Problem with highpoly models
Thanxa lot, I am new here.
I appreciate it.
@stevo tyelaap said:
Hi everyone,
I have a problem in Sketchup pro8 when I want to render a highpoly model. When I go over 200 MB, I cannot render, Vray just don't open a frame buffer.
My configuration in laptop is prity good Interl i7, 8 GBB DDR3, Intel HD graphic card recognized in SketchUp OPEN GL.Thank you all in advance for any advice
I have had similar issues but eventually the frame buffer loaded and it took 2 days to render a scene due to extreme amounts of displacement mapping. I did however monitor my cpu usage to ensure that vray was doing its pre-calculations and it was. Perhaps someone has a better method or know how.
I have problem with rendering time when a displacement is turn on, I just try displacement in segment, testing, and go on without it. ;ater I just turn on all displacement when I want to render a final image. I have no better advice. I am thinking of vray in 3ds max because this problems. I'll keep modeling in SketchUp, cause it's the best and faster way, but render...
- this is preview renders in project I have been told about, approximately 200 MB
@stevo tyelaap said: this is preview renders in project I have been told about, approximately 200 MB
Broken link
Thank you, it was locked. I habe unlocked it. You can watch
@stevo tyelaap said:
Hi everyone,
I have a problem in Sketchup pro8 when I want to render a highpoly model. When I go over 200 MB, I cannot render, Vray just don't open a frame buffer.
My configuration in laptop is prity good Interl i7, 8 GBB DDR3, Intel HD graphic card recognized in SketchUp OPEN GL.Thank you all in advance for any advice
try to render VRimg image and explode as much as possible the scene means explode all the groups and nested components at the time of rendering. Not surely but it will help you.
sorry nitav - exploding everything is not appropriate advice. The OP is talking about displacement causing long processing times. Exploding groups and components will not help, in fact, it would not allow displacement to work, as the geometry has to be isolated in a group or component order for displacement to work.
What I have found to be helpful with displacement is to subdivide the geometry that has displacement on it. When you have large planes and use displacement, it can take a very long time for vray to process the subdivisions. With smaller faces, displacement can go much quicker. Nevertheless, it is very view dependent, if you have a large area of displacement in your scene, it can cause vray to be extremely slow. There is also a trick to save your lightcache and irradiance map passes using bump-map only, and render your final full-res image with displacement turned back on, but there is a bug currently with saved irradiance maps.
Subdividing mesh to be displaced is recommended. It reduces memory usage as V-Ray needs to hold memory for the whole face it processes. When you split up the faces it will use less memory.
Though that doesn't necessarily mean faster render times. -
@andybot said:
there is a bug currently with saved irradiance maps.
ah ok, so i'm not totally dumbass. i was trying to figure out why when i use saved maps there are color artifacts here and there.. so it is a bug..
In my expirience materials with diplacement maps render faster with subdivided geometry, as abowe mentioned, but when rendering, cpu usage is still wery low, it does not go to 100 % as when rendering without materials with displacement in groups. Best way to go with such large models and displacement is to render with exploded model, save IR and LC maps, load them again in model with grouped materials and render again. For now that metod worked for me. Hope it helps.
@neshxy said:
In my expirience materials with diplacement maps render faster with subdivided geometry, as abowe mentioned, but when rendering, cpu usage is still wery low, it does not go to 100 % as when rendering without materials with displacement in groups. Best way to go with such large models and displacement is to render with exploded model, save IR and LC maps, load them again in model with grouped materials and render again. For now that metod worked for me. Hope it helps.
how exactly does exploding the model help? Indirectly, it eliminates any displacement mapping because displacement doesn't work when the geometry is not grouped, but other than that, there is absolutely no advantage. You can just turn displacement off for the materials that are giving you trouble and save your maps from that render. It's just plain bad advice to explode your model, there is no advantage, but lots of potential pain.
Eh, you are right about exploding Andy, i got carried away with one of the previous posts, what i meant is that rendering of displacement goes faster with saved IR and LC maps