[Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25
Please add your OS and SketchUp version to your SketchUcation User profile...
And then expand their details in a post as needed...
That will often help us understand your issues more readily...I guess you are on a MAC with v2013 [Make?]...
Have you restarted SketchUp after the updates - some of Fredo's tools require this to complete the changes...*
Have you installed the very latest versions of the Lib itself AND each of the Tools.
Many have been updated to suit v2013 and so they cannot be 'copied over' from your v8 folders.
All of the latest Lib and Tool files should be available at the EW... OR they are download-able as RBZ archives from the easy to use SketchUcation PluginStore page [these can then be installed from the SketchUp > Preferences > Extensions > Install... button in v8/v2013], or using SketchUcation's Plugin Store dialog from within SketchUp itself, which AutoInstalls etc...* -
Yea, i should have added my profile and system specs.
Anyway, Im running a retina macbook pro late 2013 osx mavericks and sketchup 13. I have installed the plugins via the EW so I have no idea what is going on exactly. I have noticed this mavericks update is very picky with granting apps and software permission to write etc. to the point of claiming the software "is broken and should me moved to thrash" if it comes from a source apple does not recognise.Yesterday i died a complete reinstall of sketchup 2013 but to no avail. I guess Ill have to mess about a bit more
so apparently having the plugins in both user/library/sketchup/plugins and hd/library/sketchup/plugins causes a conflict and stops the extension from working. after some hours of frustration I can finally work again.
thank you again
-D -
@metamachine said:
Yea, i should have added my profile and system specs.
Anyway, Im running a retina macbook pro late 2013 osx mavericks and sketchup 13. I have installed the plugins via the EW so I have no idea what is going on exactly.Please do update your profile, then.
Why did you put the file in the alternate Plugins folder ?
Please help me, my interface is resetting each time i start sketchup. Plugin buttons using fredo are all gone each start, P.S. Mac OS, sketchup pro 8
rhino > sketchup... too many plugins and downloads for tools that should already been implented into the original program.
@jimbob99 said:
rhino > sketchup... too many plugins and downloads for tools that should already been implented into the original program.
And you think this belongs into this topic because ...?
Thanks for signaling this.
I'm with some issues to instal LibFredo6.
I did all the usual procedure and when I start Sketchup appear this mensage:
"You must install LibFredo6 version 5.2 or higher to run Fredo6_Curviloft"
and in the menu/window instead of LibFredo6 Settings I see "Ruby Console" that opens a dialog box, that I have no idea of what tipe on it.
Please Help -
@guilhermestudio said:
I'm with some issues to instal LibFredo6.
I did all the usual procedure and when I start Sketchup appear this mensage:
"You must install LibFredo6 version 5.2 or higher to run Fredo6_Curviloft"
and in the menu/window instead of LibFredo6 Settings I see "Ruby Console" that opens a dialog box, that I have no idea of what tipe on it.
Please Help
Do you have FULL read/write Security permission set for all users/groups listed under Properties > Security > Edit... for the Plugins folder ?
If not, then you might think you have installed the Lib folder, but Windows might have actually put it into the VirtualStore to protect you from yourself, but not tell you...
If you have a link/button in one of the top-bars of the Plugins folder's Windows Explorer window that's a sure sign...
Fix the Security to FULL [you need to be an Admin to do that [set it in Users control-panel if not]].
Then install the Lib and any other things you find in the VirtualStore...Alternatively... if you think you have installed the Lib and it is in the Plugins folder... then how did you do it - if you did it manually did you keep the files in their subfolders etc - not doing so is a recipe for disaster !
I recommend you use the RBZ Preferences > Extensions > Install... button installer, or use the PluginStore dialog's AutoInstaller... -
Fredo, I have errors in calculations. What Am I Doing Wrong?
NEW RELEASE: LibFredo6 v5.5g - 24 Jan 14
LibFredo6 5.5g is a release for EdgeInspector 1.0, which is just published as part of FredTools 1.6g.
See main post of this thread for Download.
Thanks Fredo for this update and new tool !!
I have updated the Spanish Language (Spain).
Spanish Language (Spain) v5.5g -
Thanks very much. Will go in next release
NEW RELEASE: LibFredo6 v5.6a - 03 Feb 14
LibFredo6 5.6a is a release for fixing bugs in Curvizard, for the Make Curve tools
There is also a (limited) support for Retina screens. The parameter can be set in the Default Parameters dialog box of LibFredo6. When set, the size of the button palettes, visual progress bars and some custom tooltips is enlarged by a factor 2. However, the font size is not changed (not possible from Ruby). So you may obtain an acceptable result or keep tiny fonts.
See main post of this thread for Download.
hey Fredo,
not sure which thread to post this but this one seems ok
some of your toolbars aren't showing tooltips per icon.. i don't have all of your plugins installed but with the ones i do, the following names show as the tooltip for every icon in their respective toolbar:
FredoScaletwo of them are showing each icon tooltip properly:
JointPushPull (the new one)
BezierSpline(not sure about fredotools and curvizard as i use the single button toolbar for those)
**Dear Fredo
I have Sketchup 2013. I installed your fredo 6 and reound corner and I get Error message
erfordert Sketchup Version höher als 5.0.160 Aktuerlle Version ist 13.0.4813Please help me
@fboth said:
**Dear Fredo
I have Sketchup 2013. I installed your fredo 6 and reound corner and I get Error message
erfordert Sketchup Version höher als 5.0.160 Aktuerlle Version ist 13.0.4813Please help me
It looks like you have an old version of LibFredo6 and RoundCorner.
Please upgrade to latest ones.
Ideally, use the Sketchucation PluginStore tool to install the plugins.Fredo