KT fast start returns
Thank you. This is very usefull. Always appreciate good materials
Those are fine materials. I would not go so far as to need that, but the realism is admirable. Good of you to share.
Thank you thank you thank.... spent a couple of nights trying to come up with a good looking ice cube. Your's are much much better.
If you are going to use them with KT , you need to tweak the kerkythea.ini to add extra plugins and procedural maps to the KT . Let me add extra information later.
They work fine also with Twilight render kz Twilight already includes the needed plugins...
Edit: I've used the M-Cell plugin. One may find and install them here:
The zipped files includes the "kerkythea.ini" file that must be replace with the original one and also a pdf file that has extra details... -
Well I finally got around to buying the book and also downloaded the additions.
I'm looking forward to learning new techniques and using Kerkythea better than I have before. I've already taken a quick look at the PDF and it looks very comprehensive.
Thank you.
Thanks Majiid, you are a proper Gent.
thanks a heap Mike! I hope KT re wakes again, as users only has the power to give it a second life and only few improvements makes KT a modern render engine again. a better physical sky type a warmer sun... It was a vanguard render engine at its time and even now it is better than lots of available commercial ones.
Thanks a lot!!
This is great that some still find it useful!