I need help...
I get my worse symtoms in Autocad...trying to orbit a detail to look at the side view. (Scary that I often right-away try a second time and utter a "what the hell now" before realizing what I'm doing :`)
The worst is my urge to press Ctrl+Z when I've done something wrong - outside the world of computing. My left hand twitches as it want to push the buttons.
And the other day when I was making some physical sketch model I kept wanting to do Ctrl+Move...
I confess to having the odd 'ctrl+z' moment, its quite surreal when you realise what you've just tried to do.
I agree, it happens to us all. Su is one thing - wanting to orbit and pan things in real life.....
...But I used to play a WWII computer game (Battlefield 1942) a LOT. And I would find myself literally ducking and looking upwards anytime a helicopter flew overhead outside in real life. I also had very strong urges to pull out a bazooka and shoot slow cars in front of me on the road. It was shortly after that that I gave up playing that game.....and I think its for the best.
You want to try working with SketchUp, AutoCAD AND Revit all in the same day !!!
When you are used to using keyboard shortcuts it's a continuing problem...M=Move, M+space_OR_enter= Move, MM=Move...... Why won't AutoCAD or Revit go to 'Move' when I press the M key ??? Some seconds later = Duh!
etc etc
I often use ctrl+M to copy !!! without success...Not to mention when I also regularly write Ruby, AutoLisp/VB and VB/Revit_API it gets even worse - it's like speaking several different languages [reasonably well] but forgetting which country you are in... far too often !!!
@tig said:
You want to try working with SketchUp, AutoCAD AND Revit all in the same day !!!
That's the packages we use at work. I'm a modelmaker and illustrator, so my main tool is SU. AutoCAD and Revit always makes me scream "why isn't this working?!?".
@tig said:
Not to mention when I also regularly write Ruby, AutoLisp/VB and VB/Revit_API it gets even worse
Apart from 3D modelling and SU ruby scripting I do websites on the side; PHP, JS, HTML, CSS (ok, not all are 'scripting' languages, but still)
Web programming is what I did first; now I don't do it as much. But after using Ruby quite a lot lately I something find myself stuck when I write in JS or PHP.@tig said:
Not to mention when I also regularly write Ruby, AutoLisp/VB and VB/Revit_API it gets even worse - it's like speaking several different languages [reasonably well] but forgetting which country you are in... far too often !!!
I'm a Norwegian, lived in UK for four years; lots of friends there. Use the internet allot in English and at the office the language runs in Norwegian, English & German due to a number of Germans employed. Juggling the correct language to the correct people when things get hectic isn't always an easy task...
@thomthom said:
I'm a Norwegian, lived in UK for four years; lots of friends there. Use the internet allot in English and at the office the language runs in Norwegian, English & German due to a number of Germans employed. Juggling the correct language to the correct people when things get hectic isn't always an easy task...
And you are not even in the EU. Imagine what would be going on then!
@thomthom said:
...I just tried to orbit inside Notepad++ while writing a ruby... ...even tried it twice... Not sure what I expected, but I'm sure if it did actually work; it'd be awesome!
sometimes we just want to read like this
I think i have tried to orbit in a text field. My addiction to SU has drastically distorted my actions and the like. I sometimes, unbelievably, LOOK for the geometry on common objects. I somehow think that everything i see consists of faces. I even find myself telling my friends to "Turn on hidden geometry!" to help them find their "hidden" object(it's a pun, but it shows how much SU is affecting myself). Hopefully I will break this habit soon...
@unknownuser said:
I somehow think that everything i see consists of faces. I even find myself telling my friends to "Turn on hidden geometry!" to help them find their "hidden" object
I have the same affliction, I can look at a real world building and realise that almost subconsciously I'm seeing the wireframe or thinking about how it breaks down into faces. I also have a tendency to stand on construction sites and push pull them into completion in my mind. Kill me now.
I'm not that bad yet. Once though, I thought that an objet I was seeing was moving slow because it was too high poly for... well... existence I guess...
I remember seeing something(i think it was a car?), and i thought it would lag when it accelerated. I also start to look around my environment to see if i can find some glitch, like a single face object. I can't believe that I assume that something has a one sided face. I'm going crazy...
occasionally i see a strange lighting effect and almost immediately think 'rendering error' before promptly slapping myself back in to reality.
This is really affecting me. I just visited a web page and noticed a single link. I reached out and poked it in an attempt to navigate to the web page. I just poked my desktop screen! I can't believe I did that.
Ah, the curse of the 3d modeler when thrown back into the real world! LOL.
After using SU for a full day I try to use my MMB to tilt my screen so I can see further down the web page without scrolling.