Thea Render - Interactive Rendering
6 minutes, DOF, IR unbiased, glare in Thea studio
A tutorial describing interactive render functionality is now available:
Created by: Patrick NieborgOur technology announcement contains also some key info about interactive render: -
Thea IR is really amazing...
The license that came with my copy of Thea is not being recognized.
notareal, I sent you a PM on the Thea forum. -
@Boofredlay looking on it.
Just a note, Thea Render (IR) beta download is available from public web site, so there is no registration process anymore. Feedback is much appreciated, so if possible register on forum for detailed discussion.
Thea Render academic license is introduced (for plugins too) -
@solo said:
Lets not forget to mention the new 'shadow catcher'.
5 minute render test.
Hi Solo
Just a little stupid question
Is it possible to manage the real scene which is around the cars into Thea itself or do you do a sticking work into Photoshop or some else ?-
- simon
Ps: very nice scene!
- simon
Simon, I'm not sure I understand the question.
Pete, I think he's asking if you can control the position and look of the HDRI image within Thea, or did you do it externally. Probably because of the seamless way that the tonal qualities match between the IBL and the Geometry. Also the CFR in there is helping sell the illusion that it's all one photograph. Hard to achieve that in other engines.
Stunning render...I must say!!
Ah, yes and yes.
You can move the HDRi around as well as camera and objects, then as mentioned using CRF's you can pretty much blend them like I did above.
thanks! , You have perfectly translated my interrogations=
@solo said:
Ah, yes and yes.
You can move the HDRi around as well as camera and objects, then as mentioned using CRF's you can pretty much blend them like I did above.
How do you import this HDRI into a Thea scene? I have searched this option without find it.
And also: Is it possible to include a HDRI into a SketchUp model and export the model into Thea?
Very simple questions, sorry for disturbing..
++simon -
@simon le bon said:
How do you import this HDRI into a Thea scene? I have searched this option without find it.
At the top right, go to Environment > IBL (Image Based Lighting I presume). Enable the feature you want (there are options to open different resolution images of the same file for performance reasons) and import your hdr image.
If you are not planning to do any fancy stuff, Background mapping is enough (that should be a full resolution image however). For simple reflections in windows for instance, you may also wish to enable the reflection channel at least if I am not mistaken.
Thank you sirs!!
Thea Render RV425 Beta1.6.3 is available. Interactive render is now much faster when tweaking image-based lighting settings (IBL panel), also some network rendering & packing related bugs are fixed.
Already downloaded!
(and first time ever used an own model to post a note in TDC
Thea Render RV446 Beta1.7.1 is available (dev forums, registration required. Available in few days from public download).
There been some hard developing work for this release. With recent technical advances Thea Render will give you; region rendering, improved efficiency of unbiased TR1 engine, ambient occlusion support (with dirt mapping) for BSD and the terminator artifact treatment.Terminator artifact treatment is quite important for users that do relay on low polygon models.
RV446 also contains numerous bug fixes (Changes Log). -
Another killer upgrade. I can't believe what you folks have done to Thea during beta.
Cudo's, and thanks so much.