Transparent material in preview, not transparent in render
Hi everyone,
I'm encountering a problem with an emissive material. Using vray 3.4 on sketchup 2017.
Basically, in the material preview I see the correct material, with transparency correctly displayed.
But in the frame buffer, it shows the updated texture with plain white colour in place of the transparency.Any thoughts? Thanks!
Can you share your texture and opacity map (transparency)?
Here is a working example:
Note that it might not work with GPU acceleration or interactive mode.
Check this for more information about Emissive Material. -
Hi filibis,
Thank you very much - disabling the gpu acceleration, the opacity map worked as supposed to.
I wonder if it's a bug or a limitation. -
I think it's because GPU rendering is fairly new technology comparing to CPU rendering, so i believe it's just a matter of time that will support every feature like in CPU.