[Plugin] ExtrudeTools - Full Set
This is a great plugin! It contains a feature that would be AMAZING as a stand-alone tool: Orient Faces.
Do any of your plugins offer Orient Faces as a function that can be applied to free geometry, instead of just working on geometry created by using the plugin?
Is there another way to easily orient faces on a mixed-orientation mesh? Please create a stand-alone Orient Faces function to that we can easily fix mixed-face orientation geometry!
"Orient" is already a built-in context-menu tool.
Select a correctly oriented face and choose the tool from the right-click context-menu.
All connected faces are now oriented to match that face.
Tip: Turn View > Hidden Geometry ON, so then you can select a single facet for the orientation, because otherwise if the mesh is smoothed it selects en mass...Unfortunately a mesh can only be oriented successfully if every edge in it has only one or two faces.
If an edge has three or more faces, then no algorithm can determine what to do, because some faces will never be correctly oriented compared to their neighbors.Because a mesh that is made with a EEby... tool is likely to be 'orientable' it works 'in-code', but it's not guaranteed to be effective on other meshes...
Unfortunately "Orient" is NOT accessible in the Ruby API, so I wrote my own.
But it's only needed if the orientation of code-generated faces cannot be guaranteed. -
Icons for this extension are not showing up at all. This is on 2016 Pro version using windows 7. I can access all the tools via extensions but would like to see the icons as before. Used sketucation3.0 to install, tried deleting the rb file and install again but still no icons showing.
Any suggestions on what I can do to get the icons to appear again?
Did you install it from a downloaded RBZ using Preferences > Extensions > Install Extension...
or the equivalent SketchUcation Archive Installer, or directly using the SketchUcation PluginStore dialog within SketchUp ?
Having reread your post I see it was the latter.Your supposed problem...
If you mean the toolbar is not visible, then you probably need to activate it from its entry in the Toolbar list...
If you mean the toolbar appears, but it has blank buttons, then check that there are 22 PNG files in the subfolder - ..\Plugins\ExtrudeTools
This seems unlikely because all of the other files used by the tool to make the submenu items etc are also in that subfolder !If there is no toolbar available something is weird...
Hi Trevor, Yes all the png's appear and yes it is activated with a check to enable it. But I still have no tool bars or icons whatsoever. I tried disabling it, open sketchup again, re enable, open again and still nothing. Something is weird
I guess it would be quicker to reinstall SketchUp 2016 and reload all my plugins with sketucation's brilliant plugin store.
Thank you for the assistance.
Hi John!
Happy New Year
Isn't there something about java or some such being up to date for some icons to work?
I'm probably wrong but it stuck in my mind. -
Hi Brian happy new year to you too
Very funny
Box- that might be it as I was told not to update Java by a friend. Perhaps i need to ignore that adviceQuick questions. I've uninstalled 2016 version. Should I delete everything in my appdata roaming plugins folder? Is there anything there I should leave alone?
Thanks again for all the help.
Reinstalling SU2016 won't change the User/AppData/...SketchUp 2016/Plugins folder, though. Reinstalling SketchUp 2016 seems like a drastic step that's unlikely to fix the problem. Delete the Extrude Tools files from the Plugins folder and install anew with the SCF Plugin Store.
Edit: Too late.
Hi Dave,I already tried deleting and then re installing the extrude tools several times to no avail.
Re install only takes a few minutes as does re installing all my extensions. So it is not too drastic in my opinion. But I'm still not sure if I should delete every single file in the plugins folder or if there is something I should keep there that might be needed or is it okay to simply leave them all as is?
I guess at this point I'd delete the entire Plugins folder from App Data/Roaming... Then install the SCF Plugin Store from a fresh download and use it to install TIG's Extrude Tools. Don't install anything else until testing for icons.
That sounds like great advise and a good way to go
Thank you Dave -
Good luck.
Darn Just did as per Dave's advice and still not showing toolbar for extrude tools.
I updated java too so completely stumped at the moment as to how to correct this.Where is that head banging against a wall emoji Or is that on another forum
Yaaaaay... Got it working at last, Most likely operator error ( it always is) as when I went to toolbars and checked the box for extrude tools it came up. I had been checking the box under extensions.
Anyhooo feels so good to sort this out, even if it was just due to correcting operator error.Thank you all for the help
Many [but not all] Plugins are made as Extensions, and because of a glitch in v2016-M0's Loading Policy, when these are first installed they do no start off 'activated', even when the author specifies that they ought to, and the RBZ is properly signed, and the Loading Policy is set as 'Unrestricted' [the default]...
Therefore, you currently need to activate any installed Extensions manually from Preferences > Extensions, by placing a check-mark against their entry [you can also use the SketchUcation Extensions-Manager to do this by moving them into the left 'activated' column].
Thereafter, this activation should be remembered across sessions...When an activated Plugin has a Toolbar, then that might not start off initially activated when its RBZ is installed [but its initial state depends of the author's coding, if the Extension has been deactivated etc].
You can activate that toolbar under the Toolbars list, by placing a check-mark against its entry.
By default, when first activated it will appear top-left of the SketchUp-window, floating and in one line.
You can reshape/relocate/dock it etc, all as you wish.
This now active-toolbar should reappear across sessions, remembering wherever you last left it [and floating or docked etc]. -
TIG, it appears I am seeing a problem with the Extrude Tools extension. Any time I use it if I use Ctrl-Z to undo something, I am winding up with a rectangle at the axis base point in my model. Please see this thread
Which of the EEby... tools shows this ?
Initially I can't think of any that place a rectangle at the origin, outside of the main undo-loop ??
More details please... -
@tig said:
Which of the EEby... tools shows this ?
Initially I can't think of any that place a rectangle at the origin, outside of the main undo-loop ??
More details please...The only one I have been using is the vector one. I have tried several times since I first read your reply and have not been able to reproduce it again. It did happen several time before in both 2015 and 2016 (Pro for both).
Holaa ! Me podrías decir como descargo el plugin? por favor, no encuentro el link de descarga...