[Plugin][$] RoundCorner - v3.4a - 31 Mar 24
@mattiab said:
SketchUp crashes each time i try to use this plugin, do you know why?
Do you have an old version of Vray?
@mattiab said:
SketchUp crashes each time i try to use this plugin, do you know why?
You sure haven't given much in the way of useful information so that anyone can help you.
Hi I would like to ask what edge prop filter, border and inner edge settings need to be on to have the effect below (I have had to soften all edges and then redraw the lines to show what I need) where the outer edges of the round are visible and the inner edges are hidden. I have tried every kind of variation I can think of and they all end up showing all the additional edges created. Please help if you can
Is this what you're after?
Hi Dave,
thanks for the reply I am actually after this look as shown below, where the outer edges of the Radius are shown only so that when I put the model into Layout I not only have points that I can snap to for measurements but you can also make out the edge.
You could do this:
And maybe you could get the additional edges at the corners if you run the plugin on limited selections and run it more than once.
If you aren't able to see the edges in LO, it makes me wonder what you have Profiles set to for the style you use.
Thanks dave, big help
@whitelock said:
Hi Dave,
thanks for the reply I am actually after this look as shown below, where the outer edges of the Radius are shown only so that when I put the model into Layout I not only have points that I can snap to for measurements but you can also make out the edge.I wanted to ask the same today
I need it to get a proper shading in rendering without additional supporting edges. For now i'm doing this manually for every object after i have rounded the corners:- select the whole object and set it to the lowest needed angle to get softed edges.
- double click on every side to select the bounding edges, then deselect faces with filter plugin.
- hit the edge loop function to select the crossing edges at the corners
- set the softening angle to 0
So, it would be nice to have an option in RoundCorner to do this automatically!
But thanks Dave!
I will try your suggested setting to see if this is enough to get a proper shading (not sure about that).
@james kayten said:
I find it dismaying that for all the info provided, there's no link to download the plugin. I've been online now nearly an hour trying to figure out how I managed to install the item last year. There's an ill-concieved quality about so much of the SU interface and plugins system - amateurish and fucking annoying.
I find it dismaying that despite how obvious it is, you still can't find the links in the first post of the thread. And then have the gall to use foul language and make insults that are uncalled for and expect others to help you anyway.
Amateurish is use of foul language to make point.
Amateurish is spending an hour trying to figure the obvious.
What's even more amateurish is missing out on something so blatantly obvious....
Did he poke your button too?
thank mak mak
Thank you very much!
NEW RELEASE: RoundCorner v2.7a - 19 Oct 14
RoundCorner 2.7a is required for the support of usernames with non-ascii characters in Sketchup 2014
See main post of this thread for Download.
hi fredo ...
I test my problom with last version of round corner ...
but I still have the same problem. I'm not overly complicated.I got a lot easier.The film may be able to help :
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@littleche said:
hi fredo ...
I test my problom with last version of round corner ...
RoundCorner cannot do anything for this model, because it is triangulated.
The method is to use Subdivision, which you may possibly try with Artisan by Whaat.
hi fredo
the round corner is not working on my su13 but the curviloft and tools on surface is working fine.
where i can install the higher version of libfredo6?i install it using extension warehouse
@taktakplz said:
where i can install the higher version of libfredo6?i install it using extension warehouse
It's clearly spelled out for you in the first post on the first page of this thread.
Which takes you to the first post on the first page of the LibFredo6 thread which has the link you need.
Get the SCF Plugin Store tool and use it to auto install your plugins.