[Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25
I appologize Dave R, you are right...
I'm using Win7 and SUPro8, and i think more people will be experiencing this problem, because untill today i had no problems with any Fredo6 plugins at all. But today when i wanted to open the file i was working on yesterday, it crashed. I tried again and again with same results. Bug Splat pop-up everytime.
I tried to copy the file to a different location - it crashed. Renameing it - it crashed. Then i even tried to open the .skb file but got the same result. I then tied a new, blank file but it too crashed on startup.
Next step was to reinstall Sketchup. It didn't help. So finally i removed SU and all plugins. Reinstalled SU again and started installing plugins. After each plugin was installed i started Sketchup just to test it. Vray and Artisan worked fine.
Then i installed RoundCorner 2.3a. Started SU, saw the RoundCorner toolbar but got a notification about the library missing. Installing LibFredo6 4.7a was the next step. I didn't start SU immmediately, but installed the BezierSpline 1.4f. Ran Sketchup and it crashed.
I removed and installed Fredo6's plugins back and forth trying to figure out which was the one actually causing the problem. In the end it was this one.
I don't know why it started causing problems today, but i sure hope a fix is found soon.
p.s. If it's of any help, i just remembered that the check-for-update pop-up for Fredo6 plugins was giving me errors since a while back. It couldn't connect to the database or something. I didn't pay much attention since i checked for new versions on the forum from time to time and the the older versions of some plugins (i updated today) worked fine so i wasn't in a rush to update.
@unknownuser said:
I'm using Win7 and SUPro8, and i think more people will be experiencing this problem, because untill today i had no problems with any Fredo6 plugins at all.
Why don't you add your operating system and SU version to your profile?
So from your statement, you think more people will be having this problem since you are?
I gather that you haven't done as I asked before and tried with only Fredo6 plugins installed. I suspect it isn't Fredo6 but rather the Vray plugin that is causing the problem you have. At least humor me and try it without Vray installed
VfSU is known to be potentially unstable.
emage wrote before me:
"today my windows updated itself, and now sketchup crashes on startup.
removing plugins one by one showed that only removing LibFredo will enable sketchup to run"nursill reported the same issue, and i have found the same to be true. I only said that i expect that this will hapen to more users as the Windows update, the one that seams is in conflict with Freed6 plugin, gets to more people. I personally didn't see any update (it may have updated before shutting down, like usual), but something had to change from last night to this morning.
And yes, i did install only LibFredo6 and no other plugins while waiting for someone to reply, and Sketchup crashed immediately.
p.s. I've been a member of this forum for more than 2 years and haven't posted anything 'till today. If i didn't think that was the best place to get the solution for my problem, i would have been a 'silent' member still. That is why my profile is empty.
I figured some Windows related update may have hapened last night and i'd try to reinstall the plugins today. The problem was resolved out-of-the-blue just like it apeared.
Just thought you guys should know...
Help! Just installed LibFredo6 4.7 and now SU crashes! I overvrote the old version 3.7 and lost the old file! How can I bring it back to work??? I know, I should have saved the old LibFredo6.rb file... but I didn't. Can anyone help me? Where can I get the older rb file?
There should be no issues between old/new versions.
What do you mean by 'crash' ?
I suspect something else is causing the issue.
Can you post a screen shot of your Plugins folder...
Are you 100% sure that you have installed everything exactly as required?? -
This is really strange... I just set the computer back to before the last Windows update and now it works without any problem. Hmmmm... could it be an Update problem?
@tig said:
There should be no issues between old/new versions.
What do you mean by 'crash' ?
I suspect something else is causing the issue.
Can you post a screen shot of your Plugins folder...
Are you 100% sure that you have installed everything exactly as required??By "crash" i ment SU starts, then some icons appear an suddenly SU shuts down again. If I restart, the same thing happens again.
As TIG already requested once, post a screen shot of the Plugins folder. Also post one of the LibFredo6 folder.
It sounds like either an installation problem or a clash with some other plugin.
@dave r said:
As TIG already requested once, post a screen shot of the Plugins folder. Also post one of the LibFredo6 folder.
It sounds like either an installation problem or a clash with some other plugin.
Well, now it works! I set the computer back to before the last update und... no problem anymore!
Strange, ha?
So why don't you remove LIBFREDO6_Dir_37?
And what happens if you update Windows again?
@dave r said:
So why don't you remove LIBFREDO6_Dir_37?
And what happens if you update Windows again?
Oh, yeah, I forgot about removing that one now. I did that before... but it still was not working. I took all files an folders away and then I put them back one by one, testing each time. Everything went well until I copied the new LibFredo6.rb in the folder. Like I said... now it's working well. And... I have no clue what is going to happen after a new update. Probably I will be here, screaming for help again!
@dave r said:
So why don't you remove LIBFREDO6_Dir_37?
And what happens if you update Windows again?
Sooooo... Windows updatet itself again... but wonder oh wonder... nothing bad is happened this time. SU works and LibFredo6 as well! No problems so far!
not very experienced with ruby scripts. but, the ruby scripts update info directed me to this:
[Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v4.7a - 28 Nov 12
how do i i downloaded it? the page says go to "zip archive". where is that?
@rayisaacs said:
how do i i downloaded it? the page says go to "zip archive". where is that?
Go to the first post on the first page and look for the yellow Download button.
459,966 page views on this thread... that's got to be some kind of record.
Can someone please help me out?
I have installed the libfredo6 according to instructions but i get these two messages on seketchup 8 startup:
Cannot load plugin LibFredo6 because the script cannot create DEFPARAM_Dir folder in:
/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/PluginsPlease create it manually, respecting the case
Error Loading File clf_color_by_slope.rb
undefined methodfile_loaded?' for main:ObjectError Loading File LibFredo6.rb undefined method
average_load_time' for Traductor::Plugin:Classwhat can i do about this? I am working on a mac with snow leopard.
Many thanks for your help!
Make sure you have full read and write permissions established for the Plugins folder specified in the first error message. Then try restarting SketchUp and see what happens.
The second error message appears to be due to the fact that LibFredo6 can't complete loading so fixing the first should take care or the second. Funny, though. I didn't know that Chris had made a plugin dependent on LibFredo6.
Don't think he has - but there's two errors there. When properly formatted:
Error Loading File clf_color_by_slope.rb undefined method
file_loaded?' for main:ObjectError Loading File LibFredo6.rb
undefined methodaverage_load_time' for Traductor::Plugin:Class
For the first -
when it saysundefined method
file_loaded?' for main:Objectit sounds like
clf_color_by_slope.rbis the first .rb file to load and it doesn't include
require 'sketchup.rb'` at the top.The second one - I don't know... That's a fredo thing. Maybe incorrect installation?