[Plugin] Torus 1.0
Sure, I can find a use for this. Thanks!
Thanks once again
genius! big thanks
Surface without edges -
I need 12 second for a round torus with dimensions but your twisted torus is genius
Thank you very much!
Thanks a lot everyone for all your positive feedback.
@d12dozr said:
RP, how about a fractal generating plugin? ...you know, just for kicks
That's an idea. I can't think of anymore simple shapes to draw. Definitely would be just for fun.
Hi Regular!
Are you going to join the happy few set list of the ruby masters ?
I didn't know today this plugin was existing. It is a new member : Arc who have told us about it regarding to an exercise we try to soluce.
Your Torus plugin make things too much easy (bad for the exercise). Thank you for sharing
It's a wonderful plug-in, ten minutes to whip up this.
What a coincidence that our separate lines of work would meet like that!
You are doing things I never imagined people would do with this plugin.
Thanks Box -- I really like your new avatar.
That is thanks to you, it's one of your Toruses/Tori/torum.
can anyone make setting for this examples
Hi halim,
The top torus with 20 twists had these settings:
The bottom six tori had these settings, except they each have a different twist parameter varying from 0-5.
P.S. Welcome to the forum!
Thanks a bunch Regular Polygon! 3 twists setting produces geometry of the winning entry for Astana National Library by Bjarke Ingles Group (http://www.big.dk)
Error Message
I downloaded this plugin but it gives me an error message when I try to run it:
I'm using the default torus parameters...
The error is related to Fredo's AdditionalFolder plugin. Are you running this from a folder other than the default plugins folder?
@rich o brien said:
The error is related to Fredo's AdditionalFolder plugin. Are you running this from a folder other than the default plugins folder?
Not at all. I've installed the plugin directly into SU's default Plugins folder. Would it help if I removed Fredo's AdditionalFolder plugin?
I'd try it at least. Then we can identify a clash between plugins.