SCFLicense: Extension Licensing on Sketchucation
@mohamed888 Either in your firewall or your networks policy settings
Its a client side restriction you are facing that's impossible for us to circumvent. You need to find whether its software, hardware or policy related. Our server is up and activating licenses.
thank you problem solve
i see the problem repeated a lot in the community here
i recommend this video -
Salut afin de dire ce que j'ai fais. J'ai totalement desinstallé sketchup et supprimé l'ensemble des fichiers dans le roaming.... Après ré-installation, j'ai tout téléchargé depuis votre site sans utiliser ou copier les fichiers que j'avais sauvegardé et cela refonctionne correctement merci du temps passé.
Bonne journéeHi in order to say what I did. I totally uninstalled sketchup and deleted all the files in the roaming.... After re-installation, I downloaded everything from your site without using or copying the files I had saved and it works properly again thanks for the time spent. Have a nice day
Ich habe am 12.11.24 eine Lizenz für das 50 Dollar inkl FAT ca 60 Dollar Fredo Paket ausgewählt und per PayPal bezahlt. Der Bezahlvorgang lief ohne Probleme. Heute sehe ich, dass PayPal die Zahlung abgelehnt hat. Haben Sie eine Ahnung warum?
Andere Zahlungen am gleichen Tag auf deutsche Konten liefen ohne Probleme.
Grüße FranzI selected a license for the 50 dollar incl. VAT approx. 60 dollar Fredo package on 12.11.24 and paid via PayPal. The payment process went without any problems. Today I see that PayPal declined the payment. Do you have any idea why? Other payments on the same day to German accounts went without any problems. Greetings Franz
@frajo Sometimes banks will initiate the charge but when it comes to authorising it doesn't complete for any number of reasons.
In some instances there some third party that sits between your account and PayPal. For instance we see in Poland there's a third party called P24 that Polish visitiors use for online payments. 9/10 these fail because they are authorised payment processors that we use.
So if you have some type third party banking solution that you use to purchase items I would use our Stripe payment processor. It is more bank friendly in some cases than PayPal.
@Mike-Backman When did you purchase a license? Do you have multiple accounts?
Já adquiri a compra da licença e estou no aguardo da ativação da mesma. -
@FERREIRA-DOS-SANTOS said in SCFLicense: Extension Licensing on Sketchucation:
Já adquiri a compra da licença e estou no aguardo da ativação da mesma.Hello! I have already purchased the license purchase and am waiting for it to be activated.
Licenses are at
@Prorab I would click Yes/OK to open the folder where the signature file is located.
Close SketchUp
Delete the signature file
Open SketchUp
Activate License
If the error repeats please check your PC name...
If your device name has special characters please change the device name to only use alphanumeric characters
@Rich-O-Brien Delete the signature file i dont know where is, Which path ? Thanks
Its my fredo plugins. but missing only Fredo spline
@Prorab What's the question?
You can retrieve license files from
You can activate FredoSpline using Tools > Fredo Collection > FredoSpline > License...
Hi everyone!
I am in the trial version of the FredoCorner. The trial version is available untill december 10th, untill today it was working perfectly fine. But today I started working on my project and I got this message all the time, and can't click on the buttons of my toolbar anymore (without getting this message)
I did all the updates, restarted sketch up, but it it still not working.Anyone knows what to do? I am thinking of buying the license, because I think the tool works pretty good, but I just don't understand why it is suddenly not working anymore (and I need to wait for my salary
Thank you!
Please advice how to install the lastest version
You need to whitelist * on your firewall/antivirus/network
Or switch to a less strict network. The issue is client side.
@Rich-O-Brien said in SCFLicense: Extension Licensing on Sketchucation:
You need to whitelist * on your firewall/antivirus/network
Or switch to a less strict network. The issue is client side.
Thanks. I don't speak English well. I am will bee try
It says you already have three seats allocated to computers using those licenses., so there are none free
If you have changed the name of a computer, then that counts twice etc.
You can log in and manage your licenses using
Remove what's not needed and then validate again...
Also ensure you have the latest versions of the extensions, LibFredo6 and the SketchUcation toolset [for licensing] installed and SketchUp restarted to sync everything...