SP3 and 3.0 Email - Rumor Control
i was about to make this topic
, i would love to see some sneak peak some features because right now am seriously thinking about thea, the only thing holding me back is its interface,and lack of tutorial on net, i have learned vray very difficulty by own and from little help from net ( back in 2008 10 ) but thea looks compelling also i can use my 980ti
. in london basecamp there was a presentation but unfortunately it wasn't captured just saw few images . so hope to hear soon from choas.
I've had this sort of offer for software upgrades that never materialized, still years and years later.
Yes it is too quiet. With Sketchup 2016 and Skatter on the horizon, it would be nice to upgrade everything at once!
As far as I know, we are only on SP2, correct? What's all this SP3 talk? Are these guys making this crap up or is it just a marketing ploy?
Vray 3.0 is indeed coming. We've seen a sneek peak at Basecamp : http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=576775#p576775
Hi guys, I cant comment on V-Ray 3.0 for Sketchup, release dates, or feature upgrades. Any information provided by 3rd party sites (the screen-capture above is from a site that is not actually associated with Chaos Group) may be inaccurate or misleading, please always refer to http://www.chaosgroup.com or http://www.v-ray.com for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
@valerostudio said:
As far as I know, we are only on SP2, correct? What's all this SP3 talk? Are these guys making this crap up or is it just a marketing ploy?
I believe the SP3 is the version 2.00.25539 added in the official download in february of 2015.
Very interesting! So based on what we are seeing here we are looking at a totally new plugin, built from the ground up, a new UI (looks very sexy), incredibly fast load time at startup, and 40% reduction in parsing times. Can't wait to take it for a spin one of these days.
Edit - I guess we should also add that we will lose 10 render nodes for none with a standard license, which is the way 3.0 for Max went. They market a license as having a floating node with it, but take note, that doesn't mean you get your workstation seat and a render node, you cant use both at the same time. Although, the VRay Cloud might be an end-all to the DR system anyway.
Now we wait... and wait... and wait.....
Any idea if stereoscopic camera will appear in 3.0?
Hopefully, it's a full implementation of 3.x that's in Max, so maybe we will see stereoscopic camera and dare I say Fur?
@valerostudio said:
Hopefully, it's a full implementation of 3.x that's in Max, so maybe we will see stereoscopic camera and dare I say Fur?
From what was told at Basecamp, there won't be fur nor fog, but stereo camera should make it.