FFmpeg: Instructions for download and Install
Not sure why, but I think I managed to fix my Video Generation issue.
I am not sure if this is a universal situation, but maybe helpful to someone. Like most of the posts here, I installed the Animator plugin on my Windows 11 laptop and followed all the steps, but was unable to generate movie (MP4 or any other format).
My original Sketchup file and the folder where the animation output was being located were on my OneDrive folders. After many failed attempts, I copied the Sketchup file and the FFMPEG file to a folder on my C drive. Doing so fixed the issue. Once the "Video Generation" process is completed, after selecting "Save and Exit", a video is generated and ready to access.
It works even after interrupting and resuming video generation process.
I have almost the same issue as mentioned above many times. On my Mac I unpacked the downloaded file and moved it to the Applications folder (it is a 78.5 Mb doc file) . Then I specified the path to this file in the Generation the Video window, chose mpeg extension, and everything was going fine. But when checked the Animator Videos folder it was completely empty. I did the whole cycle many times, and gave permission to the ffmpeg in Privacy&Sec , restarted the SU and whole Mac many times, but it's just coming up empty-(
Would be much appreciate for any help on it
The videos generated by Animator are located in a folder Animator Videos located in the same folder as your model. This folder is created if it does not exist.
After the generation, you have a dialog box with 'Play' arrows under each format. Do you get the video playing when clicking on the arrow?
@quillpro said in FFmpeg: Instructions for download and Install:
It does not appear in the Control Panel nor does it ask for permission. I was able to fix the issue by using the macOS terminal to make FFmpeg executable.
shell ~ % ls -lU /Applications/ffmpeg -rw-rw-r--@ 1 username staff 78461292 Aug 31 2020 /Applications/ffmpeg shell ~ % chmod u=rwx /Applications/ffmpeg shell ~ % ls -lU /Applications/ffmpeg -rwxrw-r--@ 1 username staff 78461292 Aug 31 2020 /Applications/ffmpeg
The Generation of Video interface is still buggy but it does now generate the video files.
Hi all, New user but have been enjoying the helpful information found here!
I too have been having a couple struggles getting the great ANIMATOR app from Fredo6 to generate a video file on my MacBook Pro. I did see that in the automatically generated folder "Animator Videos" a sting of individual images but also a .txt file that stated "permission denied". I thought it sounded like I should try the solution from quillpro to let the Mac OS open and run the file. I think quillpro is most likely better at command line instructions than me - but I couldn't get his Command Lines to work for me.
What I found online and did the trick for me was the following:
To change permissions in Terminal, do the following:
Type this command followed by a space: chmod 755.
Drag the file "ffmpeg" into the Terminal window.
Press Return.Permissions for the file or folder will be changed to read, write, and execute.
When I did this, the icon for ffmpeg changed from a white piece of paper with the top right corner folded over to a black colored icon with the words "exec" in green written on it.
I haven't tried all the different available formats but it made a .mov file that played in QuickTime with no problems.
Hopefully this helps someone!
Hello everyone! I have a problem with generating video on Mac OS. I installed the latest version of ffmpeg and placed the downloaded file in the application folder and pointed to it in the video export window. Available video formats immediately appeared in this window, I select the desired one and start exporting, when the indicator reaches 100%, but the video is not created (a folder with .png and .txt files appears. Please help me solve this issue, I really need to make a video animation! Thank you very much!
It seems that the FFmpeg program is not launching correctly, probably because of security restrictions that you have to configure (since you downloaded it from Internet).
Can you open the Ruby Console, copy/paste the following command and type Enter.
Kernel.system ""#{Traductor::FFmpeg.instantiate.program_locate}" -h"
This invoke FFmpeg help. The return value should be true.
If you get false, I would have a look at the previous post about giving permissions to FFmpeg.
Thanks for trying) None of the above worked) But I am very grateful that you answered me so quickly, because it is so important to support each other) I will briefly share my story. I tried all possible methods that can only be found on the Internet, but nothing worked, although I managed to install ffmpeg without lipsodium and everything that is downloaded further. Chat GPT helped me, he wrote me the exact command for the terminal and I converted my first video! After that, somehow everything started working in ANIMATOR! Thanks to FREDO for his work and gifts! If anyone needs the command for the terminal, I will leave it here:
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i ~/Desktop/test/image%03d.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p ~/Desktop/output.mp4
This post is deleted! -
Is there a double quote (after 1:4) in the name of the folder where Animator.
Also, if you post a trace, please use the txt file (_EventLog_video_generation.txt). This is easier to read than a screen capture.