SCFLicense: Extension Licensing on Sketchucation
I don't mind resetting all the licenses again, right now I'm stuck
@cadfather said:
I don't mind resetting all the licenses again, right now I'm stuck
I reset the 3 seats for FredoSpline and Curvizard. The other plugins have 0 or 1 seat taken only.
Thanks Fredo, will give it a try
@giordanobernard92 said:
@fredo6 said:
@giordanobernard92 said:
I'm now faced with a problem, on the same machine I'm migrating from one OS to another with both installed on differrent partitions, I want to release my licenses from one OS to use them in the other. For some unknown I can't release them using the sketchucation page, so I released them from the sketchup licensing dialog. They result succesfully released from that dialog, but don't get released on the sketchucation page and I can't validate them in the other OS.
Not sure why the release did not work from the dialog box. Did you get a message when doing it.
I have released the 2 oldest license seats for the plugins which had 3 seats taken.
I thank you sincerely, but some of the stuck licences I wanted to move were the most recent ones.
May I ask if you could release all licenses for all your plugins?I have access to all the machines so I'll re-license them accordingly to the need.
In alternative could you please release all licences from HWID: TL1656145815.0P?
Thank you again,
GiordanoI've tried to update the sketchucation tools but still I can't release those license that are still stuck with HWID: TL1656145815.0P
@giordanobernard92 said:
I've tried to update the sketchucation tools but still I can't release those license that are still stuck with HWID: TL1656145815.0P
I released the seats for HWID=TL1656145815.0P
I formatted windows and installed the license on same laptop and its showing that i used already 2 seats and 1 is remaining only.
How can i released or removed the seats which one i don't needs
" " i tried on here but i can't delete or Release, the checkbox near their seat ID is not showing
I can release only the current computer not the old seats which no needPlease help me on this
@digdaman said:
@fredo6 said:
@digdaman said:
Thank you for your answer.
SketchUcation ver 4.2.9
Fredo6 LiFredo6 ver 13.5a
Fredo6 RoundCorner ver 3.3a
sketchup ver 22.0.354I have tried to restart sketchup , reboot PC, uninstall sketchup and re-install.
You have 3 sets of bundle licenses and there may be confusion.
For whatever reason, some of them are not considered valid by the server (more exactly used by another computer). This explains that when you restart SketchUp, you get the Expired message, as if you were not licensed.What I can do is to release all seats of all licenses and let you revalidate on the computer you use.
Just tell me.
One reason I can think of is the license type of sketchup.
I use a company floating license, so probably It was recognized as a different PC even though it's same PC when I restart SketchUp.
Dear Fredo.
Is there any solution for my problem?
Is this error unsolvable?At least one of my requests is to release my license.
@fredo6 said:
@giordanobernard92 said:
I've tried to update the sketchucation tools but still I can't release those license that are still stuck with HWID: TL1656145815.0P
I released the seats for HWID=TL1656145815.0P
Thank you so much, you're truly kind and willing to help!
@fredo6 said:
@digdaman said:
Thank you for your answer.
SketchUcation ver 4.2.9
Fredo6 LiFredo6 ver 13.5a
Fredo6 RoundCorner ver 3.3a
sketchup ver 22.0.354I have tried to restart sketchup , reboot PC, uninstall sketchup and re-install.
You have 3 sets of bundle licenses and there may be confusion.
For whatever reason, some of them are not considered valid by the server (more exactly used by another computer). This explains that when you restart SketchUp, you get the Expired message, as if you were not licensed.What I can do is to release all seats of all licenses and let you revalidate on the computer you use.
Just tell me.
I am waiting for your response.
Any other informaiton I can provide?I posted attachments of my licensepage image.
First of all, please release my seat,
Roundcorner ID:92936 ,92944
JointPushPull ID:92937,
ToolsOnSurface ID:92943.
topo shaper
Hi Fredo, good day,
I recently changed OS in my 3 computers and before changing the OS I released one-by-one all seats of my fredo6 collection (the complete 8 pluggin package) from all 3 computers.
When I reinstalled Sketchup 2022 in all 3 computers and trying to validate my licenses I found that some of the pluggins/extensions seats still showing active in some of my computers. I tried to release them from " " but no option (tick square) is showed to do that.
I would appreciate if you can full release all my seats from all computers so I can start the process from scratch.
Thanks in advance -
@txabia said:
I would appreciate if you can full release all my seats from all computers so I can start the process from scratch.
All seats released.
Please make sure you install the latest versions of Sketchucation ExtensionStore (v4.2.9) and LibFredo6 (v13.5a).
@kaocengman said:
having problem in the licensing here. my license seem to stuck on other device, i already release it, but the error keep on happening. can you help me with this one
I released the 3 seats. However, I noticed that you have 2 license, one with no seat taken.
thankyouuu veryyy much sir
fredo, i have a problem, i want to buy fredoscale, but i dont know how to do it
@Ignacio Suraci
Install the extension[s] as desired [remember that Fredo's extensions almost all need his LibFredo installing too...
You also need the latest version of the SketchUcation toolset installing [v4.2.9] - this sets up the licensing system...
After the installation[s] you need to start SketchUp to sync everything.For the licensing... look in the menu item[s] for the extension[s] under:
Tools > Fredo6 Collection > "ExtensionName" > License...
You need to be connected to the internet to do the following...
In the dialog that opens you can Obtain [buy] , Validate and Manage that Extension's license[s]
Also login to SketchUcation...
Premium members get a discount...
When you choose Obtain you get a dialog opening in which you buy it using PayPal...There are bundles of Fredo's tools available at a discount - there are some forum post with links about that too...
I am experiencing trouble with all my paid FREDO extensions.
I bought Fredo bundle and Fredo Corner not too long ago through SketchUcation, but non of them seem to work.
I was to try out Fredo Spine too, but it's too seems to expired...
I am not sure what is the easiest way to keep these plugins up to date, but it is starting to be a bit distracting to have to deal with theses issues.
I have the license, but the system seems to think that it is the wrong one...
Do you have the latest version of the Sketchucation Tool installed?