SketchUp 2013 ;)
@thomthom said:
[mod=Stop the name-calling!:2py9mdax]Enough already! Behave your self and present your critique constructively! Any more personal attacks and name-calling and I'll start waving my moderator wand!
Ye have all been warned! Keep it constructive and polite![/mod:2py9mdax]
This is why we need a "LIKE" button.
Oh Hell Thom brought out the Pink Quote.
Moderator wand? I've never heard it called that before.
@jpalm sorry if you thought I called you anything. I was just expressing my opinion of the general atmosphere of the thread.
Have one on me -
@alan fraser said:
Moderator wand? I've never heard it called that before.
I suppose it depends on where the user sticks it.
please tell me that's not a render
@chrisc said:
Maybe this faq is clearer: I skip upgrading to 2013 and upgrade to 2014 instead, will I have to purchase a brand new, full price license?
No, worst case scenario would be upgrade cost of $95, plus nominal support reinstatement fee (TBD, but will be some percent less than $95). We will update this FAQ as soon as we know more about specific costs.
Hi Chris and welcome to the madhouse! I think the barks are far worse than the bites so I trust you will stick around. BTW, I see the above post by you is your maiden post ...... your definately a
foolisheeerrrrr brave man to be jumping in here with Jason M on the loose. I see Jason has had a crack at you already.@Jason, Chris Cronin is Business Development at Trimble Navigation London, United Kingdom, so probably not involved in the nuts and bolts of SketchUp development, not like 'darling' JohnB, so play nice. Also he has a good Irish surname, 'Cronin is an Irish surname which originated in County Cork and is derived from the Old Irish word crón, meaning saffron-colored'. I have no idea of the significance of the saffron but I do know its red! At least he stepped into the lion's den, so to speak ...... we don't want to completely traumatise him, now do we. Hey, we might even get a few more TSU folks in to fight their corner if we lighten up a little.
I have had a read carefully through the FAQs Chris linked to and have a few questions below that I would like clarified if he has the time.
@Chris, Fair enough about the above 'nominal support reinstatement fee (TBD)'. As stated, we shall see.
From the FAQs
%(#0000BF)[*I just want the new version and not support. Can I pay less than the $95?
Support can’t be broken out from our new upgrade, maintenance, and support program. Of course, you don’t have to use support if you don’t want to. There are many resources available online which can help resolve nearly any question you have about SketchUp; we certainly encourage you to use those tools. The upgrade, maintenance, and support program costs as much as our old upgrades used to cost, but now we are including any additional major version upgrades that become available while you’re actively in the program.*]
I think it should go without saying that one does no have to use (TSU) support if one does not want to. However I would question that TSU actually has the resources to make this kind of a support guarantee in he first place. While I am not privy to the actual number of existing Pro licenses, From keeping my ear to the ground and doing some math, I imagine that it runs into the millions and TSU would be expecting / hoping for large numbers of Upgrades also new 2013 sales.
My question is does TSU really have the numbers that would be needed in a support team that could actually deliver proper support to the possibly envisaged figures? If so, I think you will need to extend the office quickly. Then again, there is always remote support. But support is support and involves one person talking via phone, Skype, Hangout etc to another person. I doubt automation could as yet cover this requirement.
On the other hand the above mentions, There are many resources available online which can help resolve nearly any question you have about SketchUp; we certainly encourage you to use those tools. Could you briefly list here also on the FAQs the actual 'tools' you are referring to. I think that should be very useful to potential customers and most reasonable.
%(#0000BF)[*What happens if I decide to skip a year in this program?
SketchUp Pro commercial licenses never expire, so skipping a year of the program doesn’t affect your use of SketchUp Pro at all. However, if you do decide to skip a year, you can expect a modest reinstatement fee should you choose to renew your upgrade, maintenance, and support program.*]
Again, I think the 'modest reinstatement fee' should be stated. This is what I was talking about in my earlier post ...... a little more 'upfrontness' would not go astray and actually be more respected. I feel these costs / figures should be worked out well in advance of launch stage.
%(#0000BF)[*Can I get support for any issue?
