[Plugin] Edge Tools
@thomthom said:
Offset zero? I'm afraid I don't understand the request. What is the expected result?
Activate 'divide face' tool, put cursor above AB line segment and try to cut the face via AB. Currently you won't make it,- there's kind of bug.
Ah! Gotcha! So it's be an extend edge kindof feature?
There are already plugins that extend lines.
Not sure I understand why it can't be done by hand...
Make a guide-line through the line AB.
Ensure nothing is selected.
Activate the Move tool.
Pick the start of the line AB and snap it to the guide's intersections with the face's edge.
Repeat for the end of the line AB.
Now line AB has extended to meet the two face-edges...
Erase the superfluous guide-line.Alternatively draw a new line across the face from the intersections of the guide and the face's edges... erase the guide.
@tig said:
Not sure I understand why it can't be done by hand...
Make a guide-line through the line AB.
Ensure nothing is selected.
Activate the Move tool.
Pick the start of the line AB and snap it to the guide's intersections with the face's edge.
Repeat for the end of the line AB.
Now line AB has extended to meet the two face-edges...
Erase the superfluous guide-line.Because one click is nicer than many.
When cleaning up plans there's often a lot of edges that need extending - and the less clicks the better.
I've been meaning to find the time to allow the Close Edge tool in Edge Tools to do this. So when it highlights an open end edge you can just click on it and have it extend - even though it would be outside the radius.
There's already my 2dTools Adjust ?
Works in any plane...
Wipe the two types of edges and - objects/targets and they adjust by extending or trimming... -
@thomthom said:
Because one click is nicer than many.
It should be a permanent headline in the ruby sub-forum.
Since Sketchup 2013 the inspect tool in Edgetools2 has been very unstable.
Split faces is working fine, erase stray edges is perfect as ever and I can also use align vertices. However most of the time I try the inspect tool Sketchup crashes sometimes it's only when I press the circles, but it also happens just for executing the tool. The strange thing is that it actually inspects correctly but then SU stops responding.This is happening with both complex and simple models.
I have the most recent version installed and also TT Library. I erased both folders and reinstalled from Sketchucation Plugin Store.
As I don't see anyone saying the same thing I suppose it might be my problem, but would you have some kind of guidelines for figuring out what I can do?
Thanks and best regards,
EDIT: I just isolated both TTLib and Edgetools and removed every other plugin from plugins folder and it crashed again...
I've got an idea for a nice feature that could make this plugin even more powerful.
Having the option to limit the "edge gap closing" to points that are on the same Z. Any chance for that? -
does this work for mac? I get an error:
Error Loading File /Users/****/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_EdgeTools/core.rb
no such file to load -- TT_Lib2/core.rb
Error Loading File tt_edgetools.rb
no such file to load -- TT_Lib2/core.rb -
@calvin200001 said:
does this work for mac? I get an error:
Error Loading File /Users/****/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2013/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_EdgeTools/core.rb
no such file to load -- TT_Lib2/core.rb
Error Loading File tt_edgetools.rb
no such file to load -- TT_Lib2/core.rb
Have you installed the latest version of the TT_Lib2 and restarted SketchUp ?
http://sketchucation.com/resources/pluginstore?pln=TT_Lib -
SO sorry, I didnt see that. Works amazingly now.
Hi Thomthom,
I've been using edge tools for a long time. It's great!
A little idea that could be a great time saver.
It would be nice if you could add to the 'Inspect & Close' function, an option of dragging the mouse over a bunch of edges to have them all fixed at once.(... Like when there is a long staircase imported from dwg where all of the steps aren't connecting... drag a selection all around them... and viola - all taken care of).
I find that with "Split faces into multiple pieces" the "X" key is not recognized to create more multiple edges. The * key on the 10-key pad is recognized however. This is on a Mac. Is that intended?
@pbacot said:
I find that with "Split faces into multiple pieces" the "X" key is not recognized to create more multiple edges. The * key on the 10-key pad is recognized however. This is on a Mac. Is that intended?
Duh! I didn't know one could do that. It works (though my "X" is assigned to other function and I always use "*" for that sort of stuff)
did you know you could place the line on many other faces in context, not just the contingent face? I am not sure what decides which faces apply, but probably has something to do with having an edge that is a parallel to the contingent face. I just found that out today.
@pbacot said:
did you know you could place the line on many other faces in context, not just the contingent face? I am not sure what decides which faces apply, but probably has something to do with having an edge that is a parallel to the contingent face. I just found that out today.
Yes that I knew already! We are tied! The only thing needed is coplanar faces...
@cotty said:
I would like to get a line at the next vertex (see animation) and not only in between the vertices, is it possible?
That only happens when the edge hits two simultaneous vertexes.
I never split faces but sometimes that happens if I use split faces around a box. I can split 3 faces but the last only works if I draw a line. I used to think it had something to do with that final edge generating a face but it has to do with joining two END vertexes.
It can split if the vertexes are in the middle.
Yep, The faces don't need to be coplanar. They can be parallel faces and perpendicular but parallel to edge, plus more--but I haven't figured out what and probably cannot