' - e.g. 'Do this!' ... 'HeilHilter!' = F*** you, I don't respect you!!
Only an eeedyet would name new products thus... 'Blitz' might make a good 'drain-cleaner' name - but as for the others ??? -
@johnsenior1973 said:
I don't see the name as being an issue as well. I think it only offends those going out of their way to be offended.