SkecthUp 2020.1 - anyone using it already?
Thanks Dave. No problem installing the R1.
Does that mean you installed it as above?
yes, SU install always as admin after the first suggestions to do so a few years ago.
SketchUp works fine for me, but LayOut does not. I can't save a file if it has hybrid style drawing in it, and I can't generate a PDF. I have to turn everything into raster, then I can save and export PDF files. It worked fine in previous versions. I don't know if anyone else is having this problem?
@kimi kimi said:
SketchUp works fine for me, but LayOut does not. I can't save a file if it has hybrid style drawing in it, and I can't generate a PDF. I have to turn everything into raster, then I can save and export PDF files. It worked fine in previous versions. I don't know if anyone else is having this problem?
You're installation is bugged maybe? LO drawing with vector + hybrid + images saves fine for me, also exports fine with native pdf export.
I haven't had any difficulty with exports from LayOut 2020 or 2020.1 Hybrid rendered viewports don't cause any problem. I'd be curious whether SketchUp and LayOut were properly installed and what graphics card is involved.
Yeah, everything still running fine for me. Except one small issue I'm having: When I right click on skp or layout files, Sketchup/Layout 2020 aren't showing as an openning option in the context menu...(all other installed versions show up still...(2017-2019). I've tried setting default through windows control panel/settings, and also through file properties, change default program. no luck... (yes, installed SU by right click install as admin...even tried a 'repair'.)
@unknownuser said:
Looks like a few nice changes. Anyone already tried? Any Bugs / annoyances?
'Invert selection' in RMB menu in emptyarea is so idiotic. It's like 'un-explode' instead of 'group'
Invert Selection in empty space = Select All.
Exactly, and it looks like one of Monty Python sketches.
The onlyplace this 3 line menu can happen is empty area, and the onlything you can 'select inverse' in empty area is 'Select All'. Now 2 questions arise:
Why just don't call things by their names?
And generally, why 'select all' is so essential in empty area?