[Plugin] TIG.splitsausage
(c) TIG 2012
TIG-splitsausage.rbSplits a 'sausage' shaped face, made with followme etc into 'quads'
[four-sided faces].
Select ONE face and ONE edge that you want to be the 'seed' for the
'quads' vertices, typically this will be the 'end' edge.
Lines are then added between 'matching' vertices along the 'sausage' to
divide its face into 'quads'...
If the 'sausage' has an uneven number of vertices then the last facet will
be a triangle
Type into the Ruby Console: TIG.splitsausage
OR use Tools > Split Tools... submenu item.
It is one step undoable.Donations: by PayPal.com to info @ revitrev.org
1.0 20120218 First issue.
1.1 20120219 At the end all new Edges added are selected to let you use
Entity Info to set them soft/smooth or hidden etc as desired.
Error messages added if incorrect selection.
Now in Tools > Split Tools submenu.
2.0 20160818 Now comes in the SplitTOOLS RBZ. No longer installed separately.http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=386658#p386658
Now I can split my sausage...
Thought I'd keep on the 'food theme' - that started with 'donut' and now 'sausage' - to go with our sKetchup...
Maybe 'splitUp' should have been called something else - 'splitpeas' or 'splitbananas' to match ? -
Love the new naming conversion!Nice utility, I've wanted one like this.
Is it possible that EebyOffset can morph into EebyScale. Where I select an edge/loop and extrude them leaving the original selection and having quads.
Am I making sense?
Here is v1.1 http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=386610#p386610
At the end all new Edges added are selected to let you use Entity Info to set them soft/smooth or hidden etc as desired.
Error messages added if incorrect selection.
Now in Tools > Split Tools submenu. http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=386658#p386658
oh my. you are brilliant... no more doing this by hand
TIG, this is a very useful tool that I expect many people didn't even know they needed. thank you.
I can see this as a great start to dividing a molding created with Follow Me into its component parts. I have to do this sort of thing frequently. The steps I normally use after Follow Me are:
Draw in all the miter lines on the horizontal surfaces.
Select each section that, in real life, would be a single piece of molding and make it a component.Your plugin would reduce a little of the work by eliminating the need to chase around all of the molding extrusion. It could all be achieved while zoomed in to one end of the molding.
So to look the proverbial gift horse in the mouth, is it possible to get all of the surfaces divided at the corners? I'm thinking that one might select the profile that was used for Follow Me and divide all faces where there's a direction change in the bounding edges. That probably needs some thought as to how that would work. Or, to take it a step further, suppose there was a version of Follow Me that would make those miter lines.
Isn't it already split along that surface, view with hidden geometry 'on' ?
It's use is meant to divide up a face using its vertices that only have two edges ?
Like the flat faces but not the curved surface which comprises several facets...
I don't think it's meant to [or able to] do what you wish...
What were you hoping for exactly ? -
Sorry, I misinterpreted the form, it looks like a 3d surface because you showed it 'upside down'... The other view explained it
So now I see no reason it shouldn't work on this other face.
Do you have any reversed faces ?
If you erase the face and remake it by overdrawing an edge does it split OK then ?
Is it one of these 'coincident faces' where if you erase it there's still one below it ??
Can you PM me the SKP for some testing ... -
Sorry about the orientation. I was just looking at it from below.
No reversed faces--those would be obvious with the green back face color I use. It's just a simple Follow Me. No coincident faces. Deleting the face and healing it seems to take care of the problem.
Another way to avoid the issue without even reforming the face is to select just the face and one short end edge, then it splits OK.
I think what it is, is that if you have all of the edges selected it takes the first one in the 'collection' and starts the splitting from there, because the form is 'concave' you can then get some diagonal splitting lines that don't do what you want if that first edge isn't a short 'end one'... Maybe reforming the face takes the first edge as the 'end one' and thereby running the tool with all of the face's edges selected works OK.So the lesson is select just the face and one edge that then determines where the splitting starts from - usually at the 'end' of the sausage !
Thanks, TIG.
So basically it might work if the face and all its edges are selected or it might not. And if it doesn't, select the face and only one edge. Got it.
oh... unbeleivable that i missed this one before... Thanks for bringing this up again, Dave.
Great plugin! thank you very much! i will try it -
This splitter would UNDOUBTEDLY become megahitif it additionally could align pre-applied textures along edges.
@rv1974 said:
This splitter would UNDOUBTEDLY become megahitif it additionally could align pre-applied textures along edges.
Sorry TIG,
I just didn't select the edge - it works like a charm.