Recent Work..
Very Nice, did you use Tig's 'slicer' plugin for the underlying structure?
thanks rc and teofas..
solo, you used to be able to tell them that but i haven't built the x-games ramps for the past 2 yrs though i did do the previous 8...
Ecuadorian - you should see what i mainly use it for
.. it's mostly a visual calculator of sorts - i see the geometry in my head and sketchup lets me easily spit out the numbers.. most of my drawings (i have a computer on site at all times.. an old G4 powerbook that should have died by now considering all the sawdust it's accumulated) wouldn't even make sense to anybody but me.. :
i don't even save those but this one stayed on my drive as an autosave..
but yeah, sketchup will definitely let you put it to work..prince - thanks.. no, i haven't heard of that one before..
[*begins scf search for slicer]
Your very skilled! Nice work to say the least. Post more jobs as you do great work....especially seeing it's on site built. Some people wouldn't understand the difference in how much harder it is compared to a well equip shop.
Excellent work!
I can smell the sawdust now... oh yeah, that is because I was just sanding in the garage. -
that is awsome! thanks for sharing. it would be too cool to see a brief tutorial on something like this:
i couldn't imagine where to begin.
it is great to see images of your workflow. it just comes to show how useful SUp can be.
Exquisite concrete form work too.
@xrok1 said:
:shock: that is awsome! thanks for sharing. it would be too cool to see a brief tutorial on something like this:
i couldn't imagine where to begin.
me 2
Splendid Jeff,
What may it be a proud and something making sense to lead such a project on to the real world!!
I'm jealous, but in the good way: admirative ..I understand better now your recent studies we can found Here: [Plugin] TrueTangents v1.9
simon -
Hi Jeff,
All your images disappeared from the first post. Could you upload them again and refresh the post (or even better; attach them to the post itself?)
For some reason all I can see is
Me too.
It's probably because we're too nit picky. -
these photos used to be on my mobileMe acct til apple decided to roll out iCloud and break all mobileMe links..
I'll see if I can locate them elsewhere then upload here
You should sue