Maybe stupid question..Why upgrade to Su8?
I find the new way the axis adjust when editing groups/components is a great new feature.
But I see your point, Google got poor data for Norway, so all the improvements with getting data from Google Maps/Earth is of no value for me atm. Though if they'd improve the data - then it'd be great!
As a plugin developer it's very nice to see they've fixed many issues with observers in SU8 - which is of no immediate benefit to end users - but you might start to see plugins that require SU8 as they can not be made to run reliable under any older version.
If you see no benefit, then there is no rush to upgrade. You can very well skip an update and still get the discount next time. Apparently you can get upgrade discount even if you have SU1...
If you are using the Free version - then I see no point of not upgrading...
Besides, you can always install version 8 and still keep version 7. They can even run together. Files will always open in the version you used last so if you want to try 8, you can, and if you don't like it, still keep using 7 with no hassle at all. If you like 8, you can use it and only go back to 7 to import your dwg's.
@unknownuser said:
If you are using the Free version - then I see no point of not upgrading...
I second that opinion and also would like to add that both SU8 and SU7 can be installed on the same system. You will encounter a problem if you try to open a SU8 file with SU7. But using 'Save As' .skp v7/6/5 will remedy that.
Google have also addressed some issues with the toolbars on PC.
I thinks its worth having installed even if you rarely never know
[EDIT] Gaieus
Why upgrade to Ver.8, Pro.
- Solid tools - I use the Entry Info, the volume displaying section to determine if parts are the same across a model. If they have the same volume, I assume that I have not modified one or the other and the parts are the same size, even when the parts are flipped.
Also, I generally work in flat steel plate, where all I needed to figure out the weight of plate steel was the actual sq/ft of the plate. However, on steel angles, "I-beams", and C channels, the Entry info now give me the volume of these parts, making it easier to determine the actual weight of the total model.
Note, the volume display in the Entry Info section would be better if it didn't change units. I sometimes get the volume in cu/ft and on smaller parts, cu/in. I just wish it gave the volume in either cu/ft or cu/in all the time. Makes my math easier.
I also use the Entry Info, volume to make sure that I have a solid. If I get a volume, than I know that all the sides of the part's sides are connected correctly and this assure me that I have no hidden side that does not meet the other adjoining sides.
- The hidden line view. Much better than the X-ray. The hidden line view gives me a clearer idea of the inside of the model. It could be improved if it did show guide lines.
I am quite satisfied with Ver. 8. I know that some plugin are having problems working in Ver. 8, however, it is my understanding, that the plugins not working in 8, are not written to the higher standards required with this new version of Ruby. The plugin writers are correcting each plugin as they are found. To me, this higher standard of writing plugins is good for the system over all.
Btw - if you use SU to get areas, then you want SU8, as previous versions calculated incorrectly for skewed groups/components. Critical issue.
Thanks a lot for your input,guys. The best thing, then is to have SU8 and 7.1 installed on the computer just in case. I'm just used to when I upgrade a software to stop using the old version. Weird.
I guess it all depends on your usage. I'm do hospital models for rendering. The only thing I might be able to use would be the extra google earth integration but it isn't even worth the effort for me to ask IT for the $100 upgrade fee. Going from 6 to 7 didn't really add any features for me either that I can think of but there was a noticeable performance boost which made it well worth it (I haven't heard anyone making similar comments regarding ver 8). As it is now I'm still using 7. It wouldn't take very much of a push to get me to spend the boss's money and upgrade but as of now I haven't even seen that gentle push. In the end, there may be a plugin situation that does it for me or perhaps an incremental release update that fixes or improves something I'd consider more than a novelty. Otherwise, I'll wait around and see what happens in v9.
As others have said, if you're using the free version you don't lose nothing in upgrade specially if both can be run at the same time (7 and 8), if you use pro upgrade if you do/use a lot google earth related stuff or use a lot of layout (i think...i don't use layout).
Don't get your hopes to high regarding v9...
After reading sk blog about the best ideas to implement, the ones that really catch my intention were "Improve Texturing Tools" and "Improve Performance" (the other's are cool too but i see them as obvious or bugfixes), but then I read below regarding texture issues:
"This was also a top-voted idea last year(...)The problem is, adding these features would also add significant complexity to the SketchUp UI" - don't really see a problem one forces a user to use a feature (I have no use to GE stuff and their things are still in my SK...).
And regarding Performance:
"though it isn’t apparent that this particular technology will be one which has much impact on SketchUp’s performance" - I really hope not too, because that would mean that 64 bits would be an even bigger step. And after reading there's 3D software not being released to mac because it doesn't support OpenGL 3 or 4, just v2.X, I don't see new features or a redesign of the old sketchup core in the near future, at the expense of splitting the Sk user base...I guess it will be the same old story all over again
I've given up for now on 8. for some reason I have a serious issue with it's rotate and zoom tools.
I'll be rotating round a model and suddenly FLICK... I'm about 30-40 Miles away from my model. I don't know why it happens (it happens in 7 as well) and I have to drop into 7 to get the view back to my model. the frame view just puts the model in the center of the view - without zooming back in.
at least with 7 I can just reset the view.
@unknownuser said:
Don't get your hopes to high regarding v9...
After reading sk blog about the best ideas to implement, the ones that really catch my intention were "Improve Texturing Tools" and "Improve Performance" (the other's are cool too but i see them as obvious or bugfixes), but then I read below regarding texture issues:
"This was also a top-voted idea last year(...)The problem is, adding these features would also add significant complexity to the SketchUp UI" - don't really see a problem one forces a user to use a feature (I have no use to GE stuff and their things are still in my SK...).
And regarding Performance:
"though it isn’t apparent that this particular technology will be one which has much impact on SketchUp’s performance" - I really hope not too, because that would mean that 64 bits would be an even bigger step. And after reading there's 3D software not being released to mac because it doesn't support OpenGL 3 or 4, just v2.X, I don't see new features or a redesign of the old sketchup core in the near future, at the expense of splitting the Sk user base...I guess it will be the same old story all over again
Well, I've learned never to get my hopes up with regards to Google SketchUp. That said, I'm not above shelling out the $100 if they'd just fix the bugs and obvious oddities (and not this "save toolbar locations" business - an actual FIX to the problems, not just hacked workarounds). Things like a plugin manager, basic UV tools, etc would all be worth the money for me.
Interesting, Bruce. I have not experience any issues with my XP but indeed have read a couple of complaints that people cannot access the warehouse. I have not been able to find a pattern though (like Windows and/or SU versions in pair)