SCFLicense: Extension Licensing on Sketchucation
@architure said:
Hi There,
My license just switched off, it happens time to timeWhat version of SketchUp? Your profile says "Pre-2013". Is that correct?
Do you have the latest version of the SCF Extension Store installed?
@architure said:
Hi There,
.... try to find the scflicense from the download page, ....Which download page are you referring to? You should have received your license by email and it should have been saved to your harddrive.
I want to buy the package with the 8 plugins, in it this writing is available for 3 places. Can I buy and share the license with a friend? Are there plans for student leave?
Fredo Corner says my trial expired a week ago. I now wish to purchase Although when I go to'My Licenses', it says it's perpetual. OK. I don't see where on there is a purchase button. What am I missing?
Unless I am wrong, you purchased a license of FredoCorner in July 21, which you never activated.
It should be visible in your MyLicenses page on Sketchucation , where you can download the license file and then activate it on your computer via the License dialog (menu entry Tools > Fredo6 Collection > FredoCorner > License....).
Hello. After reinstalling Windows OS, I cannot license the FredoCorner plugin, writes that all license places are occupied. Please help me solve this problem. Thanks.
I have the same problem with FredoScale Perpetual License. After reinstaling W10 all seats are taken.
Release all of them please. /I coudn't answer in PM/
I cover many Fredo plugins in the Sketchup class I teach to design students, and I wonder if there is, or will be, any lower price option for students who want to use the plugins beyond the 30 day trial?
@dmorong said:
I wonder if there is, or will be, any lower price option for students who want to use the plugins beyond the 30 day trial?
There is a lower price option when purchasing the bundle of extensions and there's a huge discount for Sketchucation Premium members.
The individual price of the extensions is $12. With the bundle it works out to $5 each, and with a Premium membership, $3 each.
I renamed my work computer to make it easier for me to identify and it looks like that disconnected me from my active licenses. Is there a way to release the existing ones so I can get reconnected?
Hi If i wish to purchase FredoScale Licence, do i get an invoice to allow me to claim the cost back to my employer?
If the PayPal info is not sufficient, then you can email support and give the details needed, and a separate invoice can be issue to you...
@rich o brien said:
@derek edison said:
I posted this in the Trimble forum and it was recommended that I post it here so I would get notification of any developments:
Is there or will there be an option for corporate customers requiring many licenses to purchase a corporate key or perhaps blocks of licenses? Managing individual licensing per user account is a nightmare for IT admins. PayPal is also a non-starter at a lot of businesses.
I see that there is another payment processor in the works but I don't see anything specific to bulk licensing which is really our issue. I can work around PayPal if I have to. Any information about future plans is appreciated.
Hi Derek,
We are discussing how to handle bulk licensing/sales and should have some more info next week.
Hi Rich, has there been a progress on this front? Our corporate environment also requires a bit more setup than an individual's computer, so it'd be good to see if you have found a way around this.
The only solution we have for now is Fredo's suggestion...
- You create a generic free account on Sketchucation web site. You give the credentials to all users
- Each user installs Sketchucation ExtensionStore and to-be-licensed plugins on his computer
- You purchase a corporate license (under the generic credential) for 30 seats
- You receive the license files and put them on a shared drive accessible as files for each user
- Each user validates licenses against these centralized license files
Hi, Everyone. Is there a non-paypal option to pay online? I am unable to resolve any of my cards for use to pay, or if there is an external link to the app seller where I can purchase the item, thanks.
@ullyarquitetura said:
I just bought the Fredo6Bundle2022 licenses
So you have the license for Round Corner and are trying to apply it to FredoCorner. Two different extensions and two different licenses. The bundle includes the license for Round Corner, not FredoCorner.