The "Duh!" thread (aka the Doh! thread)
@box said:
But be aware Cotty,that doing it with the path in a group will give you strange results.
Box, those strange results are only due to geometry. Your two circles are not orthogonal to each other so the start and ending are not coherent with the rest of the path. That's what that message means and it's not related to the path's/profile context.
I beg to differ. The circles are set to make a sphere.
I think the reason is the different axis for the group (you can see both in BOXs gif). the follow me uses the path circle, but with the global axis.
I thought the same Carsten but the torus created isn't centered on the origin, certainly influenced by but not centered on.
@cotty said:
I think the reason is the different axis for the group (you can see both in BOXs gif). the follow me uses the path circle, but with the global axis.
That is true! And that is why the circle's profile is not orthogonal with the path and the result is an elliptical profile donut with strange endings...
Seems sketchup is picking the circle path and use it's context axis to place it relatively to the profile's context's axis.
If the path's component´s axis would be centered with the circle and if the profile was centered in it's context axis, then the sphere would be created.
If the profile had been drawn along the X axis a circular profile donut would have been created instead of an elliptical one.
What also happened here is that Box grouped the path while you grouped the profile.
I also bet things will work differently if using a group or component...
@box said:
Talk about missing the point.
LOL! That's cool! But you missed the point for most of it...
I think...
I'll try it in a minute but my gif creating capabilities are messed up since I got a 4k monitor... licecap doesn't work well nor other stuff I tried...
I am preparing my eggs for the sucking lesson.
You have to center the axis inside the circle group prior to follow me.
Sh** I'm doing it right now in several ways, but can't gif it!!!!
wait a moment... changing computer!
I think you have made my point for me. If the profile is in a group it causes a different result because it relates the group axis to the global axis. But if the profile is in a group it simply uses the group Axis.
at forty paces!
Which proved my point, the follow me reacts differently if the profile is grouped rather than the path being grouped. The origin axis comes into play when the path is grouped.
So my original assertion that odd things occur when you group the path is true.
Also my original model was orthographically correct and shows the relationship between the global axis and the group axis. If I did the follow me the other way it would have produced a sphere.
Moving the axis of the path solves the problem but is unrelated to the original post.I simply pointed out that while Carsten was showing something that works beautifully one way it doesn't work the same way when reversed.
I'll add this for luck.