[Plugin] TT_Lib²
I think we have established that ttVertex works, apart for the solids inspector error
I am ready to do as you recommendthought it would maybe spare us some time if first I test with all extensions except ttVertex disabled in the preferences window:
didn't do much good, quite the contrary
so I will proceed
but while I start doing what you ask, maybe you can inspect if at first sight there might be a conflict that has been exposed:Error Loading File C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/TT_Vertex/loader.rb
uninitialized constant TT_VertexError Loading File C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/lss_toolbar/lss_blend.rb
undefined methodadd_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/lss_toolbar/lss_crvsmth.rb undefined method
add_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/lss_toolbar/lss_ctrlpnts.rb
undefined methodadd_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/lss_toolbar/lss_fllwedgs.rb undefined method
add_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/lss_toolbar/lss_mshstick.rb
undefined methodadd_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/lss_toolbar/lss_pathface.rb undefined method
add_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/lss_toolbar/lss_pnts2mesh.rb
undefined methodadd_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/lss_toolbar/lss_recursive.rb undefined method
add_item' for nil:NilClassError Loading File C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/lss_toolbar/lss_tlbr_common.rb
undefined method `add_separator' for nil:NilClass -
Not all plugins can be enabled/disabled via the Extension list.
Not sure about that error. I'm unfamiliar with that is prefixed with "lss"... But this doesn't mean immediately there's a conflict with that. Maybe something it required was deactivated. This is why to be sure one need to do one by one - I'm afraid.
Just to be 100% sure I've understood correctly: Vertex Tools loads with no issues when it's installed by itself?
you must be hungry by now,
so I have sent you a box of cookies (Belgian First Quality Pralines)
@hygicell said:
you must be hungry by now,
so I have sent you a box of cookies
FrankThat was mighty kind of you! Now let us hope we can pin down the source of your issue. I'll feel really bad if I cannot help.
Btw, are you going to Basecamp?
I will proceed along your instructions
@thomthom said:
Not all plugins can be enabled/disabled via the Extension list.
a suggestion for a plugin or for sketchup?
would make debugging fast and easy -
Whoa! After a remote session (thanks to Teamviewer) I found the culprit! It was organizer which doesn't just modify the menus etc, it even loads the files it iterates - causing Vertex Tools'
to be loaded beforett_vertex.rb
- because it made the assumption that nothing other thantt_vertex.rb
would be loading it. -
:facepunch: :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :heart_eyes: :sunglasses: :sunny: :smile: :smile: :wink: :open_mouth: :astonished:
Your message contains too many smilies. The maximum number of smilies allowed is 15.
Ah. So that's not so good.
It does say in the description of Organizer that sub-folders in the plugins folder needs to be excluded (because it assumes all sub-folders otherwise belongs to Smustard...
But I had no idea how that plugin worked. I was just somewhat aware it did something with the menus. So now I've been debugging, with my user who's also had to deal with this, for the last three days. I don't like the invasive behaviour of Organizer.
Neither had I !
@unknownuser said:
There is also a mechanism for developers to easily exclude their subfolders so Organizer will not try to load the contents of those folders. This should result in a smoother experience for users, who won't have to contend with manually maintaining the excluded folders list in the SmustardOrganizerExcludeFolders.txt file.
To do this: in your subfolder, create an empty text file called "exclude.txt" - that's it!
I too don't like the way that 'other developers' [AKA most of us] are expected to avoid their sledgehammer.
There are many tools that have subfolders of other files that don't auto-load...
They never should be auto-loaded anyway !? Surely that must be up to loader-scripts or extension-loaders to decide... Why has RickW made it this way at all ?
Have you messaged him ??
Another candidate for the 'Quarantine Badge' -
Yea - as it is now it by-passes the Extension mechanism of Plugins. Unless they exclude themselves. Which is really not something he should expect a developer to do. It shouldn't be an opt-out system. How on earth is a developer expected to know about the behaviour of another plugin like that?
I've not contacted him, no. I exhausted my computer time today debugging this.
I'm puzzled why he made the Plugins folderstructure into the hierarchy of the custom menus... o_O
Hi All!
Sorry for posting this without first combing through the preceding pages. My anti-virus (Kaspersky) is going crazy over the tt_api.so file thinking it's malware. Anyone else encountering this? Didn't seem to bother anything up until just recently. Puzzling.....
Thoughts?! Thanks in advance!
Yes, there's been a few reports. Tell Kaspersky to leave the file alone. (And please also make a report to Kaspersky about the false negative. Some other users has already reported it, but maybe they bump up the priority if more people complain.)
maybe someone knows a way to disable the quarantine for one specific file inside Kapersky?
I didn't know the way to do that,
so took the radical decision to dump Kapersky
installed ZoneAlarm instead. -
Hi All,
I'm fairly new to Sketchup, and am trying to install the Cleanup plugin - I have a current model that's massive and therefore causing problems in rendering plugins such as Lumenrt or Maxwell Render -
Could someone please walk me thru the install of the Cleanup plugin for Mac?
Any help would be appreciated - Thanks.