[i]Just about. However, to better serve the needs of all customers' technical issues and ensure that all customers are assisted as quickly as possible, we are unable to offer how-to or tutorial services for SketchUp. Similarly, if you’re encountering an issue with a plugin that you have installed, you’ll need to contact the plugin developer for further assistance.*]
The Just about answer to me means 99.999% yes! So, again, I am wondering how this support delivery guarantee is to pan out with, lets be honest, limited support manpower resources available. Also, I imagine the Extension Warehouse will be generating quite an amount of the questions being asked of the TSU support team whether or not you state beforehand that you won't entertain them. I can see problems in this area and it should not be so. It looks to me that the proposed support system will be having major frustrations as will the the end customer.
I am now wondering if TSU has actually fully thought through what is and is going to be involved in running a proper Extension Warehouse. Lets be honest, the 3D Warehouse is no shining example of how things should be done!
I think I know a little bit about this as Sketchucation has been nurturing plugin development, taking what we have been told by others, is excellent care of both large and small plugin developers for quite a few years. Also we have been, over the past year, working on our recently launched Plugin Shop which in IMHO shamefully is not as yet listed in the Extension Warehouse. Surely this must be an oversight by TSU?
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts which hopefully will help to iron out some of the wrinkles which appear to me to be showing up in the spread of things.
@ThomThom, please don't ban anyone ..... at least there is some passion being displayed. It just goes to demonstrate how much folks actually care about SU.
@mike lucey said:
@Jason, Chris Cronin is Business Development at Trimble Navigation London, United Kingdom, so probably not involved in the nuts and bolts of SketchUp development, not like 'darling' JohnB, so play nice. Also he has a good Irish surname, 'Cronin is an Irish surname which originated in County Cork and is derived from the Old Irish word crón, meaning saffron-colored'. I have no idea of the significance of the saffron but I do know its red! At least he stepped into the lion's den, so to speak ...... we don't want to completely traumatise him, now do we. Hey, we might even get a few more TSU folks in to fight their corner if we lighten up a little.
Gotcha Mike,
Hey Chris, nice to meet you -- I'm actually usually very helpful and polite (perhaps that might be unbelievable to you right now), but I have been known to show a nasty streak occasionally. Unfortunately, I may have spilled a bit too much bile on you undeservedly.
Although I would appreciate it if you were to pass that bile up the food chain and let higher-ups at Trimble know exactly how displeased I am. I've gone toe-to-toe with several software company CEOs, so I'm ready if they are
Jason. -
this is new: (on mac at least):
we used to not get a warning.. the app would just quit.
we still don't have thumbnails of the files but at least the updated generic icon is better than the one with v8.. (for whatever reason, it seems easier for me to pinpoint when i have a lot of other file types in the same folder.)
fwiw, i like all the new icons.. not just the ones in the app.. moreso all the icons at the ext.warehouse.. they look nice..
is someone on the suTeam pumping out hundreds of icons or smthng? or are the ruby devs making their own? (well, some are obviously coming from the individual developers but for the most part, it looks like there's a fairly consistent look/style going on ) ? -
@unknownuser said:
is someone on the suTeam pumping out hundreds of icons or smthng? or are the ruby devs making their own? (well, some are obviously coming from the individual developers but for the most part, it looks like there's a fairly consistent look/style going on ) ?
Yup, all the ruby developers are making their own, and doing a fine job of it I think too.
Something I do find to be a pain is the lag between selecting a new tool and the tool being ready to use. There is a significant lag and not something I have had before. V8 does not act like this. Only twilight render plug in so far so it should not be that but, note sure to be honest. Not something I will fret over but it does nag a bit.
@mike amos said:
Something I do find to be a pain is the lag between selecting a new tool and the tool being ready to use. There is a significant lag and not something I have had before. V8 does not act like this. Only twilight render plug in so far so it should not be that but, note sure to be honest. Not something I will fret over but it does nag a bit.
Win or Mac Mike?
@mike lucey said:
... I have no idea of the significance of the saffron but I do know its red ! ...
Really ?
[highlight=#F4C430:24c72jbw]Saffron is golden-yellow[/highlight:24c72jbw] on this side of the great pond.
Must be some sort of non-colonial spectral frequency shift over there.
Trust you Dan!
I stand corrected, yes, golden-yellow. I was looking at the image!
Many Buddhist monks wear robes that are dyed with saffron... and they vary from an ocher to a deep red.
I expect that the various herbs used in combination with it affect the final coloration.
Saffron in its 'raw state' - after it has dried is a similar red.
But the original crocus stamens are amber/ocher when first picked.
[AND worth more than their weight in gold!]
Food goes the amber color when it's infused with saffron during cooking...
Ah! So I was 50% right?
And 50% wrong