Certainly lots to do to improve without getting overly complex (and use plugins for that). But what this has to do with Google or Trimble, IDK. Same team and leaders basically control SketchUp development and I assume they don't do many things, because they CAN'T (or can't yet), and not because some suit in Trimble is telling them "Don't improve it."
@kaja9 said:
OK, I understand that SK was designed for building making at first, BUT - and this is a BIG BUT, I DON't want to continue in developing this software ONLY in this very specific and profiled users.
BECAUSE, I love SKetchupI said that to indicate that my perspective is colored by my background and needs (like anyone) and I appreciate so much more is being done with SU
Re: Reported topic
A warning has been issued and we await reply
...there ya go.
Somebody noticed "it is pretty weird in here"..
well, this is probably my last comment here, regarding my previous post where I did a mistake -: there should be "I didnΕ₯ play" a 'l' is missing, of course
so - Never say Blender again! - I tried it, and my opinion it is exactly opposite to the sketchup absolutely misserable user interface.
Yes my requested features can be done through Plugins. And yes, plugins make SK 150% better. So why did I link this topic with Trimble? Because I have just feeling (my private opinion) that Trimble uses SK just to gain many new paid users, and SK is for them just a tool of earning money.
What is difficult to agree with fact that there is practically no difference between 2013-15? Meanwhile there are to many words about new versions and empty words - its just advertising.
Those minor improvements cannot overlay the 4 year of idleness.
Wanted say that with Google the things would go in different way, and more usable for us.
Are here a normal people, or am I talking just to Trimble and SKetchucation employees, who must agree with official way.. ? -
@kaja9 said:
Are here a normal people, or am I talking just to Trimble and SKetchucation employees, who must agree with official way.. ?
No normal people here, only over 300.000 SketchUcation employees...
@kaja9 said:
Wanted say that with Google the things would go in different way, and more usable for us.
Are here a normal people, or am I talking just to Trimble and SKetchucation employees, who must agree with official way.. ?If you have a look at Google's handling of any software that they decide is 'at end of life', you will find that they normally bury it...
Google had decided SU [SketchUp] was of no further use to them, i.e. 'at it's end of life' , so, yes, it should have gone a different way, it should have been killed off and the developers sacked...
Fortunately for us, part of the SU user base, they agreed to sell it to Trimble instead of burying it...
Like the majority here, I don't work for Trimble or SCF , but I do have issues with people who admit to be using illegal software commenting negatively.
Trimble have allowed SU to develop way past anything Google ever desired...
and while there are lots still to be improved, this time it may actually happen...
What confuses me is that someone that uses Sketchup as a hobby for making game assets and mods has a need for a pro version, is there something the pro version offers that you need which the free version does not? if not why the need for a pirated pro version?
Secondly why complain about something you stole?
I would hardly refer to the layout improvements and full 64 bit as nothing.
holy cow there are only saint moralists...
Is only one reason why I tried full version, I needed export into 3ds properly, I thought that plugin exports were less professional, but I was mistaken. Embedded paid 3ds export makes the same issue (edges are not smoothed like in SK)You absolutely didn't catch the clue if your answers aim only to my piracy, instead of the main point.
tell me what new will be in SKetchup 2016 version.... improved ruby console? Or maybe 128 bit support... oh yes, ... perfect reason why to waste money for another buying...
Ok, so this chap earned a ban. Nice start to the year.
All I can say is that I was very concerned when Trimble took over, but I am more than pleased with the direction it's taken so far. The 2015 version was not without it's problems and some of the changes were not to my liking, but overall (IMO) it's a much improved program and I am now able to do what I need to do much easier than before.
And hey, how can you really complain about something that's free? (although I have been known to do that from time to time)
Nice throw down Rich! That was too funny!
@rich o brien said:
Ok, so this chap earned a ban. Nice start to the year.
How did "he" earn a ban ?
I have re-read through the ToS and EULA, and cannot find a clause or regulation he has violated.
Section 15 says that it is the entire agreement.The user was a member for ~ 3 years, although not very active,.. spent most time in the Newbie forum.
Is this what we do here ? When someone says things we do not like, we beat them with virtual sticks and run them out of "forumtown" ? Or kill off the user's account ?
Je Suis Kaja9 !
Freedom of expression for ALL !
I certainly wasn't impressed by someone who implied they were using pirated software...
@unknownuser said:
I use paid version (but to bo honest - didn't pay
I believe he was asked to confirm or deny the statement and that a ban was imposed following his response or lack there of...
I recall people in the past receiving instant bans when enquiring for crack keys...
I see little difference in the handling of this...
Agreed... I'm pretty sure it was a ban for bragging about pirating. Perhaps you like your work being stolen, but I don't support that kind of thing. There are quite a few plugin authors here who's work is being pirated, if he'll steal Sketchup Pro why would he not steal plugins? And why should we help him?
If people were to be banned because others didn't agree with them I'm sure I would have been banned ages ago.
idk, i wouldn't of banned him but i don't think i've ever banned anybody
multiple personal attacks, sharing cracks, using the forum for personal profits.. that's what i'd ban for but mentioning the usage of pirated software? idk..i'm more lenient i guess.
more of a guess but i'm pretty sure a whole lot more members here than people may realize are using pirated software.. should they be banned too?
anyway- i'm definitely not trying to stir things up in the thread more than they already are nor am i trying to imply rich has done something wrong.. this is a very rare case and that post was flagged by multiple members.. i really don't think there's a problem at all with heavy handed moderation / ban happy overlords around here.. shit happens, you know.. and it doesn't happen very often around here or definitely not at a rate to get upset over
(again, my personal threshold.. i realize some people can get more angry for less and that's fine too.. i'm pretty sure this is squashable though.. that kid will probably be back and he'll probably be a little more considerate of what he decides to say/ who to attack/ etc.. it's sort of a non issue)