[Plugin][$] Vertex Tools
Here is how soft editing realized in Rhino
If tt_vertex tool has this feature ...!!! - topic:timeago-later,27 days
@thomthom said:
@algorad88 said:
1st: to extrude with scale similar to the move tool by holding the Ctrl key?
Yes - in fact, it's already added to the upcoming v2.
Is this in the picture what you were talking about?
I just got vertex tools and was hoping this was already an option. IT is actually an extremely useful tool when modeling with quad geometry.When do you plan to complete v2?
Don't get me wrong, I am extremely grateful for your efforts. Sketchup without your plugins would be half the program it is.
- topic:timeago-later,4 months
Is there any possibility to have the toolbar kept on the screen instead of activated it each time one clicks on the empty screen?
Thank you in advance.
It seems that among Vertex Tools' shortcuts there's no one to call the general toolbar. There are only hotkeys for particular operations but I'd like to press V and activate the plugin toolbar. It would be cool to add such an option I think. Just a suggestion -
@einstein said:
It seems that among Vertex Tools' shortcuts there's no one to call the general toolbar. There are only hotkeys for particular operations but I'd like to press V and activate the plugin toolbar. It would be cool to add such an option I think. Just a suggestionThank you for the suggestion.
I have been using a shortcut to activate the toolbar.
I find it annoying to have to recall it every time using a single tool.I wish it could be an option to keep the toolbar permanently on the screen.
@pipinek said:
I have been using a shortcut to activate the toolbar.
How did you do this? I'm looking for just this option.
- topic:timeago-later,2 months
@thomthom said:
Yes - in fact, it's already added to the upcoming v2.
Also coming in v2.Any news on v2?
Maybe a pre-sale 'crowd-fundy' thing to help production...?
No need, it's just around the corner.
- topic:timeago-later,2 months
Version 2 is here!
Version 2.0 Overview
Check out key features here: https://evilsoftwareempire.com/vertex-tools/features
Full manual: https://evilsoftwareempire.com/vertex-tools/manual
a great new piece of software - Congratulations!
will it work with SkUp 2017 Make? -
It almost sounds like Aaron did the voice-over.
No way!
Very cool!
Now i need to update my SU... -
Looks interesting!
@thomthom said:
What version have you been using so far?
Still 2015. I have paid the maintenance/reinstatement fee in 2018 to be able to update in the future, but i'm still using 2015 because the latest version that is supported by Maxwell v3 is v2016. But i think i will update to the last perpetual version before november (hoping that the raw polygon performance finally is at least on par with 2015...)
Cool, but you still cannot manipulate soft selection profile, right?
I wished so much for that feature. We're getting closer to Blender now but I'd love to have various profile types.