KT fast start returns
any pdf reader, paid or free...
There were an old component collection of KT lights that I've updated them, remodeled some of them and also add few other lights to them. One may tweak them and use them also for other purposes or other render engines as a light place holder.
Now most of the lights are including some more extra details and necessary edges are beveled. Hope you enjoy them.
Thanks a lot
The ice season is going but I've prepared an ice material pack using procedural maps. here you are: enjoy rendering.
Thank you. This is very usefull. Always appreciate good materials
Those are fine materials. I would not go so far as to need that, but the realism is admirable. Good of you to share.
Thank you thank you thank.... spent a couple of nights trying to come up with a good looking ice cube. Your's are much much better.
If you are going to use them with KT , you need to tweak the kerkythea.ini to add extra plugins and procedural maps to the KT . Let me add extra information later.
They work fine also with Twilight render kz Twilight already includes the needed plugins...
Edit: I've used the M-Cell plugin. One may find and install them here:
The zipped files includes the "kerkythea.ini" file that must be replace with the original one and also a pdf file that has extra details... -
Well I finally got around to buying the book and also downloaded the additions.
I'm looking forward to learning new techniques and using Kerkythea better than I have before. I've already taken a quick look at the PDF and it looks very comprehensive.
Thank you.
Thanks Majiid, you are a proper Gent.
thanks a heap Mike! I hope KT re wakes again, as users only has the power to give it a second life and only few improvements makes KT a modern render engine again. a better physical sky type a warmer sun... It was a vanguard render engine at its time and even now it is better than lots of available commercial ones.
Thanks a lot!!
This is great that some still find it useful!