[Request] - Component's options report
Isn't that what you get fromFile -> Generate Report
? -
TIG has something but not exactly: http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rubylibrarydepot/plugin_details.php?id=75
So, nobody knows a way to use all this data that we can put in an dynamic component? I tried with Generate report but it's useless - with 60-70 components it freezes SketchUP and the report is a real mess! I think this attributes can be a shortest way to have some BOM inside SketchUP!
I'm keep on searching for a solution and found this - http://code.google.com/intl/bg/apis/sketchup/docs/tutorial_attrreporting.html
But getting error when trying to load it:
C;\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\Plugins\attrreporter.rb;199; warning; parenthesize argument(s) for future version Error; #<SyntaxError; C;\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\Plugins\attrreporter.rb;163; syntax error # Clean up any point rounding weirdness for purposes of display andfilename.split('.').last ^ C;\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\Plugins\attrreporter.rb;199; syntax error # the value of the attribute, or nil if it can't determine that ^ C;\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 7\Plugins\attrreporter.rb;538; syntax error> C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/rubytoolbar.rb;135;in `load' C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/rubytoolbar.rb;135;in `rt_load' C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/rubytoolbar.rb;180 C;/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 7/Plugins/rubytoolbar.rb;180;in `call'
There's an error in that published script !
I suspect thatvalue = value.gsub(/\"/,'"') value = value.gsub(/\'/,''') return value
should be
value = value.gsub(/\"/,'"') value = value.gsub(/\'/,'"') return value
around line #159..............
Well TIG, I am not a coder but to my eyes, the two sniplets look exactly alike.
Edit; found the difference!
' ' ' >> ' " '
One 'character' is all it takes to **** up a script -
is there quality control at Google ??? -
I found a way to convert the inches, but the problem with counting components still remain. Any idea how to include this into the report?
Still hoping...
Since your example is written in 'Cyrillic' [?] it's hard to understand... Ddo you find the details of a component and also want to show a total number of it in the report - like on the Entity Info window ?
You need to find its definition and then its instances and count them, the format the html/csv to include the 'count' - something like...ss=model.selection ents=ss.to_a ### OR ents=model.entities ### OR ents=model.active_entities defns=[] ### to become a list of used definitions ents.each{|e| if e.class==Sketchup;;ComponentInstance defns<< e.definition if not defns.include?(e.definition) end#if } counts=[] ### to become a collection of definitions [by name] and their instance counts [as a string] defns.each[|d| counts<< [d.name, d.instances.length.to_s] }
- note it's untested!
You now have an array of selected [or all used] definitions by name, paired with the total of their instances....
So to output it to the Ruby Console use something like...
counts.each{|e| puts e[0]+"\t"+e[1] }
I'll leave the formating of the csv / html lines etc to you or others.............
- note it's untested!
So you are almost sorted