OK, going to check all lines before I got further.
Stern fixed! (again it was not ) Took some fiddling and finessing even with Curviloft.
And dang it, it's still off by just a hair.
But I see how to fix it.
Fixed. The curve and slope are now correct
Nice..this is coming along!
Thanks marked001.
I've been a little under the weather, so I've just been doing easy renders. Can't focus on the hard stuff right now.
The weather swings in my region are making me... groggy? We are seeing 40F swings in very short periods.
@bryan k said:
The weather swings in my region are making me... groggy? We are seeing 40F swings in very short periods.
Yep, one day you need a parka and the next you need a t-shirt
Excellent progress
Side noteโฆ. I get the feel bads from the weather swings also. Itโs been jumping around pretty bad lately here in north Texas
Thanks tuna.
Yeah, it's too much for me.
Anyway, roughing in the lower central deck hull. Next step will be to rough-in the aft deck.
Roughing in the aft deck. I will be taking some liberties with the aft deck as I do not have very good references of it.
Looking great Bryan, nice progress.
Thanks Mike!
I had to rebuild all of the middle cabin deck. The end points did line up with the hull contact points on the first build. Why, I have no idea. But it is all tight and correct now.
I also had the lower deck profile wrong. Now fixed as well.
I have a better handle on the aft deck as well.
The windows on the front were not easy, even with tools on surface. It took me several hours figuring out how to get the curve to line up with the side windows.
This is proving as challenging as the Nadesico. Still going faster, though. Much fiddling and cursing, but going faster.
Experimenting with the aft deck cover. It's close but not right.
Close enough. Lots of Curviloft and Tools On Surface and Joint Push Pull. ...and fiddling and cursing
JPP mangled some of the inside geometry, but I'm going with it as you can't really see it on the underside of the roof except as slightly thick lines and not at all if I turns lines off. I'll do better on the next one.
I was watching a travel documentry the other day and I saw a craft that looked very familiar to me. It was the craft you are building. A beutifull craft indeed
Thanks L I am.
I'm still not quite satisfied with with the aft deck cover and thinking about the geometry tells me it really is not right yet.
Here we go. Far better and the geometry agrees as well.
Checking the form with lines temporarily off and shadows on and background set to context.
Coming alongโฆ.looking forward to where you take it.