[Plugin] Exporting a texture from a material
Whats the matter with exportingas a 3ds file to get all the images out? I saw you said you didn't want to do that, but I didn't catch why? What do you mean by manually relinking?
Hi Chris,
I just mean having to export the file on which i'm working just so i get the maps... manually relinking? I don't know what i was thinking about when i typed that... I've been linking maps to Maxwell materials for the last couple days- i imagine that made it into my post somehow- how embarrassing. -
thank you, i will try it
I'm a year an a half off on this topic, but if anyone cares, I have written a plugin to export all of the textures from your models. It's very fast and not coded in Ruby. It's freeware and you can get it from http://Raylectron.com
Please let me know how it works for you?
hi, the raylecton exporter looks good, however, i would like to retain the plugin's functionality inside sketchup.
so far the mass-export does not work because of this:
Error; #<ArgumentError; wrong number of arguments (2 for 3)> C;/PROGRA~1/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/rps_texturewrite.rb;25;in `export_texture' C;/PROGRA~1/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/rps_texturewrite.rb;25;in `exportTextures' C;/PROGRA~1/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/rps_texturewrite.rb;24;in `each' C;/PROGRA~1/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/rps_texturewrite.rb;24;in `exportTextures' C;/PROGRA~1/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/rps_texturewrite.rb;216
i would love to fix this, but i'm not familiar with Ruby, let alone Ruby inside Sketchup. if anyone could have a look at this issue, i'd be very very glad...
OR there's Didier's "Very Fast Texture Writer" http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=6386
rps_texturewrite.rb is not part of Raylectron, it's from Renderplus, so you may want to contact them.
The Raylectron texture exporter is very fast, and, you can select the format you want to save the images as, and where to save them, and, it's easier to use, with a nice GUI.
I got the same errors when trying to use rps_texturewrite.rb.
I fixed it and uploaded a new version into the first post in this thread.
@troyhome said:
Thank you, Al- this will help tremendously!
One thing i should note about the script is that when i do run it to export all materials, it appears as though something happens- as though there might be a window hiding that shows a save location or somethings- but then there is nothing. All i mean is- i wonder if the materials are saving to some hidden location?
Oh well- i like the .skm approach- thanks again!In the newest version, I added a display of the file names of all textures saved, which will appear in the Ruby Console. That should help:
Writing: c:\tmp/texture_test/F0.jpg
thanks for the fix, but in the meantime i also found the plugin TIG linked, so it's settled...
i might download the new version of this plugin, just to see the difference in source code; might come handy
Hello, I am new to sketchup and I am trying to use the program to create 3D models for a game. The issue I am having is when I export the model into Torque. We see all the colors I have applied but as for textures, they are all gone. Is there a way to change this outcome?
~G -
What format are you exporting to?
hi Al Hart, i would love if you change your plugin by reading the color name and than naming the textures. this would be cool
thank you
Would you like to rename color only materials in SketchUp (not materials with textures) so the name matches the color (eg. RGB 255,0,0 becomes red), for common colors and the hex color for non-standard colors (e.g. RGB 100,200,100 becomes #64c864)
One "problem" we found recently is that people don't call RGB 0,255,0 green - but rather call it lime- and call 0,128,0 green
as in this chart:
or did you mean that you wanted to rename the material itself to match the texture name included in the material?
or did you want to automatically rename the textures stored in the material to match the name of the material itself.
This gets tricky because the SketchUp material can have names like: a'b/c, while a'b/c would not be a legal name for the texture itself.
Al sorry for my very late answer.
- about Lime RGB 0 255 0
in the RAL Colorchart you have not a color with this Name and RGB value.
look here
standard colors Like RAL, HKS, PANTONE etc. is based on the subtractive color scheme (body colors) when you have "RGB" (normally additive color scheme) and add al three together you have black as result.
additive color scheme https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Additive_Farbmischung
result is white (light colors)
the RGB Value is only an orientation and the name of the color is an orientation ,too. some peoples can memorize names better than digits or numbers and vice versa.
- i would have this:
at (1) this name as image name, too in field (2)
actually the plugin doesn´t work with the last sketchup make, or i doing anithing wrong.
i have attache the skp file.. the object was created with eneroth extract material.
the color itself was created with a CSV-import-plugin.
sorry again for the late answer.
best regards Dean
Hi writers and devs in this thread.
Just 4 years later I found this!I am looking for an exporter that can export (to .png) "whatever" colors or material used in SketchUp into 1 file, and so that it can be used in an OBJ file.
In fact, something similar to what Blender can do ( Blender call it "bake" or "baking")
is this possible, does something similar already exist, or.. would someone do it?Regards