Frequency of Bugsplats?
Native Drape tool can reliably cause splats I find.
Plus Zorro tool when slicing organic forms
2-3 crashes per day during moderate to heavy use.
What normally cause bugsplat for me is either Sandbox Tools or some third party plugin. I find that plugins that makes use of observers a lot are prone to crashing SketchUp.
I have notice an increase of bugsplats. I have found most come when I am either using the move native tool or the rotate tool. I can tell it is going to splat, as the program becomes unresponsive, and in a couple of seconds, bingo, bugsplat.
I have a feeling it has something to do with the auto save and using these two tools at the same time.
For me they happen for no particular reason. I can be undoing something, opening/closing a group, rotating something....seems like anything that makes SU think can cause a bugsplat! So I just save ALL the time. Save save save save save save save it drives me crazy. I even save after I've saved just to be sure! SketchUp's always done it, every version no matter how simple or complex the scene. I just save and purge as often as I can, what else can I do?
I find that if you have multiple render engines installed and active they can often clash - making SU unstable.
There are a number of plugins 'in quarantine' because of clashes that can cause Bugsplats - search for that thread...
There are also some nascent BIM like tools that use Observers in a risky way that affect unrelated operations - often involving group/component edit/deletion scenarios - when you get an unexpected splat...
Always save prior to doing anything really complex in case of an issue, BUT Bugsplats are pretty rare in day to fay use with a well configured set of plugins etc...
Having zillions of 'unused plugins' auto-loading in every session just opens up more opportunities for slowness, clashes and other issues...If you think you have any of these try 'disabling' them and see if it helps...
The 'SketchUcation Plugin Store' latest version comes packaged with a 'Plugins Manage' and an 'Extensions Manager', which now make loading/enabling/disabling plugins easier than moving them in and out of alternate folders...
You can then use the tools to ensure only those plugins/extensions that you really use every day are auto-loading in each session: others can be loaded per session when needed, or enabled permanently should you find you need them frequently... Keeping you installation a lean, mean modeling machine -
It is my take, that even if I had disruptive plugins installed, they wouldn't interfere with the native tools.
All of my bugsplats are happening when I use either the move or rotational tools. and I have noticed this behavior happens when I have round geometry and never seems to happen when I have just rectangular geometry.
@unknownuser said:
It is my take, that even if I had disruptive plugins installed, they wouldn't interfere with the native tools.
They can. Observers can interfere at any point.
Obviously a curved object is likely to have a lot more vertices/edges/facets than a simple rectangular one, so there's more to go wrong when they are being 'transformed' in a move/rotate/scale.
A plugin will an ill-formed entities-observer might be watching the whole model at all times for changes and it then expects to intercede if the change is relevant to that plugin, so moving or rotating objects can trigger a completely unconnected observer, which in turn might try mistakenly to do something just as you are using a native tool and thereby cause a splat when things get tangled up...
These issues are difficult to catch as they can be inconsistent, not reproduced every time. and seemingly unconnected things can interact towards a splat
If you ever spot a 'pattern' please report it...Last year I rewrote one of my most popular tools which had suddenly started splatting, we found that a newborn BIM had an entities-observer that caused it to fail when it made and then deleted a group within a start-commit block, my fix was to clear all of the group's entities and allow the automatic 'garbage collection' to delete the empty definition as the block committed... In the short-term it was easier to do my fix than get them to rework their faulty code...
@olishea said:
For me they happen for no particular reason. I can be undoing something, opening/closing a group, rotating something....seems like anything that makes SU think can cause a bugsplat! So I just save ALL the time. Save save save save save save save it drives me crazy. I even save after I've saved just to be sure! SketchUp's always done it, every version no matter how simple or complex the scene. I just save and purge as often as I can, what else can I do?
I'm afraid i'm with Olishea on this one, i literally lose count of crashes. I also just did a complete erase & install on my workstation with only 2 plugins. Sketchup is slow hangs and crashes a lot. I'm using the mac version and everything is up to date. I was hoping a 64 bit version would be more stable because it had to be re-written.
Mine is not so bad on a Mac (using Simon's example). But how can we compare complexity of work? I can say that it is mostly use of plugins that can cause it and I know which ones seem to be doing heavy lifting and sometimes drop the ball so I save before these. But I can definitely get screwed sometimes. Don't get me wrong.