Argh! Curves!!
I am pretty confident with my SU knowhow ... except for one major hole. Curves! Not the single Arc kind, but the double and triple trippy curves on curves. I've been asked to model some constructions that are ... to say the least ... challenging. Perhaps heart attack material. I think I need some help.
Look at these two sketches please. A spiral, a curved edging. I have no idea how to do them. Any clues out there in SCFland?
-- Joel
Something similar to this would be good for Solo's model this threads.
The 3-lobed shape is a FollowMe or a PushPull with RoundCorners [plug].
Making a Helix [plug] is easy enough.
Making Helical curves has several tutorials.
JointPushPull [plug] will thicken the 'ramp'...
To round corners Fillet [plug] in 2D or RoundCorners for 3D...
It's about combining various methods to get what you want... -
@cmd said:
I didnt quite understand the second graphic but here is my quick attempt using Shape Bender, Joint PP, Follow Me
CMDCould you please provide us a more detailed explanation, or just some screenshots of the process? Thanks!
Your second graphic can be done by simply by "drawing" in skechup the front and side views and then intersecting them. If you plan ahead, make use the same number of edges and you can make the vertices interct each other, giving you a clean mesh.
I really find it odd that google doesn't give us better tools like the ones some general rubys provide because their to "specific", but you use those plugins to model this...
Thanks, CMD, but I think the second is more complicated than that. The face twists and is flat in front and vertical on the sides. With an intersection, I can get the general shape (curves intersecting curves) but not the twist (curves intersecting curves intersecting curves) ... or am I missing something?
And that first construction ... please point me in the right direction. Is all of this (helix building, etc) in the SCF tutorials? -- Joel
I didn't try it normally when that hapens it means you need more information about the object you're modeling. Try to get the top view, or draw yourself one based on the others you have, and then intersect the 3. You'll have a 3d mesh that will, most probably, need to be retopologised but at least the base forms will be there to work with. Sorry if that's not much of a help