[Plugin] 3 point Window
Yes I have found a bug at certain angles and am working on a fix.
It should be under: View -> Toolbars -> 3 point Window.
Updated to v1.0.1. Fixed a bug that caused axis problems when drawn at certain angles.
Look nice.
I installed it in Sketchup 2014 but I can not find it in plugings list.
I also noticed that the the window does not cut the wall (See through the glass).
Thank you.
Don -
This version doesn't cut a hole since my preferred workflow is to make walls with holes.
Who knows what the future brings? I have ideas but no time frame. -
First off Pixero, thanks for a great plug-in. Its simplicity and speed in custom window creation is awesome.
One thing that slows me down is having to over-write the pre-sets each time I re-open the tool. I was thinking no problem, I'll just open the script and modify the parameters... but it's .rbs not .rb, therefore uneditable.
I would like to set the frame and window dimensions once (based on manufacturer specs for the current project) and have it remember them β rather than over-writing with default values on each new use.
So, if you had a way of saving new pre-set values, it would be great. Even better would be multiple pre-sets... for fixed-pane vs operable windows vs window-walls etc.
Request 2 is an option for triple pane windows. (my current projects are both PassivHaus)
I understand not wanting feature-bloat to ruin a simple approach, but each of these features would extend functionality without impeding usability. (though they would obviously make the script itself more complex, so I would understand not wanting to)
Thanks for the consideration.
Remembering settings, it's is on my to do list.
@pixero said:
Remembering settings, it's is on my to do list.
Perfect! Will look forward to upcoming releases.
Added session memory of settings. -
@pixero said:
Added session memory of settings.Perfect. Makes a great tool even better. Thanks!
This is a nice little gem...
I've found a bug, though...
When making windows in a wall following the X or Y axis (0 degree), it works great...
However, if you have a wall in i.e. a 45 degree angle, the glass planes become offset...
And even if you continue to do it on a 0 degree wall, the offset is all of a sudden twice as big as on the 45 degree wall...I've attached an image showing what I mean as well as the 'skippy' used for this...
I just tried your scene but couldn't replicate the error.
What version are you using? The current version is 1.0.4. -
@pixero said:
I just tried your scene but couldn't replicate the error.
What version are you using? The current version is 1.0.4.That's odd...
I do use ver. 1.0.4 together with SU 2015 Pro on a Win 7 64bit 'puter...And now I can't replicate it either...
Hi all
The bug depends on the way you draw the three points.
Left top>Right top>Right bott will build the window properly.dtr
I've updated 3pt Window to v.2.0.
Fixed some bugs and added some features like Fixed or openable window.
(They are not really openable but have the look of such windows).
You can now draw windows on sloped and flat surfaces as well.
It also have three different frame colors to choose from; white, gray and black.Note that this version only works with SketchUp 2016 or newer.
3 point Window | SketchUcation
3D SketchUp Community for Design and Engineering Professionals.
I've installed it into SketchUp 2017 but I'm getting this error:
Error Loading File 3click_Windows.rb
Error: #<LoadError: cannot load such file -- 3click_Windows/3click_Windows_main.rb>
C:/Program Files/SketchUp/SketchUp 2017/Tools/RubyStdLib/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:inrequire' C:/Program Files/SketchUp/SketchUp 2017/Tools/RubyStdLib/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in
C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2017/SketchUp/Plugins/3click_Windows.rb:4:in `<top (required)>'Anybody else get a similar error? I hope my installation of SketchUp isn't corrupt.
Sorry about that. My fault. I'm fixing it now and it should be up again shortly...
I'll post here when it's working. -
Now I have uploaded it again and it SHOULD be working.
I had mixed up the loading script with an older version.
Hopefully everything will be ok now. -
I have not used the plugin for a while. Does or could it automatically cut a whole for the window?
If I remember correctly the last time I used it I had to cut a whole for the window separately.
Noe, how about a 3 point door tool
@pixero said:
Hi. It doesn't cut holes. Sdmitch have a script that cuts holes easily. Cant remember the name now but look through his site for it.
Edit. Hole in the wall, I think it was called.
Yes, there are others as well. I was just suggesting it would be neat if one plugin would "do it all".